Explorations Child Enrichment Center

Explorations In October   


     Fall is definitely here!  The leaves are ready to turn colors, and the temperature is beginning to dip. This time of year is such a rich time for learning.  The changes outdoors offer so many opportunities for fun and enriching classroom activities as well as hands on explorations!

Fall pictures are scheduled for Wednesday, October 16th.  Watch for the picture form in your child’s classroom, and return it to us ASAP!

     The Explorers, Challengers and Discoverers are scheduled for a fall hayride atWarrick Farm on Thursday, October 24th.  The cost is $10.00/child which includes a small pumpkin to bring home.   Parents, you are welcome to join us! If you are coming on the hayride, but do not want a pumpkin, your cost is $7.00.  Be sure to sign the field trip form and bring in a CASH payment in an envelope with your child’s name on it.  Please plan to drive (and drive your child) if you want to come to assure that there is enough space on the busses for the children!  You can check out the farm at www.warrickfarm.com.    

     Mark your calendars for our third annual Trunk or Treat!  If you would like to join us (and we hope that you do), the date is set for Saturday, October 12th at 1:00 PM.  Parents, you can decorate your trunk and be part of the fun that way, or you can come on over and “trunk or treat” with us.  Please plan to park off site if you are not decorating, and please do not park in Sew-A-Lot’s parking lot.  All are welcome to contribute a bowl of candy to the event.  Be sure to write your name on the the bowl or bag so that we can make sure everyone knows it was from you!

     As the weather turns cooler, please check to see that your child has a jacket to wear and a change of clothes at the center that is appropriate for cooler weather.  We will take the children outside on a daily basis whenever possible!   Also, if you are any missing anything, you might take a look in our lost and found box under the front hall table.

     Parent’s Night Out this month is scheduled for the evening of October 12th. If you plan to have your child here, please sign up in the front hall as soon as possible so that we can plan accordingly for staff. 

     Have a hauntingly fun month, and enjoy the cool weather!



Explorations In September 

     The first days in September are here, and school is underway!  Our school-agers started with a mixture of cheers and groans, but everyone seems to be making the adjustment OK!  We are beginning to get into a fall mood, and we are planning and preparing for many fun activities!    

       Parents, it is important for you to let us know if your child will not be at the center.  It helps us with our lunch count, and it is ESPECIALLY important if we are planning to transport your school-ager back from school.  If they don’t come out with the group, we will have to spend valuable time finding out where he/she is.  Your cooperation with this matter will really help!        

       We are excited to have our new Enrollment year underway!  Our program is full with a waiting list. 

       PLAN AHEAD!  School pictures are scheduled for Wednesday, October 16th with Sara Smile Photography.  Watch for information to follow!        

      Parent’s Night Out will be on Saturday, September 14th this month.  Any interested parents need to sign up in the front hall as soon as it is posted to help us in our planning.  If you missed the note about P.N.O., or have any questions, just ask!     

       We have just celebrated our 26th anniversary!  Wow how time flies!!    Thank you to all of our families – old and new.  We truly appreciate the trust and support from all of you.  Thank you so much!  We are looking forward to a great school year.  Have a great month!



Explorations In August


     The summer has just flown by!  Can you believe that it is August already?  We know that the school-agers are counting down those last few weeks till school starts!  We’ve been so busy in and around the center with special activities and field trips.  Each class has found its own fun way to explore and discover summer.


   Re-registration time is here.  Hopefully by now we know everyone’s fall schedule.  If your child will be here for the school year, the annual registration fee is due by August 9th ($50.00 for one child and $100.00 for multiple children).  If there are going to be any changes that we are not aware of at this time, please let us know.  If your child will be attending public school, please be sure to fill out the Transportation form, so that we include your child on the bus list.  All families will need to sign their new Enrollment Agreements for the 2024-2025 enrollment period.  Please take the time to read your copy so that you are aware of our payment policies and fees.


Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, August 10th.  Sign up in the front hall if you plan to have your children attend so that we can plan our staff accordingly!


    We would also like to thank all our families who have trusted us over the years to take care of their children.  On August 28th Explorations will celebrate its 26th anniversary!  Wow, time flies!  We have had such a wonderful time watching “our kids” grow up!  What a GREAT feeling!  We are very happy to have all our families here.   We couldn’t be more appreciative of our wonderful families and the kindness and patience they have shown us.  It is rewarding, and makes us realize how much of a relationship we have developed with all of you!  Thank You!

     That’s all for now.  Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Explorations in June  

     Yeah!  Summer is finally here, and we have been SO busy getting ready for the changes that will take place!  Our summer calendar is FULL of “fun in the sun” activities and events. 

     Be sure to keep your summer calendar in a handy place.  You can also find information on all the trips and events in your child’s classroom.  We will keep you informed all summer long of daily events.  If your child is an Explorer, Challenger, Discoverer, Adventurer or School-ager, they will be embarking on periodic field trips.  (*The older the group, the more outings they will take!)  All of these traveling campers will receive a summer camp shirt that they will wear on all the outings.  We will keep them here at the center, wash them, and send them home at the end of the summer session.  The calendar and website include information on the group that is participating, any costs involved, days that they need to bring a sack lunch and the departure and return times for the field trips.  Before your child can go on a bus trip, you will need to sign a permission slip and pay (if applicable).  Cash only please.  *Please be sure that any sack lunch is a healthy lunch.  Daycare licensing expects all meals eaten by the children while in our care to meet acceptable nutritional standards.

     The summer activity was billed May 28th.  The fee is $50.00 for one child and $100.00 for more than one child.  This fee is only for Explorers, Challengers, Discoverers, Adventurers and School-agers.  By now you should have seen the invoice on ProCare.

     Parents Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, June 8th.  Be sure to sign up if you would like to participate so that we can staff the evening accordingly!

     Beginning the week of June 3rd, we will have water play days scheduled for the toddlers, 2’s, preschoolers, Adventurers and School age.  Your child’s scheduled days are posted outside the classroom on the door.  Be sure to check so you are prepared on that day with a LABELED swimsuit (or swimmers for the younger children), a towel and sunscreen (with a sunscreen form signed) in your child’s room.  The wet clothes need to be taken home and laundered each week.  This is also a good time to refresh your child’s extra clothes that you keep here with us.  Are they the right season, and are they still the right size??

      That’s all for now.   We are excited about the summer program!  As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns!  


Explorations In May


      Let’s hear it for sunny warm weather, flowers in bloom and trees with green leaves!  We love the nice weather.  It brings a whole bunch of new things to do!  We love spending time outside each day when it’s really pleasant to be out, and we love to explore all the changes that are happening every day! 

  Speaking of sunny, warm weather, it may not be too soon to bring in a bottle of sunscreen for your child.  Remember to label it with their full name, and sign the consent form (we can’t apply it without your written consent).  A really great idea would be for you to apply the sunscreen to your child before arrival in the morning.  This gives it time to soak in; it usually requires 30 minutes.  This idea is especially good if your child is scheduled for an outdoor field trip.  Also, if your child keeps a change of clothes at the center, please be sure that it is suitable for warm weather.

Summer camp is right around the corner!  Please let us know if you will have any schedule changes if you have not already!

  Preschool and school age parents, your summer camp activity fee is due by May 17th.  You will be invoiced directly on ProCare, so no need to write a check!  The cost is $50.00 per a child or $100.00 per a family.  This fee will help to defer the costs for special visitors and programs as well as gasoline for the daily trips.  Each camper will also receive a summer camp shirt to wear on all field trips, which you will take home at the end of the summer.  The summer activity calendars will be available in the next few weeks.  Trip information will also be on the website.  Thank you very much for your cooperation.

 Parents Night Out is scheduled for the evening of Saturday, May 10th.  If you would like to enjoy an evening out, sign up in the front hall on the sheet provided.  The kids always have lots of fun, and the parents get some needed adult time!

 As always, if you have any ideas, questions or concerns, we want to hear from you.  Let us know what you are thinking!  Have a great month!



Explorations In April


          Spring is definitely in the air, and we couldn’t be happier!  Since the weather is finally cooperating, you can count on the children being outside every dry day.  Remember that it may still be cool, even cold in the morning (or sometimes all day), so be sure to send your child in with a jacket.  As much as the kids would like us to, we will not send them out on the playground in short sleeves when the temperature is in the 50’s.  You may want to consider leaving a sweatshirt in your child’s cubby for those days that he/she set off in a coat, and it warmed up during the day.  If you do leave a sweater or sweatshirt, please write your child’s name on the tag.  Thanks!! 

          Also, when you are picking up in the evening please be aware that it is against state law to leave a child in a car seat with the engine running.  There was a parent complaint that children were left in the car while the parent ran in.  Although we would never anticipate a problem, better safe than sorry! 

You should have received a summer and fall planning worksheet.  Please take a moment to fill it out and drop it in the office ASAP.  We are busy working on our summer and fall class lists! 

Spring photos are scheduled for Thursday, April 18th with Sara Smile Photography.  Please turn in your envelope as soon as you receive it to let us know if you would like your child’s picture taken.  Sara should be ready around 8:00 am. 

           Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, April 13th!  If this is new to you, we offer an evening of babysitting at the center on the 2nd Saturday of each month.  The cost is $50/first child and $10/each additional child.  Watch for the sign up sheet in the front hall.  Remember to sign up in advance if you would like to participate.   

     Please remember to drive SLLOOWLLY through the parking lot.  Also, parents, please hold your young child’s hand as you walk to the car.  We have witnessed a few children running through the lot, sometimes not even towards their own car.  Yikes!  Thanks for your help and consideration. 

     We are looking forward to the nice weather ahead, and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors as we watch (and learn from) the changes taking place all around us!  Have a great month.  Think WARM!



Explorations In March

     Let’s here it for March, because surely it means that spring can’t be far away!  Here at the center, we have been SO busy indoors, but boy we are happy to take it outside! 

     Already, we have begun planning for our summer and fall class lists.  If you are aware of any changes that will take place, or if you are a parent of a child entering kindergarten or elementary school, please let us know what your needs will be.  You should have already received a summer/fall planning sheet.  Please drop that in the office ASAP.

     As we come closer to the end of cold and flu season, we want to say THANK YOU for remembering our illness policy, and helping to keep as many germs away from our children as possible!  Illness is always so widespread this time of year.  As a reminder, if your child exhibits any communicable symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., please keep them home.  They cannot return until the symptoms have been gone for 24 hours.  Tylenol or another medication may make them feel better, but they are still contagious.  It is disheartening to have a child in the center all morning, and have a fever appear in the afternoon, after a dose of Tylenol has worn off.  This is definitely the hardest time of year!

      Parents Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, March 16th this month.  As a reminder, the price for the first child is $50.00.  The sign up sheet is on the front hall table.  Please sign up as soon as possible if you are interested so that we can plan for adequate staff.

     We will offer spring photos again this year – the exact date is not set yet, but we will let you know very soon!  We will be using Sara Smile Photography again.  We were very happy with her in the fall.

      That’s all for now, but watch for notes to follow with spring related activities, as the weather decides to cooperate with us!  Let us know if you have any issues that you need to discuss at any time.  Again, and always, thanks for all your cooperation, and for being a part of our Explorations family!



Explorations In February


      Here we are in the second month of 2024.  January can be such a dreary and COLD month!  Let’s all think positive for February!  With February comes the first hope for signs of an early spring!  THINK WARM!!

      Even though the children were stuck inside for much of the January, they found many interesting and exciting things to do to keep them thinking and busy. 

      The next scheduled Parent’s Night Out is set for Saturday, February 10th.  If you were thinking that an evening out with your Valentine would be just the thing – then sign up in the front hall!  We’re ready for you!  If you have any questions, just ask!

     The children will be celebrating Valentine’s Day in their classrooms.  Each group is making their own plans, so be sure to look for a separate note, or check with your child’s teacher for the details.

     This time of year is always very difficult with illnesses of every sort.  Please be reassured that we are doing all that we can to keep the germs in the building at a minimum.  We diligently keep the toys and rooms cleaned and disinfected, and try to isolate and remove any contagious children from the center.  It’s hard for all of us.  We also experience the added difficulty of contagious kids infecting the staff.  We ask that all of you do all that you can to help us to survive the cold and flu season by not bringing your child in with communicable symptoms such as fevers, rashes and vomiting.  If they vomited during the night please don’t assume that they are fine the next morning and bring them in!  Remember, even if you mask the fever symptoms, your child is still contagious, and needs to be home until he/she is symptom free for 24 hours.  Yes – this can create a hardship with missed days at work, but your consideration and understanding is GREATLY appreciated.  Thank you!

          As always, let us know if you have any questions, ideas, or concerns.  Have a great month, and remember to think warm.


Explorations in January

 Happy New Year!  We have sailed through the holidays, and January has arrived.  We are excited to be entering the New Year!  Without a doubt, many fun and exciting things are going to happen!

       Hopefully, everyone enjoyed their holidays, and had a little bit of extra free time to spend with their families.

       We would like to give a GREAT BIG HEARTFELT THANK YOU to everyone for your enthusiasm and sharing attitudes with Hannah’s Treasure Chest Giving Angels Program.  With everyone’s contribution, the project was a great success.   THANK YOU SO MUCH!

     Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, January 13th.  Watch for the sign-up sheet in the front hall.

       It’s January, so let it snow… right?  If it does, and we have any major accumulation, please assume that we will always remain open if it is possible.  We do not plan to close for snow days.  School age parents, we will be prepared to accept you child for the full day as needed if the schools are closed.  If there is a delay, we will provide transportation to school. Remember that there is a $20.00 fee for the full day.  In the unlikely event that it is necessary to close, it will be posted with all the local news stations.  It will also be posted on our Facebook page (facebook.com/explorationscenterville).

       Keep in mind that if the playground is snowy, it is difficult to take the children outside.  In order for them to play outside, they have to be in a protective layer that will keep their indoor clothes (pants, socks, and shoes) dry for their indoor time.  Unless the whole group, or a large portion of the group comes in “snow clothes” the teachers must keep them inside.  Your child’s teacher may inform you of a certain day, or plan for outdoor play.

       THANK YOU parents for your cooperation and understanding with our illness policy!  This is a rough time of year for us all, and we appreciate your helpful attitudes.  We know how hard it can be to have a sick child, but hopefully we can keep the spreading of germs down to a minimum!

       That’s all for now.  Try to keep warm and have a good month!

Explorations In December        

December is one of the busiest months for all of us, and there will be no exception to that rule around here!  Do you think that we can take all of that excited energy flowing through the children, and turn it into creativity and learning?  That is our goal, and we hope to reach it by singing, reading, sharing and learning as we watch fall turn into (Brrrrr) winter!    

Mark your calendar for December 14th!  We will have a special visit from Santa!  He should arrive at 9:30.  Parents and grandparents are invited for this special “Cookies with Santa” event. Sara Smile Photography will be here too for photos.  Be sure to send in your payment envelopes if you would like a picture with Santa!  We are asking for a plate of cookies from anyone who would like to contribute, and hope that many of you can join us for an hour or two!     

Thank you everybody for your wonderful participation with the “Giving Angels” program.  It’s nice to know that we helped to make some Miami Valley families happy during the holiday season.   

 Please remember to fill out a vacation request form ASAP if you would like to use one or both of your vacation credits over the holidays.   

 We have an extra Parent’s “Day” Out scheduled this month for shopping the morning of December 2nd from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  If you bring your child during this time, please send them with a packed lunch.  Parent’s Night Out is the evening of December 9th.     

There are just a couple requests that we have.  Please be sure that when your child is in the building or parking lot he/she is either with you, or with the teacher.  It is disruptive and unsafe for the children to be in the building unattended.  We are having problems with fast drivers in the parking lot!  This is SO dangerous, and we have had several complaints.  PLEASE SLOW DOWN and watch very carefully.  It is getting dark early.  Please be safe.  We appreciate your courtesy.  Thank you!    

     That’s all for now.  Have a safe and happy holiday!


Explorations In November   


Isn’t it amazing how fast the months pass by?  Here it is November already, with thoughts of the upcoming holidays just around the corner!    

We had a GREAT time Trunk-or-Treating last month.  Thanks to all of our families that decorated and handed out candy, or donated candyIt is (unfortunately) the time of year where we see many children with colds, flu, Covid and a variety of other illnesses.  Please review theCommunicable Disease Policy in your handbook on the website for the list of symptoms that need to be noticed, and how our staff will handle them.  If your child exhibits any symptoms that are more than just those of a basic cold, he/she will need to be kept at home for at least 24 hours after the symptoms disappear.  Please realize that giving your child Tylenol or other OTC medications before coming in the morning will only mask symptoms, BUT THEY ARE STILL CONTAGEOUS, and they will infect the other children.  If you do medicate your child in any way, please inform his/her teacher, so that they will be aware, and know to watch for any side effects or problems.  We understand that it is difficult to miss work.  It’s equally difficult for us when our teachers are exposed to illness and miss work.  Let’s all grin and bear it and do our best to be helpful, healthy and courteous!       

Each holiday season, we partner with a charitable organization that helps to provide some Christmas cheer” to children in need.  Once again this year we are participating in Hannah’s Treasure Chest’s “Giving Angels Program”.  During the first week of November, we will be given tags with children’s names and gift wishes on them.  Any family can choose a tag and buy the gift that is on it.  Watch for more details to follow!    

 We are also doing a Holiday Aid canned food drive again this year.  We will definitely use this project as a teaching tool about helping others with our children throughout the center!  There will be a barrel for dropping off food donations in the vestibule. We’re hoping that each family can donate a little something.           

If you will be using one or both of your vacation weeks over the holidays, be sure to fill out a Vacation Request form so that we will have it in advance.  We will not credit the week unless we have your written request.  The forms are located on the Parent Bulletin Board in the front hall, or they can be downloaded from the “Parent Forms” section of the website.          

This time of year, it’s nice to take a moment to stop and notice all the things that we are thankful for.  The Explorations staff would like to say thank you to all of our families that have entrusted their wonderful children to our care.  Your confidence means a lot to us!  Thank you and happy Thanksgiving!




Explorations In October   


     Fall is definitely here!  The leaves are ready to turn colors, and the temperature is beginning to dip. This time of year is such a rich time for learning.  The changes outdoors offer so many opportunities for fun and enriching classroom activities as well as hands on explorations!

     The Explorers, Challengers and Discoverers are scheduled for a fall hayride atWarrick Farm on Thursday, October 26th.  The cost is $10.00/child which includes a small pumpkin to bring home.   Parents, you are welcome to join us! If you are coming on the hayride, but do not want a pumpkin, your cost is $7.00.  Be sure to sign the field trip form and bring in a CASH payment in an envelope with your child’s name on it.  Please plan to drive (and drive your child) if you want to come to assure that there is enough space on the busses for the children!  You can check out the farm at www.warrickfarm.com.    

     Mark your calendars for our third annual Trunk or Treat!  If you would like to join us (and we hope that you do), the date is set for Saturday, October 14th at 1:00 PM.  Parents, you can decorate your trunk and be part of the fun that way, or you can come on over and “trunk or treat” with us.  Please plan to park off site if you are not decorating, and please do not park in Sew-A-Lot’s parking lot.  All are welcome to contribute a bowl of candy to the event.  Be sure to write your name on the the bowl or bag so that we can make sure everyone knows it was from you!

     As the weather turns cooler, please check to see that your child has a jacket to wear and a change of clothes at the center that is appropriate for cooler weather.  We will take the children outside on a daily basis whenever possible!   Also, if you are any missing anything, you might take a look in our lost and found box under the front hall table.

     Parent’s Night Out this month is scheduled for the evening of October 21st. If you plan to have your child here, please sign up in the front hall as soon as possible so that we can plan accordingly for staff. 

     Have a hauntingly fun month, and enjoy the cool weather!



Explorations In September


     The first days in September are here, and school is underway!  Our school-agers started with a mixture of cheers and groans, but everyone seems to be making the adjustment OK!  We are beginning to get into a fall mood, and we are planning and preparing for many fun activities!


       Parents, it is important for you to let us know if your child will not be at the center.  It helps us with our lunch count, and it is ESPECIALLY important if we are planning to transport your school-ager back from school.  If they don’t come out with the group, we will have to spend valuable time finding out where he/she is.  Your cooperation with this matter will really help!


       We are excited to have our new Enrollment year underway!  Our program is full with a waiting list.


       School pictures are scheduled for Thursday, September 21st with Sara Smile Photography.  Watch for information to follow!


      Parent’s Night Out will be on Saturday, September 9th this month.  Any interested parents need to sign up in the front hall as soon as it is posted to help us in our planning.  If you missed the note about P.N.O., or have any questions, just ask Linda.


       We have just celebrated our 25th anniversary!  Wow how time flies!!    Thank you to all of our families – old and new.  We truly appreciate the trust and support from all of you.  Thank you so much!  We are looking forward to a great school year.  Have a great month!



Explorations In August           

     The summer has just flown by!  Can you believe that it is August already?  We know that the school-agers are counting down those last few weeks till school starts!  We’ve been so busy in and around the center with special activities and field trips.  Each class has found its own fun way to explore and discover summer.


   Re-registration time is here.  Hopefully by now we know everyone’s fall schedule.  If your child will be here for the school year, the annual registration fee is due by August 11th ($50.00 for one child and $100.00 for multiple children).  If there are going to be any changes that we are not aware of at this time, please let us know.  If your child will be attending public school, please be sure to fill out the Transportation form, so that we include your child on the bus list.  All families will need to sign their new Enrollment Agreements for the 2023-2024 enrollment period.  Please take the time to read your copy so that you are aware of our payment policies and fees.


Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, August 12th.  Sign up in the front hall if you plan to have your children attend so that we can plan our staff accordingly!


    We would also like to thank all our families who have trusted us over the years to take care of their children.  On August 28th Explorations will celebrate its 25th anniversary!  Wow, time flies!  We have had such a wonderful time watching “our kids” grow up!  What a GREAT feeling!  We are very happy to have all our families here.   We couldn’t be more appreciative of our wonderful families and the kindness and patience they have shown us.  It is rewarding, and makes us realize how much of a relationship we have developed with all of you!  Thank You!

     That’s all for now.  Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Explorations In July     

     Summer is in full swing, and we have been busier than ever!  The children have been having such fun with water play and field trips.

     The children have been doing art and craft projects, listening to stories and singing songs about America’s birthday.  Everyone seems to be excited about seeing the fireworks and celebrating our nation’s birthday.

          With all the field trips taking place each week, be sure that you are referring to your summer calendar each day.  Some days your child may need to wear socks or bring swimwear.  You don’t want to be caught unprepared!  We have had some great feedback from the kids and parents on favorite outings this summer.  Let us know if you have any thoughts or ideas as we continue our adventures.  Also, please be sure to pack your child a lunch on the picnic days scheduled, according to the summer calendar.  Thank you for your cooperation on this!

            Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, July 8th.  Watch for the sign-up sheet in the front hall before that date, so we can plan our staffing correctly.

        We are starting to work on our fall class lists.  Please inform us of any changes that might take place at that time.  We are also working on the bus schedules.  Please check and make sure we have the right school listed for your child, especially for those going into kindergarten or Young Five’s and second grade.  If you have not let us know whether your child is am or pm, please do asap!

          As always, please let us know of any ideas, questions or concerns that you may have.  Your input is always welcome.  Have a great month!





Explorations In June    

Yeah!  Summer is finally here, and we have been SO busy getting ready for the changes that will take place!  Our summer calendar is FULL of “fun in the sun” activities and events. 

     Be sure to keep your summer calendar in a handy place.  It will keep you informed all summer long of daily events.  If your child is an Explorer, Challenger, Discoverer, Adventurer or School-ager, they will be embarking on periodic field trips.  (*The older the group, the more outings they will take!)  All of these traveling campers will receive a summer camp shirt that they will wear on all the outings.  We will keep them here at the center, wash them, and send them home at the end of the summer session.  The calendar and website include information on the group that is participating, any costs involved, days that they need to bring a sack lunch and the departure and return times for the field trips.  Before your child can go on a bus trip, you will need to sign a permission slip and pay (if applicable).  *Please be sure that the sack lunch is a healthy lunch.  Daycare licensing expects all meals eaten by the children while in our care to meet acceptable nutritional standards.

          Parents Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, June 10th.  Be sure to sign up if you would like to participate so that we can staff the evening accordingly!

     Beginning the week of June 6th, we will have water play days scheduled for the toddlers, 2’s, preschoolers, Adventurers and School age.  Your child’s scheduled days are posted outside the classroom on the door.  Be sure to check so you are prepared on that day with a LABELED swimsuit (or swimmers for the younger children), a towel and sunscreen in your child’s room.  The wet clothes need to be taken home and laundered each week.  This is also a good time to refresh your child’s extra clothes that you keep here with us.  Are they the right season, and are they still the right size??

      That’s all for now.   We are excited about the summer program!  As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns!  


Explorations In May


     Let’s hear it for sunny warm weather, flowers in bloom and trees with green leaves!  We love the nice weather.  It brings a whole bunch of new things to do!  We love spending time outside each day when it’s really pleasant to be out, and we love to explore all the changes that are happening every day!  

     Speaking of sunny, warm weather, it may not be too soon to bring in a bottle of sunscreen for your child.  Remember to label it with their full name, and sign the consent form (we can’t apply it without your written consent).  A really great idea would be for you to apply the sunscreen to your child before arrival in the morning.  This gives it time to soak in; it usually requires 30 minutes.  This idea is especially good if your child is scheduled for an outdoor field trip.  Also, if your child keeps a change of clothes at the center, please be sure that it is suitable for warm weather. 

Summer camp is right around the corner!  Please let us know if you will have any schedule changes! 

     Preschool and school age parents, your summer camp activity fee is due by May 19th.  You will be invoiced directly on ProCare, so no need to write a check!  The cost is $50.00 per a child or $100.00 per a family.  This fee will help to defer the costs for special visitors and programs as well as gasoline for the daily trips.  Each camper will also receive a summer camp shirt to wear on all field trips, which you will take home at the end of the summer.  The summer activity calendars will be available in the next few weeks.  Trip information will also be on the website.  Thank you very much for your cooperation. 

     Parents Night Out is scheduled for the evening of Saturday, May 13th.  If you would like to enjoy an evening out, sign up in the front hall on the sheet provided.  The kids always have lots of fun, and the parents get some needed adult time! 

          As always, if you have any ideas, questions or concerns, we want to hear from you.  Let us know what you are thinking!  Have a

Explorations In April

         Spring is definitely in the air, and we couldn’t be happier!  Since the weather is finally cooperating, you can count on the children being outside every dry day.  Remember that it may still be cool, even cold in the morning (or sometimes all day), so be sure to send your child in with a jacket.  As much as the kids would like us to, we will not send them out on the playground in short sleeves when the temperature is in the 50’s.  You may want to consider leaving a sweatshirt in your child’s cubby for those days that he/she set off in a coat, and it warmed up during the day.  If you do leave a sweater or sweatshirt, please write your child’s name on the tag.  Thanks!!

          Also, when you are picking up in the evening please be aware that it is against state law to leave a child in a car seat with the engine running.  There was a parent complaint that children were left in the car while the parent ran in.  Although we would never anticipate a problem, better safe than sorry!

You should have received a summer and fall planning worksheet.  Please take a moment to fill it out and drop it in the office ASAP.  We are busy working on our summer and fall class lists!

The Easter Bunny will be making an appearance on Tuesday April 4th.  He will be here at 9:30.  Watch for a picture of your child with the Easter Bunny on Procare!

           Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, April 8th!  If this is new to you, we offer an evening of babysitting at the center on the 2nd Saturday of each month.  The cost is $50/first child and $10/each additional child.  Watch for the sign up sheet in the front hall.  Remember to sign up in advance if you would like to participate.

     Please remember to drive SLLOOWLLY through the parking lot.  Also, parents, please hold your young child’s hand as you walk to the car.  We have witnessed a few children running through the lot, sometimes not even towards their own car.  Yikes!  Thanks for your help and consideration.

     We are looking forward to the nice weather ahead, and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors as we watch (and learn from) the changes taking place all around us!  Have a great month.  Think WARM!




Explorations In March


     Let’s here it for March, because surely it means that spring can’t be far away!  Here at the center, we have been SO busy indoors, but boy we are happy to take it outside! 

     Already, we have begun planning for our summer and fall class lists.  If you are aware of any changes that will take place, or if you are a parent of a child entering kindergarten or elementary school, please let us know ASAP what your needs will be.  A summer/fall planning sheet will be coming home in the next few weeks.

     As we come closer to the end of cold and flu season, we want to say THANK YOU for remembering our illness policy, and helping to keep as many germs away from our children as possible!  Illness is always so widespread this time of year.  As a reminder, if your child exhibits any communicable symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., please keep them home.  They cannot return until the symptoms have been gone for 24 hours.  Tylenol or another medication may make them feel better, but they are still contagious.  It is disheartening to have a child in the center all morning, and have a fever appear in the afternoon, after a dose of Tylenol has worn off.  This is definitely the hardest time of year!

      Parents Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, March 11th this month.  As a reminder, the price for the first child is $50.00.  The sign up sheet is on the front hall table.  Please sign up as soon as possible if you are interested so that we can plan for adequate staff.

     We will offer spring photos again this year – the exact date is not set yet, but we will let you know very soon!  We will be using Sara Smile Photography again.  We were very happy with her in the fall.

      That’s all for now, but watch for notes to follow with spring related activities, as the weather decides to cooperate with us!  Let us know if you have any issues that you need to discuss at any time.  Again, and always, thanks for all your cooperation, and for being a part of our Explorations family!



Explorations In February


      Here we are in the second month of 2023.  January can be such a dreary and COLD month!  Let’s all think positive for February!  With February comes the first hope for signs of an early spring!  THINK WARM!!

      Even though the children were stuck inside for much of the January, they found many interesting and exciting things to do to keep them thinking and busy. 

      The next scheduled Parent’s Night Out is set for Saturday, February 11th.  If you were thinking that an evening out with your Valentine would be just the thing – then sign up in the front hall!  We’re ready for you!  If you have any questions, just ask!

     The children will be celebrating Valentine’s Day in their classrooms.  Each group is making their own plans, so be sure to look for a separate note, or check with your child’s teacher for the details.

     This time of year is always very difficult with illnesses of every sort.  Please be reassured that we are doing all that we can to keep the germs in the building at a minimum.  We diligently keep the toys and rooms cleaned and disinfected, and try to isolate and remove any contagious children from the center.  It’s hard for all of us.  We also experience the added difficulty of contagious kids infecting the staff.  We ask that all of you do all that you can to help us to survive the cold and flu season by not bringing your child in with communicable symptoms such as fevers, rashes and vomiting.  If they vomited during the night please don’t assume that they are fine the next morning and bring them in!  Remember, even if you mask the fever symptoms, your child is still contagious, and needs to be home until he/she is symptom free for 24 hours.  Yes – this can create a hardship with missed days at work, but your consideration and understanding is GREATLY appreciated.  Thank you!

          As always, let us know if you have any questions, ideas, or concerns.  Have a great month, and remember to think warm.


Explorations In December    

     December is one of the busiest months for all of us, and there will be no exception to that rule around here!  Do you think that we can take all of that excited energy flowing through the children, and turn it into creativity and learning?  That is our goal, and we hope to reach it by singing, reading, sharing and learning as we watch fall turn into (Brrrrr) winter! 

     Mark your calendar for December 20th!  We will have a special visit from Santa!  He should arrive at 9:30.  Parents and grandparents are invited for this special “Cookies with Santa” event. Sara Smile Photography will be here too for photos.  Be sure to send in your payment envelopes if you would like a picture with Santa!  We are asking for a plate of cookies from anyone who would like to contribute, and hope that many of you can join us for an hour or two!

      Thank you everybody for your wonderful participation with the “Giving Angels” program.  It’s nice to know that we helped to make some Miami Valley families happy during the holiday season.

     As we come to the end of another calendar year, please make sure that your account is current.  We will be giving all families that do not have zero balances a statement.  If you receive one in your child’s room, be sure to check it.  It will inform you of your balance.  As you know from your Enrollment Agreement and handbook, tuition payments are due the FIRST day of each week or month that your child attends.  Charges should not be carrying over from the previous week.  Starting the first of the year, we will begin accepting ACH payments through Procare.  All accounts need to be current by that time.  

     Please remember to fill out a vacation request form ASAP if you would like to use one or both of your vacation credits over the holidays.

     We have an extra Parent’s “Day” Out scheduled this month for shopping the morning of December 3rd from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  If you bring your child during this time, please send them with a packed lunch.  Parent’s Night Out is the evening of December 10th. 

     There are just a couple requests that we have.  Please be sure that when your child is in the building or parking lot he/she is either with you, or with the teacher.  It is disruptive and unsafe for the children to be in the building unattended.  We are having problems with fast drivers in the parking lot!  This is SO dangerous, and we have had several complaints.  PLEASE SLOW DOWN and watch very carefully.  It is getting dark early.  Please be safe.  We appreciate your courtesy.  Thank you!    

     That’s all for now.  Have a safe and happy holiday!


Explorations In November    

 Isn’t it amazing how fast the months pass by?  Here it is November already, with thoughts of the upcoming holidays just around the corner! 

     We had a GREAT time Trunk-or-Treating last month.  Thanks to all of our families that decorated and handed out candy, or donated candy!

      It is (unfortunately) the time of year where we see many children with colds, flu, Covid and a variety of other illnesses.  Please review the Communicable Disease Policy in your handbook on the website for the list of symptoms that need to be noticed, and how our staff will handle them.  If your child exhibits any symptoms that are more than just those of a basic cold, he/she will need to be kept at home for at least 24 hours after the symptoms disappear.  Please realize that giving your child Tylenol or other OTC medications before coming in the morning will only mask symptoms, BUT THEY ARE STILL CONTAGEOUS, and they will infect the other children.  If you do medicate your child in any way, please inform his/her teacher, so that they will be aware, and know to watch for any side effects or problems.  We understand that it is difficult to miss work.  It’s equally difficult for us when our teachers are exposed to illness and miss work.  Let’s all grin and bear it and do our best to be helpful, healthy and courteous!

     One note about tuition payments…  Please check any statement that is given to you.  Unless you request a regular statement, you will only see one if we are informing you of a discrepancy in your balance.  Your account is past due if you owe for more than the current week.  Please settle your account upon receipt of statement.  All accounts are expected to be kept current.  Occasionally, there may be a problem, but we do expect that there will not be an on-going balance.  Please be aware of this policy. 

     Each holiday season, we partner with a charitable organization that helps to provide some Christmas cheer” to children in need.  Once again this year we are participating in Hannah’s Treasure Chest’s “Giving Angels Program”.  During the first week of November, we will be given tags with children’s names and gift wishes on them.  Any family can choose a tag and buy the gift that is on it.  Watch for more details to follow! 

     We are also doing a Holiday Aid canned food drive again this year.  We will definitely use this project as a teaching tool about helping others with our children throughout the center!  There will be a barrel for dropping off food donations in the vestibule. We’re hoping that each family can donate a little something.

     Parents Night Out is scheduled for November 12th.  Both this month and next month we are adding a Parents Day Out.  In November it will be on the 26th and in December it is scheduled for the 3rd.  Time to start Christmas shopping!

      If you will be using one or both of your vacation weeks over the holidays, be sure to fill out a Vacation Request form so that we will have it in advance.  We will not credit the week unless we have your written request.  The forms are located on the Parent Bulletin Board in the front hall, or they can be downloaded from the “Parent Forms” section of the website. 

          This time of year, it’s nice to take a moment to stop and notice all the things that we are thankful for.  The Explorations staff would like to say thank you to all of our families that have entrusted their wonderful children to our care.  Your confidence means a lot to us!  Thank you and happy Thanksgiving!


Explorations In October   


     Fall is definitely here!  The leaves are ready to turn colors, and the temperature is beginning to dip. This time of year is such a rich time for learning.  The changes outdoors offer so many opportunities for fun and enriching classroom activities as well as hands on explorations!

     The Challengers and Discoverers are scheduled for a fall hayride atWarrick Farm on October 27th.  Be sure to watch for information about this fun event if your child is in one of those classes.  Parents, you are welcome to join us!  Please plan to drive (and drive your child) if you want to come to assure that there is enough space on the busses for the children!  You can check out the farm at www.warrickfarm.com.    

     Mark your calendars for our second annual Trunk or Treat!  If you would like to join us (and we hope that you do), the date is set for Saturday, October 8th at 2:00 PM.  Parents, you can decorate your trunk and be part of the fun that way, or you can come on over and “trunk or treat” with us.  Please plan to park off site if you are not decorating.   and please do not park in Sew-A-Lot’s parking lot.  All are welcome to contribute a bowl of candy to the event.  Be sure to write your name on the the bowl or bag so that we can make sure everyone knows it was from you!

     As the weather turns cooler, please check to see that your child has a jacket to wear and a change of clothes at the center that is appropriate for cooler weather.  We will take the children outside on a daily basis whenever possible!   Also, if you are any missing anything, you might take a look in our lost and found box under the front hall table.

     Parent’s Night Out this month is scheduled for the evening of October 15th. If you plan to have your child here, please sign up in the front hall as soon as possible so that we can plan accordingly for staff. 

     Have a hauntingly fun month, and enjoy the cool weather!


Explorations In September


     The first days in September are here, and school is underway!  Our school-agers started with a mixture of cheers and groans, but everyone seems to be making the adjustment OK!  We are beginning to get into a fall mood, and we are planning and preparing for many fun activities!

     Parents, it is important for you to let us know if your child will not be at the center.  It helps us with our lunch count, and it is ESPECIALLY important if we are planning to transport your school-ager back from school.  If they don’t come out with the group, we will have to spend valuable time finding out where he/she is.  Your cooperation with this matter will really help!

      If you received a billing statement recently, please be sure to check it and settle any balance immediately.  There are a few registration fees that are past due.  Each family needs to start the new enrollment year with a zero balance.  Remember, it is your responsibility to pay all tuition costs each week.  All non-current balances will be charged a late fee, and may possibly be disenrolled.  If there is a hardship, please make us aware of it. Thank you for your consideration.

     We are excited to have our new Enrollment year underway!  Our program is full with a waiting list.

School pictures are scheduled for Wednesday, September 21st with Sara Smile Photography.  Watch for information to follow!

        Parent’s Night Out will be on Saturday, September 10th this month.  Any interested parents need to sign up in the front hall as soon as it is posted to help us in our planning.  If you missed the note about P.N.O., or have any questions, just ask Linda.

     We have just celebrated our 24th anniversary!  Wow how time flies!!    Thank you to all of our families – old and new.  We truly appreciate the trust and support from all of you.  Thank you so much!  We are looking forward to a great school year.  Have a great month!


Explorations in June


     Yeah!  Summer is finally here, and we have been SO busy getting ready for the changes that will take place!  Our summer calendar is FULL of “fun in the sun” activities and events. 

     Be sure to keep your summer calendar in a handy place.  You can also find information on all the trips and events for the summer on Explorations web page at explorationscenterville.com.  It will keep you informed all summer long of daily events.  If your child is an Explorer, Challenger, Discoverer, Adventurer or School-ager, they will be embarking on periodic field trips.  (*The older the group, the more outings they will take!)  All of these traveling campers will receive a summer camp shirt that they will wear on all the outings.  We will keep them here at the center, wash them, and send them home at the end of the summer session.  The calendar and website include information on the group that is participating, any costs involved, days that they need to bring a sack lunch and the departure and return times for the field trips.  Before your child can go on a bus trip, you will need to sign a permission slip and pay (if applicable).  *Please be sure that the sack lunch is a healthy lunch.  Daycare licensing expects all meals eaten by the children while in our care to meet acceptable nutritional standards.

     The summer activity was due by Friday, June 3rd.  The fee is $50.00 for one child and $90.00 for more than one child.  This fee is only for Explorers, Challengers, Discoverers, Adventurers and School-agers.  If you have not paid this yet, please pay it this week.

     Parents Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, June 11th.  Be sure to sign up if you would like to participate so that we can staff the evening accordingly!

     Beginning the week of June 6th, we will have water play days scheduled for the toddlers, 2’s, preschoolers, Adventurers and School age.  Your child’s scheduled days are posted outside the classroom on the door.  Be sure to check so you are prepared on that day with a LABELED swimsuit (or swimmers for the younger children), a towel and sunscreen (with a sunscreen form signed) in your child’s room.  The wet clothes need to be taken home and laundered each week.  This is also a good time to refresh your child’s extra clothes that you keep here with us.  Are they the right season, and are they still the right size??

      That’s all for now.   We are excited about the summer program!  As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns!  


Explorations In May


     Let’s hear it for sunny warm weather, flowers in bloom and trees with green leaves!  We love the nice weather.  It brings a whole bunch of new things to do!  We love spending time outside each day when it’s really pleasant to be out, and we love to explore all the changes that are happening every day!  

     Speaking of sunny, warm weather, it may not be too soon to bring in a bottle of sunscreen for your child.  Remember to label it with their full name, and sign the consent form (we can’t apply it without your written consent).  A really great idea would be for you to apply the sunscreen to your child before arrival in the morning.  This gives it time to soak in; it usually requires 30 minutes.  This idea is especially good if your child is scheduled for an outdoor field trip.  Also, if your child keeps a change of clothes at the center, please be sure that it is suitable for warm weather. 

Summer camp is right around the corner!  Please let us know if you will have any schedule changes! 

     Preschool and school age parents, your summer camp activity fee is due by May 27th.  The cost is $50.00 per a child or $100.00 per a family.  This fee will help to defer the costs for special visitors and programs as well as gasoline for the daily trips.  Each camper will also receive a summer camp shirt to wear on all field trips, which you will take home at the end of the summer.  The summer activity calendars will be available in the next few weeks.  Trip information will also be on the website.  Thank you very much for your cooperation. 

     Parents Night Out is scheduled for the evening of Saturday, May 14th.  If you would like to enjoy an evening out, sign up in the front hall on the sheet provided.  The kids always have lots of fun, and the parents get some needed adult time! 

          As always, if you have any ideas, questions or c0ncerns, we want to hear from you.  Let us know what you are thinking!  Have a great month!




Explorations In April


          Spring is definitely in the air, and we couldn’t be happier!  Since the weather is finally cooperating, you can count on the children being outside every dry day.  Remember that it may still be cool, even cold in the morning (or sometimes all day), so be sure to send your child in with a jacket.  As much as the kids would like us to, we will not send them out on the playground in short sleeves when the temperature is in the 50’s.  You may want to consider leaving a sweatshirt in your child’s cubby for those days that he/she set off in a coat, and it warmed up during the day.  If you do leave a sweater or sweatshirt, please write your child’s name on the tag.  Thanks!!


          Also, when you are picking up in the evening please be aware that it is against state law to leave a child in a car seat with the engine running.  There was a parent complaint that children were left in the car while the parent ran in.  Although we would never anticipate a problem, better safe than sorry!

     It’s spring picture time! Sara Smiles Photography will be here April 18th.  Be sure to turn in the Spring School Photo sheet before picture day if you would like your child to be included. 

           Parent’s Night Out is back!  If this is new to you, we offer an evening of babysitting at the center on the 2nd Saturday of each month.  The cost is $45/first child and $10/each additional child.  This month it is scheduled for Saturday, April 9th.  Watch for the sign up sheet in the front hall.  Remember to sign up in advance if you would like to participate.

     Please remember to drive SLLOOWLLY through the parking lot.  Also, parents, please hold your young child’s hand as you walk to the car.  We have witnessed a few children running through the lot, sometimes not even towards their own car.  Yikes!  Thanks for your help and consideration.

     We are looking forward to the nice weather ahead, and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors as we watch (and learn from) the changes taking place all around us!  Have a great month.  Think WARM!


Explorations In March


     Let’s here it for March, because surely it means that spring can’t be far away!  Here at the center, we have been SO busy indoors, but boy we are happy to take it outside! 

     Already, we have begun planning for our summer and fall class lists.  If you are aware of any changes that will take place, or if you are a parent of a child entering kindergarten or elementary school, please let us know ASAP what your needs will be.  A summer/fall planning sheet will be coming home in the next few weeks.

     As we come closer to the end of cold and flu season, we want to say THANK YOU for remembering our illness policy, and helping to keep as many germs away from our children as possible! Thank you especially for navigating some difficult weeks with COVID and quarantines.  Illness is always so widespread this time of year.  As a reminder, if your child exhibits any communicable symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., please keep them home.  They cannot return until the symptoms have been gone for 24 hours.  Tylenol or another medication may make them feel better, but they are still contagious.  It is disheartening to have a child in the center all morning, and have a fever appear in the afternoon, after a dose of Tylenol has worn off.  This is definitely the hardest time of year!

     We will offer spring photos again this year on Monday, April 18.  We will be using Sara Smile Photography again.  She will have information on the choices of backgrounds in the next week or two.  Mark your calandar!

      That’s all for now, but watch for notes to follow with spring related activities, as the weather decides to cooperate with us!  Let us know if you have any issues that you need to discuss at any time.  Again, and always, thanks for all your cooperation, and for being a part of our Explorations family!




Explorations In February


      Here we are in the second month of 2022.  January can be such a dreary and COLD month!  Let’s all think positive for February!  With February comes the first hope for signs of an early spring!  THINK WARM!!

      Even though the children were stuck inside for much of the January, they found many interesting and exciting things to do to keep them thinking and busy. 

           The children will be celebrating Valentine’s Day in their classrooms.  Each group is making their own plans, so be sure to look for a separate note, or check with your child’s teacher for the details.

     This time of year is always very difficult with illnesses of every sort – especially Covid.  Please be reassured that we are doing all that we can to keep the germs in the building at a minimum.  We diligently keep the toys and rooms cleaned and disinfected, and try to isolate and remove any contagious children from the center.  We are also experiencing the added difficulty of quarantines.  We know this is an extreme hardship, and are doing all we can to protect the children and staff by following all CDC guidelines.  We ask that all of you are equally diligent by not bringing your child in with communicable symptoms such as fevers, headaches, rashes and vomiting.  If they vomited during the night please don’t assume that they are fine the next morning and bring them in!  Remember, even if you mask the fever symptoms, your child is still contagious, and needs to be home until he/she is symptom free for 24 hours.  Yes – this can create a hardship with missed days at work, but your consideration and understanding is GREATLY appreciated.  Thank you!

          As always, let us know if you have any questions, ideas, or concerns.  Have a great month, and remember to think warm.


Explorations in January 

Happy New Year!  We have sailed through the holidays, and January has arrived.  We are excited to be entering the New Year!  Without a doubt, many fun and exciting things are going to happen!

       Hopefully, everyone enjoyed their holidays, and had a little bit of extra free time to spend with their families.

       We would like to give a GREAT BIG HEARTFELT THANK YOU to everyone for your enthusiasm and sharing attitudes with Hannah’s Treasure Chest Giving Angels Program.  With everyone’s contribution, the project was a great success.   THANK YOU SO MUCH!

       It’s January, so let it snow… right?  If it does, and we have any major accumulation, please assume that we will always remain open if it is possible.  We do not plan to close for snow days.  School age parents, we will be prepared to accept you child for the full day as needed if the schools are closed.  If there is a delay, we will provide transportation to school. Remember that there is a $18.00 fee for the full day.  In the unlikely event that it is necessary to close, it will be posted with all the local news stations.  It will also be posted on our Facebook page (facebook.com/explorationscenterville).

       Keep in mind that if the playground is snowy, it is difficult to take the children outside.  In order for them to play outside, they have to be in a protective layer that will keep their indoor clothes (pants, socks, and shoes) dry for their indoor time.  Unless the whole group, or a large portion of the group comes in “snow clothes” the teachers must keep them inside.  Your child’s teacher may inform you of a certain day, or plan for outdoor play.

       THANK YOU parents for your cooperation and understanding with our illness policy!  This is a rough time of year for us all, especially with COVID, and we appreciate your helpful attitudes.  We know how hard it can be to have a sick child, but hopefully we can keep the spreading of germs down to a minimum!

       That’s all for now.  Try to keep warm and have a good month!

Explorations In December


     December is one of the busiest months for all of us, and there will be no exception to that rule around here!  Do you think that we can take all of that excited energy flowing through the children, and turn it into creativity and learning?  That is our goal, and we hope to reach it by singing, reading, sharing and learning as we watch fall turn into (Brrrrr) winter! 

      Thank you everybody for your wonderful participation with the “Giving Angels” program. 

     As we come to the end of another calendar year, please make sure that your account is current.  We will be giving all families that do not have zero balances a statement.  If you receive one in your child’s room, be sure to check it and settle your account.  It will inform you if you have a balance.  We will need to close our books out at the end of the year for tax purposes.  We always appreciate your prompt payments, THANK YOU!  As you know from your Enrollment Agreement and handbook, tuition payments are due the FIRST day of each week that your child attends.  Charges should not be carrying over from the previous week.  As a courtesy to all of you, we have not been charging late fees, but it is our policy to charge a late fee when your account balance is past due. Please remember to fill out a vacation request form ASAP if you would like to use one or both of your vacation credits over the holidays.

     Parents, please remember to let us know when your child does not need to be picked up from school.  The time it takes for us to determine that we can leave the school is making us late to our next school.  Our buses leave before 2:00.  Please let us know before that time.

     There are just a couple requests that we have.  Please be sure that when your child is in the building or parking lot he/she is either with you, or with the teacher.  It is disruptive and unsafe for the children to be in the building unattended.  We are having problems with fast drivers in the parking lot!  This is SO dangerous, and we have had several complaints.  PLEASE SLOW DOWN and watch very carefully.  It is getting dark early.  Please be safe.  We appreciate your courtesy.  Thank you!

     That’s all for now.  Have a safe and happy holiday!


Explorations In November     

 Isn’t it amazing how fast the months pass by?  Here it is November already, with thoughts of the upcoming holidays just around the corner! 

     We had a GREAT time with our first Trunk-Or-Treat!  So many of our families joined in the fun!!      

It is (unfortunately) the time of year where we see many children with colds, flu and a variety of other illnesses.  Please review the Communicable Disease Policy in your handbook on the website for the list of symptoms that need to be noticed, and how our staff will handle them.  If your child exhibits any symptoms that are more than just those of a basic cold, he/she will need to be kept at home for at least 24 hours after the symptoms disappear.  Please realize that giving your child Tylenol or other OTC medications before coming in the morning will only mask symptoms, BUT THEY ARE STILL CONTAGEOUS, and they will infect the other children.  If you do medicate your child in any way, please inform his/her teacher, so that they will be aware, and know to watch for any side effects or problems.  We understand that it is difficult to miss work.  It’s equally difficult for us when our teachers are exposed to illness and miss work.  Let’s all grin and bear it and do our best to be helpful, healthy and courteous!

     One note about tuition payments…  Please check any statement that is given to you.  Unless you request a regular statement, you will only see one if we are informing you of a discrepancy in your balance.  Your account is past due if you owe for more than the current week.  Please settle your account upon receipt of statement.  All accounts are expected to be kept current.  Occasionally, there may be a problem, but we do expect that there will not be an on-going balance.  Please be aware of this policy. 

     Each holiday season, we partner with a charitable organization that helps to provide some Christmas cheer” to children in need.  Once again this year we are participating in Hannah’s Treasure Chest’s “Giving Angels Program”.  During the first week of November, we will be given tags with children’s names and gift wishes on them.  Any family can choose a tag and buy the gift that is on it.  Watch for more details to follow! 

      If you will be using one or both of your vacation weeks over the holidays, be sure to fill out a Vacation Request form so that we will have it in advance.  We will not credit the week unless we have your written request.  The forms are located on the Parent Bulletin Board in the front hall, or they can be downloaded from the “Parent Forms” section of the website. 

          This time of year, it’s nice to take a moment to stop and notice all the things that we are thankful for.  The Explorations staff would like to say thank you to all of our families that have entrusted their wonderful children to our care.  Your confidence means a lot to us!  Thank you and happy Thanksgiving!


Explorations In October   


       Fall is definitely here!  The leaves are ready to turn colors, and the temperature is beginning to dip. This time of year is such a rich time for learning.  The changes outdoors offer so many opportunities for fun and enriching classroom activities as well as hands on explorations!


     FYI - Our school picture day is scheduled for Wednesday, October 6th starting at 8:30 am this month.  We are working with Sara Smile Photgraphy again this fall.  We loved her work last year!  As before, you will have the option for a fall themed background if you choose, and she will take siblings together!  Return the photo envelope from your child’s room if you would like pictures!


     Mark your calendars for our first ever Trunk or Treat!  With COVID still changing how we do things, we are not holding our annual Halloween party indoors.  Instead, we are taking it outdoors with a little Halloween fun! If you would like to join us (and we hope that you do), the date for the event is Saturday, October 30th at 2:00 pm.  Deck out your car, and bring some candy for the kiddos!  We will be grilling hot dogs too!


     As the weather turns cooler, please check to see that your child has a jacket to wear and a change of clothes at the center that is appropriate for cooler weather.  We will take the children outside on a daily basis whenever possible!   Also, if you are any missing anything, you might take a look in our lost and found box under the front hall table.


     Have a hauntingly fun month, and enjoy the cool weather!

Explorations In September

cThe first days in September are here, and school is underway!  Our school-agers started with a mixture of cheers and groans, but everyone seems to be making the adjustment OK!  We are hoping for the best with COVID, and will adjust as needed. We are beginning to get into a fall mood, and we are planning and preparing for many fun activities! 

Parents, it is important for you to let us know if your child will not be at the center.  It helps us with our lunch count, and it is ESPECIALLY important if we are planning to transport your school-ager back from school.  If they don’t come out with the group, we will have to spend valuable time finding out where he/she is.  Your cooperation with this matter will really help!  

If you received a billing statement recently, please be sure to check it and settle any balance immediately.  There are a few registration fees that are past due.  Each family needs to start the new enrollment year with a zero balance.  Remember, it is your responsibility to pay all tuition costs each week.  All non-current balances will be charged a late fee, and may possibly be disenrolled.  If there is a hardship, please make us aware of it. Thank you for your consideration. 

We are excited to have our new Enrollment year underway!  Our program is full with a waiting list.        

We have just celebrated our 23rd anniversary!  Wow how time flies!!    Thank you to all of our families – old and new.  We truly appreciate the trust and support from all of you.  Thank you so much!  We are looking forward to a great school year.  Have a great month!




Explorations In August


          The summer has just flown by!  Can you believe that it is August already?  We know that the school-agers are counting down those last few weeks till school starts!  We’ve been so busy in and around the center with special activities and field trips.  Each class has found its own fun way to explore and discover summer.


   Re-registration time is here.  Hopefully by now we know everyone’s fall schedule.  If your child will be here for the school year, the annual registration fee is due by August 9th ($50.00 for one child and $100.00 for multiple children).  If there are going to be any changes that we are not aware of at this time, please let us know.  If your child will be attending public school, please be sure to fill out the Transportation form, so that we include your child on the bus list.  All families will need to sign their new Enrollment Agreements for the 2021-2022 enrollment period.  Please take the time to read your copy so that you are aware of our payment policies and fees.


    We would also like to thank all our families who have trusted us over the years to take care of their children.  On August 28th Explorations will celebrate its 23rd anniversary!  Wow, time flies!  We have had such a wonderful time watching “our kids” grow up!  What a GREAT feeling!  We are very happy to have all our families here.   We couldn’t be more appreciative of our wonderful families and the kindness and patience they have shown us.  It is rewarding, and makes us realize how much of a relationship we have developed with all of you!  Thank You!

     That’s all for now.  Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Explorations In July 


        Summer is in full swing, and we have been busier than ever!  The children have been having such fun with water play and field trips.

     The children have been doing art and craft projects, listening to stories and singing songs about America’s birthday.  Everyone seems to be excited about seeing the fireworks and celebrating our nation’s birthday.

          With all the field trips taking place each week, be sure that you are referring to your summer calendar each day.  Some days your child may need to wear socks or bring swimwear.  You don’t want to be caught unprepared!  We have had some great feedback from the kids and parents on favorite outings this summer.  Let us know if you have any thoughts or ideas as we continue our adventures.  Also, please be sure to pack your child a lunch on the picnic days scheduled, according to the summer calendar.  Thank you for your cooperation on this!

                We are starting to work on our fall class lists.  Please inform us of any changes that might take place at that time.  We are also working on the bus schedules.  Please check and make sure we have the right school listed for your child, especially for those going into kindergarten or Young Five’s and second grade.  If you have not let us know whether your child is am or pm, please do asap!

          As always, please let us know of any ideas, questions or concerns that you may have.  Your input is always welcome.  Have a great month!






Explorations in June

     Yeah!  Summer is finally here, and we have been SO busy getting ready for the changes that will take place!  Our summer calendar is FULL of “fun in the sun” activities and events. 

     Be sure to keep your summer calendar in a handy place.  You can also find information on all the trips and events for the summer on Explorations web page at explorationscenterville.com.  It will keep you informed all summer long of daily events.  If your child is an Explorer, Challenger, Discoverer, Adventurer or School-ager, they will be embarking on periodic field trips.  (*The older the group, the more outings they will take).  The calendar and website include information on the group that is participating, any costs involved, days that they need to bring a sack lunch and the departure and return times for the field trips.  Before your child can go on a bus trip, you will need to sign a permission slip and pay (if applicable).  *Please be sure that the sack lunch is a healthy lunch.  Daycare licensing expects all meals eaten by the children while in our care to meet acceptable nutritional standards.

     The summer activity was due by Friday, May 28th.  The fee is $50.00 for one child and $90.00 for more than one child.  This fee is only for Explorers, Challengers, Discoverers, Adventurers and School-agers.  If you have not paid this yet, please pay it this week.

     Beginning the week of June 7th, we will have water play days scheduled for the toddlers, 2’s, preschoolers, Adventurers and Schoolagers.  Your child’s scheduled days are posted outside the classroom on the door.  Be sure to check so you are prepared on that day with a LABELED swimsuit (or swimmers for the younger children), a towel and sunscreen (with a sunscreen form signed) in your child’s room.  The wet clothes need to be taken home and laundered each week.  This is also a good time to refresh your child’s extra clothes that you keep here with us.  Are they the right season, and are they still the right size??

      That’s all for now.   We are excited about the summer program!  As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns!  


Explorations In May

 Let’s hear it for sunny warm weather, flowers in bloom and trees with green leaves!  We love the nice weather.  It brings a whole bunch of new things to do!  We love spending time outside each day when it’s really pleasant to be out, and we love to explore all the changes that are happening every day! 

     Speaking of sunny, warm weather, it may not be too soon to bring in a bottle of sunscreen for your child.  Remember to label it with their full name, and sign a green consent form (we can’t apply it without your written consent).  A really great idea would be for you to apply the sunscreen to your child before arrival in the morning.  This gives it time to soak in; it usually requires 30 minutes.  This idea is especially good if your child is scheduled for an outdoor field trip.  Also, if your child keeps a change of clothes at the center, please be sure that it is suitable for warm weather.

     At this date we should have received your summer/fall planning sheet.  We are very busy completing summer and fall class lists, and will begin calling new families that are on the waiting very soon.  We need to know what your transportation needs will be, and any schedule changes.  Thank you!

     Preschool and school age parents, your summer camp activity fee is due by May 27th.  The cost is $50.00 per a child or $90.00 per a family.  This fee will help to defer the costs for special visitors and programs as well as gasoline for the daily trips. The summer activity calendars will be available in the next few weeks.  Trip information will also be on the website.  Thank you very much for your cooperation.

          As always, if you have any ideas, questions or concerns, we want to hear from you.  Let us know what you are thinking!  Have a great month!


Explorations In April


          Spring is definitely in the air, and we couldn’t be happier!  Since the weather is finally cooperating, you can count on the children being outside every dry day.  Remember that it may still be cool, even cold in the morning (or sometimes all day), so be sure to send your child in with a jacket.  As much as the kids would like us to, we will not send them out on the playground in short sleeves when the temperature is in the 50’s.  You may want to consider leaving a sweatshirt in your child’s cubby for those days that he/she set off in a coat, and it warmed up during the day.  If you do leave a sweater or sweatshirt, please write your child’s name on the tag.  Thanks!! 

          Also, when you are picking up in the evening please be aware that it is against state law to leave a child in a car seat with the engine running.  There was a parent complaint that children were left in the car while the parent ran in.  Although we would never anticipate a problem, better safe than sorry! 

          Sara Smiles Photography was here last month.  You should have your digital file by now if that’s what you ordered.  The rest of the photos should be here next week.  Please let us know if there are any problems.            

           You will receive a summer/fall planning form for your child or children this month.  We are putting together class lists.  Please let us know if you will have any changes in your schedule that we should know about.  We would appreciate receiving all of these forms returned to the office ASAP.   Thank you!    

          Please remember to drive SLLOOWLLY through the parking lot.  Also, parents, please hold your young child’s hand as you walk to the car.  We have witnessed a few children running through the lot, sometimes not even towards their own car.  Yikes!  Thanks for your help and consideration. 

          We are looking forward to the nice weather ahead, and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors as we watch (and learn from) the changes taking place all around us!  Have a great month.  Think WARM!




Explorations In March


        Let’s here it for March, because surely it means that spring can’t be far away!  Here at the center, we have been SO busy indoors, but boy we are happy to take it outside! 

     Already, we have begun planning for our summer and fall class lists.  If you are aware of any changes that will take place, or if you are a parent of a child entering kindergarten or elementary school, please let us know ASAP what your needs will be.  A summer/fall planning sheet will be coming home in the next few weeks.

     As we come closer to the end of cold and flu season and navigating COVID, we want to say THANK YOU for remembering our illness policy, and helping to keep as many germs away from our children as possible!  Illness is always so widespread this time of year.  As a reminder, if your child exhibits any communicable symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., please keep them home.  They cannot return until the symptoms have been gone for 24 hours.  Tylenol or another medication may make them feel better, but they are still contagious.  It is disheartening to have a child in the center all morning, and have a fever appear in the afternoon, after a dose of Tylenol has worn off.  This is definitely the hardest time of year!

     We will offer spring photos again this year on Tuesday, March 16th.  We will be using Sara Smile Photography again.  We are always very happy with her work and artistic flair!  Watch for information and details very soon.

      That’s all for now, but watch for notes to follow with spring related activities, as the weather decides to cooperate with us!  Let us know if you have any issues that you need to discuss at any time.  Again, and always, thanks for all your cooperation, and for being a part of our Explorations family!




Explorations In February 


      Here we are in the second month of 2022.  January can be such a dreary and COLD month!  Let’s all think positive for February!  With February comes the first hope for signs of an early spring!  THINK WARM!!

      Even though the children were stuck inside for much of the January, they found many interesting and exciting things to do to keep them thinking and busy. 

           The children will be celebrating Valentine’s Day in their classrooms.  Each group is making their own plans, so be sure to look for a separate note, or check with your child’s teacher for the details.

     With COVID on all of our minds all the time, let’s remember that this time of year is always very difficult with illnesses of every sort.  Please be reassured that we are doing all that we can to keep the germs in the building at a minimum.  We diligently keep the toys and rooms cleaned and disinfected, and try to isolate and remove any contagious children from the center.  It’s hard for all of us.  We also experience the added difficulty of contagious kids infecting the staff.  We ask that all of you do all that you can to help us to survive this winter season by not bringing your child in with communicable symptoms such as fevers (during COVID – that means 100 degrees), rashes and vomiting.  If they vomited during the night please don’t assume that they are fine the next morning and bring them in!  Remember, even if you mask the fever symptoms, your child is still contagious, and needs to be home until he/she is symptom free for 24 hours.  Yes – this can create a hardship with missed days at work, but your consideration and understanding is GREATLY appreciated.  Thank you!

          As always, let us know if you have any questions, ideas, or concerns.  Have a great month, and remember to think warm.


Explorations in January

 Happy New Year!  January has arrived, and we are excited to be entering the New Year!  Without a doubt, many fun and exciting things are going to happen!

       Hopefully, everyone enjoyed their holidays, and had a little bit of extra free time to spend with their families.

       We would like to give a GREAT BIG HEARTFELT THANK YOU to everyone for your enthusiasm and loving spirit for Miss Kassidy.  She was so surprised and SO grateful.  She should be back with us soon!     THANK YOU SO MUCH!

       It’s January, so let it snow… right?  If it does, and we have any major accumulation, please assume that we will always remain open if it is possible.  We do not plan to close for snow days.  School age parents, we will be prepared to accept you child for the full day as needed if the schools are closed.  **If the schools reopen that is J If there is a delay, we will provide transportation to school. Remember that there is an $18.00 fee for the full day.  In the unlikely event that it is necessary to close, it will be posted with all the local news stations.  It will also be posted on our Facebook page (facebook.com/explorationscenterville).

       Keep in mind that if the playground is snowy, it is difficult to take the children outside.  In order for them to play outside, they have to be in a protective layer that will keep their indoor clothes (pants, socks, and shoes) dry for their indoor time.  Unless the whole group, or a large portion of the group comes with “snow clothes” the teachers must keep them inside.  Your child’s teacher may inform you of a certain day, or plan for outdoor play.

       THANK YOU parents for your cooperation and understanding with our COVID and illness policies!  This has been a rough time for us all, and we appreciate your helpful attitudes.  We know how hard it can be to have a sick or quarantined child, but hopefully we can keep the spreading of germs down to a minimum!

        That’s all for now.  Try to keep warm and have a good month

Explorations In December

    December is one of the busiest months for all of us, and there will be no exception to that rule around here!  Do you think that we can take all of that excited energy flowing through the children, and turn it into creativity and learning?  That is our goal, and we hope to reach it by singing, reading, sharing and learning as we watch fall turn into (Brrrrr) winter! 

     We will have a special visit from Santa on Saturday, December 12th.  He should arrive at 1:00 pm for a drive by visit.  Santa will be waiting for the children until 3:00 pm.  Please feel free to have your child’s wish list or a special drawing to give to Santa.  Yes, a little different this year – but what hasn’t been?  It will be fun for the kids, and we hope everyone can stop by for this special Saturday visitor!

      Thank you everybody for thinking of our own Miss Kassidy this year.  She will be BEYOND surprised and excited to see how kind and generous all of you are!  The Holiday Aid Food Drive is now underway for anyone that would like to drop off non-perishable foods.  It’s nice to know that we helped to make some Miami Valley families happy during the holiday season. The can is overflowing!!  Thank you so much!!

     As we come to the end of another calendar year, please make sure that your account is current.  We will be giving all families that do not have zero balances a statement.  If you receive one in your child’s room, be sure to check it and settle your account.  It will inform you if you have a balance.  We will need to close our books out at the end of the year for tax purposes.  We always appreciate your prompt payments, THANK YOU!  As you know from your Enrollment Agreement and handbook, tuition payments are due the FIRST day of each week that your child attends.  Charges should not be carrying over from the previous week.  As a courtesy to all of you, we have not been charging late fees, but it is our policy to charge a late fee when your account balance is past due. Please remember to fill out a vacation request form ASAP if you would like to use one or both of your vacation credits over the holidays.

     There are just a couple requests that we have.  Please be sure that when your child is in the building or parking lot he/she is either with you, or with the teacher.  It is disruptive and unsafe for the children to be in the building unattended.  We are having problems with fast drivers in the parking lot!  This is SO dangerous, and we have had several complaints.  PLEASE SLOW DOWN and watch very carefully.  It is getting dark early.  Please be safe.  We appreciate your courtesy.  Thank you!

     That’s all for now.  Have a safe and happy holiday!



Explorations In November 

  Isn’t it amazing how fast the months pass by?  Here it is November already, with thoughts of the upcoming holidays just around the corner! 

      This year more than ever, we are going to have a tough cold and flu season.  Please know that we will require a doctor’s note for any fever with illness symptoms.  We are dedicated to keeping everyone safe and healthy, and will do everything in our power to prevent a COVID spread.  If your child exhibits any symptoms that are more than just those of a basic cold, he/she will need to be kept at home for at least 24 hours after the symptoms disappear without medication.  Please realize that giving your child Tylenol or other OTC medications before coming in the morning will only mask symptoms, BUT THEY ARE STILL CONTAGEOUS, and they will infect the other children.  If you do medicate your child in any way, please inform his/her teacher, so that they will be aware, and know to watch for any side effects or problems.  We understand that these are difficult days. Let’s all grin and bear it and do our best to be helpful, healthy and(not quarantined!

     One note about tuition payments…  Please check any statement that is given to you.  Unless you request a regular statement, you will only see one if we are informing you of a discrepancy in your balance.  Your account is past due if you owe for more than the current week.  Please settle your account upon receipt of statement.  All accounts are expected to be kept current.  Occasionally, there may be a problem, but we do expect that there will not be an on-going balance.  Please be aware of this policy. 

     Each holiday season, we partner with a charitable organization that helps to provide some Christmas cheer.  This year we are bringing it a little closer to home.  You may know that our Challenger teacher, Miss Kassidy, was forced to take a leave of absence from work when she delivered a beautiful baby boy at 27 weeks.  She will not be back to work for many more weeks since her son, Grant is still in the NICU.  We would like to ease the stress for her and her husband, and are asking for any willing donations to go to Miss Kassidy and her family.  Please read the letter that is full of ideas.  It is hanging outside each classroom as well as the front door.  You may want to take a picture of the idea list that we have provided!  We want to surprise her in a big, loving way and appreciate any and all support!!

     We are also doing a Holiday Aid canned food drive again.  There is SUCH a need at the food bank this year!!  We will definitely use this project as a teaching tool about helping others with our children throughout the center!  There will be a barrel for dropping off food donations in the vestibule. We’re hoping that each family can donate a little something.

      If you will be using one or both of your vacation weeks over the holidays, be sure to fill out a Vacation Request form so that we will have it in advance.  We will not credit the week unless we have your written request.  The forms are located on the Parent Bulletin Board in the front hall, or they can be downloaded from the “Parent Forms” section of the website. 

          This time of year, it’s nice to take a moment to stop and notice all the things that we are thankful for.  The Explorations staff would like to say thank you to all of our families that have entrusted their wonderful children to our care.  Your confidence means a lot to us!  Thank you and happy Thanksgiving! 

Explorations In October

Fall is definitely here!  The leaves are ready to turn colors, and the temperature is beginning to dip.  This time of year is such a rich time for learning.  The changes outdoors offer so many opportunities for fun and enriching classroom activities as well as hands on explorations. 

As the weather turns cooler, please check to see that your child has a jacket to wear and a change of clothes at the center that is appropriate for the weather.  We will take the children outside on a daily basis whenever possible!  Also, if you are missing anything, you might take a look in our lost and found box under the front hall table.  

As the kids return to public school, we will adjust to the changing routine.  If you are a parent of a first through fifth grader, expect a new Enrollment Agreement that reflects the change in schedule with us here at Explorations.  You will also need to sign a Bus Transportation form.  These two forms will be ready for you on the front hall table.  For any day that school is closed unexpectedly, there will be a daily add-on fee of  $18.00 for the full day with lunch.  

If your child is quarantined due to exposure at the public school, please note that he/she will not be allowed to return to daycare either.  If you have any questions about any of this, please don't hesitate to ask.

Having said all that... Enjoy the cool weather!

Explorations In September

  The first days in September are here, and school is underway!  Our school-agers are doing well with their remote classrooms, and everyone seems to be making the adjustment OK!  We are beginning to get into a fall mood, and we are planning and preparing for many fun activities!

     Parents, it is important for you to let us know if your child will not be at the center.  It helps us with our lunch count, and daily planning.  If or when your child is going to school, we will need to know anytime we are not picking up.

      If you received a billing statement recently, please be sure to check it and settle any balance immediately.  There are a few registration fees that are past due.  Each family needs to start the new enrollment year with a zero balance.  Remember, it is your responsibility to pay all tuition costs each week.  All non-current balances will be charged a late fee, and may possibly be disenrolled.  If there is a hardship, please make us aware of it. Thank you for your consideration.

     We are excited to have our new Enrollment year underway!  Everyone has been super cooperative with the COVID guidelines, and that has paid off.  Thank you!

        We are planning a September date for school pictures from Sara Smile Photography.  Sara has sanitation and safety measures in place.  Watch for details very soon!

     We have just celebrated our 22nd anniversary!  Wow how time flies!!    Thank you to all of our families – old and new.  We truly appreciate the trust and support from all of you.  Thank you so much!  We are looking forward to a great school year.  Have a great month!

Explorations In August


            The summer has just flown by!  Can you believe that it is August already?  It’s been a different kind of summer!  The kids have been great and each class has found its own fun way to explore and discover summer.

       Just a reminder, please be sure that you are at the center in time for the 5:30 pm closing.  We appreciate the courtesy.  Just let us know if there will be a delay.  It happens sometimes!        

   Re-registration time is here.  Hopefully by now we know everyone’s fall schedule.  If your child will be here for the school year, the annual registration fee is due by August 14th ($50.00 for one child and $100.00 for multiple children).  If there are going to be any changes that we are not aware of at this time, please let us know.   All families will need to sign their new Enrollment Agreements for the 2020-2021 enrollment period.  Please take the time to read your copy so that you are aware of our payment policies and fees.  These will be ready for you in the front hall at drop off and pick up time here in the next couple of weeks.

    We would also like to thank all our families who have trusted us over the years to take care of their children – especially during these trying and unprecedented times.  On August 28th Explorations will celebrate its 22nd anniversary!  Wow, time flies!  We have had such a wonderful time watching “our kids” grow up!  What a GREAT feeling!  We are very happy to have all our families here.   We couldn’t be more appreciative of our wonderful families and the kindness and patience they have shown us.  It is rewarding, and makes us realize how much of a relationship we have developed with all of you!  Thank You!

     That’s all for now.  Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Explorations In July 


     Summer is in full swing, and we have been keeping busy!  The children have been having such fun with hanging with their friends.

     Each classroom has been doing art and craft projects, listening to stories and singing songs about America’s birthday.  We are trying to add as much excitement as we can with our July 4th holiday.

          Parents, since summer is feeling a little different this year, we are searching for fun ideas to mix it up a bit.  We welcome any thoughts you may have. We appreciate all the upbeat attitudes that we see from everyone each day!  Please know that we are all excited to be here and with your kids each day!  Thank you for all you bring to us!

     As we learn about what the schools are planning to do in the next few weeks, we will try to keep everyone posted.  We are planning to offer a classroom setting to any students that are choosing an online option.  We have Miss Ashley in our school age room.  She has completed her teaching degree, and will be here this school year.  This is a great value added to that program! 

     As you know what you are planning on doing with your child, please let us know.  We are starting to work on our fall class lists.  Please inform us of any changes that might take place at that time - especially for those going into kindergarten or Young Five’s and second grade.

     Keep an eye on the white board in the lobby.  Since most parents are not visiting the classroom each day, we will post any diagnosed illness on that board.  Let us know if you have any questions or need further information.           

     As always, but especially now - please let us know of any ideas, questions or concerns that you may have.  Your input is always welcome.  Have a great month!



Explorations In June 


It has been an unprecedented last couple of months that none of us could have ever anticipated.  We are learning each day on how to best care for our kids while creating a fun, safe and enriching environment!

We have been working hard to be sure that we understand and follow all of the guidelines that have been placed before us.

From that baseline, our staff plans to take it “back to the basics” more than they normally do during the summer by reviewing and continuing their core curriculum.  We want to be sure that they are ready to move to the next classroom in August, or onto kindergarten and above!

If you have a school age child, feel free to send them in with bridge work, or whatever they may need to be working on in order to be ready for the upcoming school year.

 Along with an educationally enriching summer, we are coming up with new ideas that will fill their summer with fun!  We welcome any of your ideas too!  Normally we are out and about in the community exploring and playing.  It will be different this summer – stay tuned!!

We will be out of the building as much as possible with water play, games, walks and possibly small group bus outings.  We plan to schedule a weekly visit from Kona Ice and a local ice cream truck vendor.  How can that not make summer a little more fun!!

We are waiting for clarity from state licensing before we make too many plans.  Rest assured that whatever we are able to do, we will do it with fun, safety and health in mind!



For the month of June – we are shortening our hours a bit.  We will open at 7:30 am and close at 5:30 pm.  This will help us to keep the children in their rooms with their designated teacher without having to ask the staff to work extended hours with their smaller class group.

Remember to stop at the door upon arrival for temperature screenings and sanitizing.  Parents, this will include you if you plan to take your child to the door of their classroom.

Can’t wait to see everyone and get our summer underway!!

Explorations In March 


     Let’s here it for March, because surely it means that spring can’t be far away!  Here at the center, we have been SO busy indoors, but boy we are happy to take it outside! 

     Already, we have begun planning for our summer and fall class lists.  If you are aware of any changes that will take place, or if you are a parent of a child entering kindergarten or elementary school, please let us know ASAP what your needs will be.  A summer/fall planning sheet will be coming home in the next few weeks.

     As we come closer to the end of cold and flu season, we want to say THANK YOU for remembering our illness policy, and helping to keep as many germs away from our children as possible!  Illness is always so widespread this time of year.  As a reminder, if your child exhibits any communicable symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., please keep them home.  They cannot return until the symptoms have been gone for 24 hours.  Tylenol or another medication may make them feel better, but they are still contagious.  It is disheartening to have a child in the center all morning, and have a fever appear in the afternoon, after a dose of Tylenol has worn off.  This is definitely the hardest time of year!

      Parents Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, March 14th this month.  As a reminder, the price for the first child is $45.00.  The sign up sheet is on the front hall table.  Please sign up as soon as possible if you are interested so that we can plan for adequate staff.

     We will offer spring photos again this year – the exact date is not set yet, but we will let you know very soon!  We will be using Sara Smile Photography again.  We were very happy with her in the fall.

      That’s all for now, but watch for notes to follow with spring related activities, as the weather decides to cooperate with us!  Let us know if you have any issues that you need to discuss at any time.  Again, and always, thanks for all your cooperation, and for being a part of our Explorations family!



Explorations In February

  Here we are in the second month of 2020.  January can be such a dreary and COLD month!  Let’s all think positive for February!  With February comes the first hope for signs of an early spring!  THINK WARM!!

      Even though the children were stuck inside for much of the January, they found many interesting and exciting things to do to keep them thinking and busy. 

      The next scheduled Parent’s Night Out is set for Saturday, February 15th.  If you were thinking that an evening out with your Valentine would be just the thing – then sign up in the front hall!  We’re ready for you!  If you have any questions, just ask!

     The children will be celebrating Valentine’s Day in their classrooms.  Each group is making their own plans, so be sure to look for a separate note, or check with your child’s teacher for the details.

     This time of year is always very difficult with illnesses of every sort.  Please be reassured that we are doing all that we can to keep the germs in the building at a minimum.  We diligently keep the toys and rooms cleaned and disinfected, and try to isolate and remove any contagious children from the center.  It’s hard for all of us.  We also experience the added difficulty of contagious kids infecting the staff.  We ask that all of you do all that you can to help us to survive the cold and flu season by not bringing your child in with communicable symptoms such as fevers, rashes and vomiting.  If they vomited during the night please don’t assume that they are fine the next morning and bring them in!  Remember, even if you mask the fever symptoms, your child is still contagious, and needs to be home until he/she is symptom free for 24 hours.  Yes – this can create a hardship with missed days at work, but your consideration and understanding is GREATLY appreciated.  Thank you!

          As always, let us know if you have any questions, ideas, or concerns.  Have a great month, and remember to think warm.



Explorations in January

 Happy New Year!  We have sailed through the holidays, and January has arrived.  We are excited to be entering the New Year!  Without a doubt, many fun and exciting things are going to happen!

       Hopefully, everyone enjoyed their holidays, and had a little bit of extra free time to spend with their families.

       We would like to give a GREAT BIG HEARTFELT THANK YOU to everyone for your enthusiasm and sharing attitudes with Hannah’s Treasure Chest Giving Angels Program.  With everyone’s contribution, the project was a great success.   THANK YOU SO MUCH!

     Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, January 11th.  Watch for the sign-up sheet in the front hall.

       It’s January, so let it snow… right?  If it does, and we have any major accumulation, please assume that we will always remain open if it is possible.  We do not plan to close for snow days.  School age parents, we will be prepared to accept you child for the full day as needed if the schools are closed.  If there is a delay, we will provide transportation to school. Remember that there is a $16.00 fee for the full day.  In the unlikely event that it is necessary to close, it will be posted with all the local news stations.  It will also be posted on our Facebook page (facebook.com/explorationscenterville).

       Keep in mind that if the playground is snowy, it is difficult to take the children outside.  In order for them to play outside, they have to be in a protective layer that will keep their indoor clothes (pants, socks, and shoes) dry for their indoor time.  Unless the whole group, or a large portion of the group comes in “snow clothes” the teachers must keep them inside.  Your child’s teacher may inform you of a certain day, or plan for outdoor play.

       THANK YOU parents for your cooperation and understanding with our illness policy!  This is a rough time of year for us all, and we appreciate your helpful attitudes.  We know how hard it can be to have a sick child, but hopefully we can keep the spreading of germs down to a minimum!

       That’s all for now.  Try to keep warm and have a good month!

Explorations In December   

     December is one of the busiest months for all of us, and there will be no exception to that rule around here!  Do you think that we can take all of that excited energy flowing through the children, and turn it into creativity and learning?  That is our goal, and we hope to reach it by singing, reading, sharing and learning as we watch fall turn into (Brrrrr) winter! 

     We will have a special visit from Santa the morning of December 12th.  He should arrive at 9:30, and will be set up for pictures in the school age room.  Be sure to send in your payment envelopes if you would like a photo!  Parents, you are invited to come, and we are asking for a plate of cookies from anyone who would like to contribute.

      Thank you everybody for your wonderful participation with the “Giving Angels” program.  The Holiday Aid Food Drive is now underway for anyone that would like to drop off non-perishable foods.  It’s nice to know that we helped to make some Miami Valley families happy during the holiday season.

     As we come to the end of another calendar year, please make sure that your account is current.  We will be giving all families that do not have zero balances a statement.  If you receive one in your child’s room, be sure to check it and settle your account.  It will inform you if you have a balance.  We will need to close our books out at the end of the year for tax purposes.  We always appreciate your prompt payments, THANK YOU!  As you know from your Enrollment Agreement and handbook, tuition payments are due the FIRST day of each week that your child attends.  Charges should not be carrying over from the previous week.  As a courtesy to all of you, we have not been charging late fees, but it is our policy to charge a late fee when your account balance is past due. Please remember to fill out a vacation request form ASAP if you would like to use one or both of your vacation credits over the holidays.

     We have an extra Parent’s “Day” Out scheduled this month for shopping the morning of December 7th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  If you bring your child during this time, please send them with a packed lunch.  Parent’s Night Out is the evening of December 14th. 

     Parents, please remember to let us know when your child does not need to be picked up from school.  The time it takes for us to determine that we can leave the school is making us late to our next school.  Our buses leave before 2:00.  Please let us know before that time.

     There are just a couple requests that we have.  Please be sure that when your child is in the building or parking lot he/she is either with you, or with the teacher.  It is disruptive and unsafe for the children to be in the building unattended.  We are having problems with fast drivers in the parking lot!  This is SO dangerous, and we have had several complaints.  PLEASE SLOW DOWN and watch very carefully.  It is getting dark early.  Please be safe.  We appreciate your courtesy.  Thank you!

     That’s all for now.  Have a safe and happy holiday!


Explorations In November 


      Isn’t it amazing how fast the months pass by?  Here it is November already, with thoughts of the upcoming holidays just around the corner! 

     We had a GREAT time at the Halloween party.  So many of our families were here to celebrate!  The word is that the haunted maze was really cool!!  

      It is (unfortunately) the time of year where we see many children with colds, flu and a variety of other illnesses.  Please review the Communicable Disease Policy in your handbook on the website for the list of symptoms that need to be noticed, and how our staff will handle them.  If your child exhibits any symptoms that are more than just those of a basic cold, he/she will need to be kept at home for at least 24 hours after the symptoms disappear.  Please realize that giving your child Tylenol or other OTC medications before coming in the morning will only mask symptoms, BUT THEY ARE STILL CONTAGEOUS, and they will infect the other children.  If you do medicate your child in any way, please inform his/her teacher, so that they will be aware, and know to watch for any side effects or problems.  We understand that it is difficult to miss work.  It’s equally difficult for us when our teachers are exposed to illness and miss work.  Let’s all grin and bear it and do our best to be helpful, healthy and courteous!

     One note about tuition payments…  Please check any statement that is given to you.  Unless you request a regular statement, you will only see one if we are informing you of a discrepancy in your balance.  Your account is past due if you owe for more than the current week.  Please settle your account upon receipt of statement.  All accounts are expected to be kept current.  Occasionally, there may be a problem, but we do expect that there will not be an on-going balance.  Please be aware of this policy. 

     Each holiday season, we partner with a charitable organization that helps to provide some Christmas cheer” to children in need.  Once again this year we are participating in Hannah’s Treasure Chest’s “Giving Angels Program”.  During the first week of November, we will be given tags with children’s names and gift wishes on them.  Any family can choose a tag and buy the gift that is on it.  Watch for more details to follow! 

     We are also doing a Holiday Aid canned food drive again this year.  We will definitely use this project as a teaching tool about helping others with our children throughout the center!  There will be a barrel for dropping off food donations in the vestibule. We’re hoping that each family can donate a little something.

     Parents Night Out is scheduled for November 9th.  Both this month and next month we are adding a Parents Day Out.  In November it will be on the 30th and in December it is scheduled for the 7th.  Time to start Christmas shopping!

      If you will be using one or both of your vacation weeks over the holidays, be sure to fill out a Vacation Request form so that we will have it in advance.  We will not credit the week unless we have your written request.  The forms are located on the Parent Bulletin Board in the front hall, or they can be downloaded from the “Parent Forms” section of the website. 

          This time of year, it’s nice to take a moment to stop and notice all the things that we are thankful for.  The Explorations staff would like to say thank you to all of our families that have entrusted their wonderful children to our care.  Your confidence means a lot to us!  Thank you and happy Thanksgiving!

Explorations In October   


     Fall is definitely here!  The leaves are ready to turn colors, and the temperature is beginning to dip. This time of year is such a rich time for learning.  The changes outdoors offer so many opportunities for fun and enriching classroom activities as well as hands on explorations!

     The Challengers and Discoverers are scheduled for a fall hayride atWarrick Farm on October 14th.  Be sure to watch for information about this fun event if your child is in one of those classes.  Parents, you are welcome to join us!  Please plan to drive (and drive your child) if you want to come to assure that there is enough space on the busses for the children!  You can check out the farm at www.warrickfarm.com.

     FYI - Our school picture days are scheduled for October 8th and 9th this year.  Keep that in mind as you are planning ahead.  We are working with Sara Smile Photgraphy again this fall.  We loved her work last year!  As before, you will have the option for a fall themed background if you choose, and she will take siblings together!  Return the photo envelope if you would like pictures!

     Mark your calendars for our annual Halloween party!  If you would like to join us (and we hope that you do), the date is set for the evening of Monday, October 7th at 6:30 PM.  We ask that you bring a treat to share.  There should be a little bit of everything for kids of all ages, including our impressively SCARY haunted maze.  It’s always lots of fun! Hope to see all of you here!

     As the weather turns cooler, please check to see that your child has a jacket to wear and a change of clothes at the center that is appropriate for cooler weather.  We will take the children outside on a daily basis whenever possible!   Also, if you are any missing anything, you might take a look in our lost and found box under the front hall table.

     Parent’s Night Out this month is scheduled for the evening of October 12th. If you plan to have your child here, please sign up in the front hall as soon as possible so that we can plan accordingly for staff. 

     Have a hauntingly fun month, and enjoy the cool weather!




Explorations In September 

     The first days in September are here, and school is underway!  Our school-agers started with a mixture of cheers and groans, but everyone seems to be making the adjustment OK!  We are beginning to get into a fall mood, and we are planning and preparing for many fun activities!

     Parents, it is important for you to let us know if your child will not be at the center.  It helps us with our lunch count, and it is ESPECIALLY important if we are planning to transport your school-ager back from school.  If they don’t come out with the group, we will have to spend valuable time finding out where he/she is.  Your cooperation with this matter will really help!

      If you received a billing statement recently, please be sure to check it and settle any balance immediately.  There are a few registration fees that are past due.  Each family needs to start the new enrollment year with a zero balance.  Remember, it is your responsibility to pay all tuition costs each week.  All non-current balances will be charged a late fee, and may possibly be disenrolled.  If there is a hardship, please make us aware of it. Thank you for your consideration.

     We are excited to have our new Enrollment year underway!  Our program is full with a waiting list.

        Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for September 14th.  Any interested parents need to sign up in the front hall as soon as it is posted to help us in our planning.  If you missed the note about P.N.O., or have any questions, just ask Linda.

     We have just celebrated our 21st anniversary!  Wow how time flies!!    Thank you to all of our families – old and new.  We truly appreciate the trust and support from all of you.  Thank you so much!  We are looking forward to a great school year.  Have a great month!



Explorations In August


     The summer has just flown by!  Can you believe that it is August already?  We know that the school-agers are counting down those last few weeks till school starts!  We’ve been so busy in and around the center with special activities and field trips.  Each class has found its own fun way to explore and discover summer.

       Just a reminder, please be sure that you are at the center in time for the 6:00 pm closing.  We appreciate the courtesy.  Just let us know if there will be a delay.  It happens sometimes!        

   Re-registration time is here.  Hopefully by now we know everyone’s fall schedule.  If your child will be here for the school year, the annual registration fee is due by August 9th ($50.00 for one child and $100.00 for multiple children).  If there are going to be any changes that we are not aware of at this time, please let us know.  If your child will be attending public school, please be sure to fill out the fall planning sheet in the school age room so that we include your child on the bus list.  All families will need to sign their new Enrollment Agreements for the 2019-2020 enrollment period.  Please take the time to read your copy so that you are aware of our payment policies and fees.

     Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, August 10th at 6:30 pm.  Watch for the sign-up sheet on the front table.

    We would also like to thank all our families who have trusted us over the years to take care of their children.  On August 28th Explorations will celebrate its 21st anniversary!  Wow, time flies!  We have had such a wonderful time watching “our kids” grow up!  What a GREAT feeling!  We are very happy to have all our families here.   We couldn’t be more appreciative of our wonderful families and the kindness and patience they have shown us.  It is rewarding, and makes us realize how much of a relationship we have developed with all of you!  Thank You!

     That’s all for now.  Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Explorations In July


     Summer is in full swing, and we have been busier than ever!  The children have been having such fun with water play and field trips.

     The children have been doing art and craft projects, listening to stories and singing songs about America’s birthday.  Everyone seems to be excited about seeing the fireworks and celebrating our nation’s birthday.

          With all the field trips taking place each week, be sure that you are referring to your summer calendar each day.  Some days your child may need to wear socks or bring swimwear.  You don’t want to be caught unprepared!  We have had some great feedback from the kids and parents on favorite outings this summer.  Let us know if you have any thoughts or ideas as we continue our adventures.  Also, please be sure to pack your child a lunch on the picnic days scheduled, according to the summer calendar.  Thank you for your cooperation on this!

            Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, July 13th.  Watch for the sign-up sheet in the front hall before that date, so we can plan our staffing correctly.

        We are starting to work on our fall class lists.  Please inform us of any changes that might take place at that time.  We are also working on the bus schedules.  Please check and make sure we have the right school listed for your child, especially for those going into kindergarten or Young Five’s and second grade.  If you have not let us know whether your child is am or pm, please do asap!

          As always, please let us know of any ideas, questions or concerns that you may have.  Your input is always welcome.  Have a great month!


Explorations in June


     Yeah!  Summer is finally here, and we have been SO busy getting ready for the changes that will take place!  Our summer calendar is FULL of “fun in the sun” activities and events. 

     Be sure to keep your summer calendar in a handy place.  You can also find information on all the trips and events for the summer on Explorations web page at explorationscenterville.com.  It will keep you informed all summer long of daily events.  If your child is an Explorer, Challenger, Discoverer, Adventurer or School-ager, they will be embarking on periodic field trips.  (*The older the group, the more outings they will take!)  All of these traveling campers will receive a summer camp shirt that they will wear on all the outings.  We will keep them here at the center, wash them, and send them home at the end of the summer session.  The calendar and website include information on the group that is participating, any costs involved, days that they need to bring a sack lunch and the departure and return times for the field trips.  Before your child can go on a bus trip, you will need to sign a permission slip and pay (if applicable).  *Please be sure that the sack lunch is a healthy lunch.  Daycare licensing expects all meals eaten by the children while in our care to meet acceptable nutritional standards.

     The summer activity was due by Friday, May 31st.  The fee is $50.00 for one child and $90.00 for more than one child.  This fee is only for Explorers, Challengers, Discoverers, Adventurers and School-agers.  If you have not paid this yet, please pay it this week.

     Beginning the week of June 3rd, we will have water play days scheduled for the toddlers, 2’s, preschoolers and Adventurers.  Your child’s scheduled days are posted outside the classroom on the door.  Be sure to check so you are prepared on that day with a LABELED swimsuit (or swimmers for the younger children), a towel and sunscreen (with a sunscreen form signed) in your child’s room.  The wet clothes need to be taken home and laundered each week.  This is also a good time to refresh your child’s extra clothes that you keep here with us.  Are they the right season, and are they still the right size??

      That’s all for now.   We are excited about the summer program!  As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns!  


Explorations In May


     Let’s hear it for sunny warm weather, flowers in bloom and trees with green leaves!  We love the nice weather.  It brings a whole bunch of new things to do!  We love spending time outside each day when it’s really pleasant to be out, and we love to explore all the changes that are happening every day! 

     Speaking of sunny, warm weather, it may not be too soon to bring in a bottle of sunscreen for your child.  Remember to label it with their full name, and sign a green consent form (we can’t apply it without your written consent).  A really great idea would be for you to apply the sunscreen to your child before arrival in the morning.  This gives it time to soak in; it usually requires 30 minutes.  This idea is especially good if your child is scheduled for an outdoor field trip.  Also, if your child keeps a change of clothes at the center, please be sure that it is suitable for warm weather.

     At this date we should have received your summer/fall planning sheet.  We are very busy completing summer and fall class lists, and will begin calling new families that are on the waiting very soon.  We need to know what your transportation needs will be, and any schedule changes.  Thank you!

     Preschool and school age parents, your summer camp activity fee is due by May 30th.  The cost is $50.00 per a child or $90.00 per a family.  This fee will help to defer the costs for special visitors and programs as well as gasoline for the daily trips.  Each camper will also receive a summer camp shirt to wear on all field trips, which you will take home at the end of the summer.  The summer activity calendars will be available in the next few weeks.  Trip information will also be on the website.  Thank you very much for your cooperation.

     Parents Night Out is scheduled for the evening of Saturday, May 11th.  If you would like to enjoy an evening out, sign up in the front hall on the sheet provided.  The kids always have lots of fun, and the parents get some needed adult time!

          As always, if you have any ideas, questions or concerns, we want to hear from you.  Let us know what you are thinking!  Have a great month!



Explorations In April

          Spring is definitely in the air, and we couldn’t be happier!  Since the weather is finally cooperating, you can count on the children being outside every dry day.  Remember that it may still be cool, even cold in the morning (or sometimes all day), so be sure to send your child in with a jacket.  As much as the kids would like us to, we will not send them out on the playground in short sleeves when the temperature is in the 50’s.  You may want to consider leaving a sweatshirt in your child’s cubby for those days that he/she set off in a coat, and it warmed up during the day.  If you do leave a sweater or sweatshirt, please write your child’s name on the tag.  Thanks!!

          Also, when you are picking up in the evening please be aware that it is against state law to leave a child in a car seat with the engine running.  There was a parent complaint that children were left in the car while the parent ran in.  Although we would never anticipate a problem, better safe than sorry! 

     It’s spring picture time! Sara Smiles Photography will be here April 2 & 3.  Be sure to turn in the Spring School Photo sheet before picture day if you would like your child to be included.  

           Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, April 13th.  Watch for the sign up sheet in the front hall.  Remember to sign up in advance if you would like to participate.   

      By now you should have received a summer/fall planning form for your child or children.  We are putting together class lists.  Please let us know if you will have any changes in your schedule that we should know about.  We would appreciate receiving all of these forms returned to the office ASAP.   Thank you!

     Please remember to drive SLLOOWLLY through the parking lot.  Also, parents, please hold your young child’s hand as you walk to the car.  We have witnessed a few children running through the lot, sometimes not even towards their own car.  Yikes!  Thanks for your help and consideration. 

     We are looking forward to the nice weather ahead, and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors as we watch (and learn from) the changes taking place all around us!  Have a great month.  Think WARM!



Explorations In March 


     Let’s here it for March, because surely it means that spring can’t be far away!  Here at the center, we have been SO busy indoors, but boy we are happy to take it outside! 

     Already, we have begun planning for our summer and fall class lists.  If you are aware of any changes that will take place, or if you are a parent of a child entering kindergarten or elementary school, please let us know ASAP what your needs will be.  A summer/fall planning sheet will be coming home in the next few weeks.

     As we come closer to the end of cold and flu season, we want to say THANK YOU for remembering our illness policy, and helping to keep as many germs away from our children as possible!  Illness is always so widespread this time of year.  As a reminder, if your child exhibits any communicable symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., please keep them home.  They cannot return until the symptoms have been gone for 24 hours.  Tylenol or another medication may make them feel better, but they are still contagious.  It is disheartening to have a child in the center all morning, and have a fever appear in the afternoon, after a dose of Tylenol has worn off.  This is definitely the hardest time of year!

      Parents Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, March 9th this month.  As a reminder, the price for the first child is $40.00.  The sign up sheet is on the front hall table.  Please sign up as soon as possible if you are interested so that we can plan for adequate staff.

     We will offer spring photos again this year – the exact date is not set yet, but we will let you know very soon!  We will be using Sara Smile Photography again.  We were very happy with her in the fall.

      That’s all for now, but watch for notes to follow with spring related activities, as the weather decides to cooperate with us!  Let us know if you have any issues that you need to discuss at any time.  Again, and always, thanks for all your cooperation, and for being a part of our Explorations family!




Explorations In February


      Here we are in the second month of 2019.  January can be such a dreary and COLD month!  Let’s all think positive for February!  With February comes the first hope for signs of an early spring!  THINK WARM!!

      Even though the children were stuck inside for much of the January, they found many interesting and exciting things to do to keep them thinking and busy. 

      The next scheduled Parent’s Night Out is set for Saturday, February 9th.  If you were thinking that an evening out with your Valentine would be just the thing – then sign up in the front hall!  We’re ready for you!  If you have any questions, just ask!

     The children will be celebrating Valentine’s Day in their classrooms.  Each group is making their own plans, so be sure to look for a separate note, or check with your child’s teacher for the details.

     This time of year is always very difficult with illnesses of every sort.  Please be reassured that we are doing all that we can to keep the germs in the building at a minimum.  We diligently keep the toys and rooms cleaned and disinfected, and try to isolate and remove any contagious children from the center.  It’s hard for all of us.  We also experience the added difficulty of contagious kids infecting the staff.  We ask that all of you do all that you can to help us to survive the cold and flu season by not bringing your child in with communicable symptoms such as fevers, rashes and vomiting.  If they vomited during the night please don’t assume that they are fine the next morning and bring them in!  Remember, even if you mask the fever symptoms, your child is still contagious, and needs to be home until he/she is symptom free for 24 hours.  Yes – this can create a hardship with missed days at work, but your consideration and understanding is GREATLY appreciated.  Thank you!

          As always, let us know if you have any questions, ideas, or concerns.  Have a great month, and remember to think warm.


Explorations in January

 Happy New Year!  We have sailed through the holidays, and January has arrived.  We are excited to be entering the New Year!  Without a doubt, many fun and exciting things are going to happen!

       Hopefully, everyone enjoyed their holidays, and had a little bit of extra free time to spend with their families.

       We would like to give a GREAT BIG HEARTFELT THANK YOU to everyone for your enthusiasm and sharing attitudes with Hannah’s Treasure Chest Giving Angels Program.  With everyone’s contribution, the project was a great success.   THANK YOU SO MUCH!

     Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, January12th.  Watch for the sign-up sheet in the front hall.

       It’s January, so let it snow… right?  If it does, and we have any major accumulation, please assume that we will always remain open if it is possible.  We do not plan to close for snow days.  School age parents, we will be prepared to accept you child for the full day as needed if the schools are closed.  If there is a delay, we will provide transportation to school. Remember that there is a $16.00 fee for the full day.  In the unlikely event that it is necessary to close, it will be posted with all the local news stations.  It will also be posted on our Facebook page (facebook.com/explorationscenterville).

       Keep in mind that if the playground is snowy, it is difficult to take the children outside.  In order for them to play outside, they have to be in a protective layer that will keep their indoor clothes (pants, socks, and shoes) dry for their indoor time.  Unless the whole group, or a large portion of the group comes in “snow clothes” the teachers must keep them inside.  Your child’s teacher may inform you of a certain day, or plan for outdoor play.

       THANK YOU parents for your cooperation and understanding with our illness policy!  This is a rough time of year for us all, and we appreciate your helpful attitudes.  We know how hard it can be to have a sick child, but hopefully we can keep the spreading of germs down to a minimum!

       That’s all for now.  Try to keep warm and have a good month!

Explorations In December


     December is one of the busiest months for all of us, and there will be no exception to that rule around here!  Do you think that we can take all of that excited energy flowing through the children, and turn it into creativity and learning?  That is our goal, and we hope to reach it by singing, reading, sharing and learning as we watch fall turn into (Brrrrr) winter! 

     We will have a special visit from Santa the morning of December 12th.  He should arrive at 9:30, and will be set up for pictures in the school age room.  Be sure to send in your payment envelopes if you would like a photo!  Parents, you are invited to come, and we are asking for a plate of cookies from anyone who would like to contribute.

      Thank you everybody for your wonderful participation with the “Giving Angels” program as well as the Holiday Aid Food Drive.  It’s nice to know that we helped to make some Miami Valley children happy and surprised at Christmas.      

     As we come to the end of another calendar year, please make sure that your account is current.  We will be giving all families that do not have zero balances a statement.  If you receive one in your child’s room, be sure to check it and settle your account.  It will inform you if you have a balance.  We will need to close our books out at the end of the year for tax purposes.  We always appreciate your prompt payments, THANK YOU!  As you know from your Enrollment Agreement and handbook, tuition payments are due the FIRST day of each week that your child attends.  Charges should not be carrying over from the previous week.  As a courtesy to all of you, we have not been charging late fees, but it is our policy to charge a late fee when your account balance is past due. Please remember to fill out a vacation request form ASAP if you would like to use one or both of your vacation credits over the holidays.

     We have an extra Parent’s “Day” Out scheduled this month for shopping the morning of December 8th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  If you bring your child during this time, please send them with a packed lunch.  Parent’s Night Out is the evening of December 15th. 

     Parents, please remember to let us know when your child does not need to be picked up from school.  The time it takes for us to determine that we can leave the school is making us late to our next school.  Our buses leave before 2:00.  Please let us know before that time.

     There are just a couple requests that we have.  Please be sure that when your child is in the building or parking lot he/she is either with you, or with the teacher.  It is disruptive and unsafe for the children to be in the building unattended.  We are having problems with fast drivers in the parking lot!  This is SO dangerous, and we have had several complaints.  PLEASE SLOW DOWN and watch very carefully.  It is getting dark early.  Please be safe.  We appreciate your courtesy.  Thank you!

     That’s all for now.  Have a safe and happy holiday!


Explorations In October   


     Fall is definitely here!  The leaves are ready to turn colors, and the temperature is beginning to dip. This time of year is such a rich time for learning.  The changes outdoors offer so many opportunities for fun and enriching classroom activities as well as hands on explorations!

     The Explorers, Challengers, Discoverers and Adventurers will be scheduling field trips to Warrick Farm this month.  Be sure to watch for information about this fun event if your child is in one of those classes.  Parents, you are welcome to join us!  Please plan to drive (and drive your child) if you want to come to assure that there is enough space on the busses for the children!  You can check out the farm at www.warrickfarm.com.

     FYI - Our school picture days are scheduled for October 9th and 10th this year.  Keep that in mind as you are planning ahead.  We are working with Sara Smile Photgraphy again this fall.  We loved her work last year!  As before, you will have the option for a holiday background if you choose, and she will take siblings together!  Watch for more information as those dates come closer.

     Mark your calendars for our annual Halloween party!  If you would like to join us (and we hope that you do), the date is set for the evening of Monday, October 29th at 6:30 PM.  We ask that you bring a treat to share.  There should be a little bit of everything for kids of all ages, including our impressively SCARY haunted maze.  It’s always lots of fun! Hope to see all of you here!

     As the weather turns cooler, please check to see that your child has a jacket to wear and a change of clothes at the center that is appropriate for cooler weather.  We will take the children outside on a daily basis whenever possible!   Also, if you are any missing anything, you might take a look in our lost and found box under the front hall table.

     Parent’s Night Out this month is scheduled for the evening of October 13th. If you plan to have your child here, please sign up in the front hall as soon as possible so that we can plan accordingly for staff. 

     Have a hauntingly fun month, and enjoy the cool weather!




Explorations In September 

     The first days in September are here, and school is underway!  Our school-agers started with a mixture of cheers and groans, but everyone seems to be making the adjustment OK!  We are beginning to get into a fall mood, and we are planning and preparing for many fun activities!

     Parents, it is important for you to let us know if your child will not be at the center.  It helps us with our lunch count, and it is ESPECIALLY important if we are planning to transport your school-ager back from school.  If they don’t come out with the group, we will have to spend valuable time finding out where he/she is.  Your cooperation with this matter will really help!

      If you received a billing statement recently, please be sure to check it and settle any balance immediately.  There are a few registration fees that are past due.  Each family needs to start the new enrollment year with a zero balance.  Remember, it is your responsibility to pay all tuition costs each week.  All non-current balances will be charged a late fee, and may possibly be disenrolled.  If there is a hardship, please make us aware of it. Thank you for your consideration.

     We are excited to have our new Enrollment year underway!  Our program is full with a waiting list.

        Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for September 8th.  Any interested parents need to sign up in the front hall as soon as it is posted to help us in our planning.  If you missed the note about P.N.O., or have any questions, just ask Linda.

     We have just celebrated our 20th anniversary!  Wow how time flies!!    Thank you to all of our families – old and new.  We truly appreciate the trust and support from all of you.  Thank you so much!  We are looking forward to a great school year.  Have a great month!



Explorations In August 


     The summer has just flown by!  Can you believe that it is August already?  We know that the school-agers are counting down those last few weeks till school starts!  We’ve been so busy in and around the center with special activities and field trips.  Each class has found its own fun way to explore and discover summer.

       Just a reminder, please be sure that you are at the center in time for the 6:00 pm closing.  We appreciate the courtesy.  Just let us know if there will be a delay.  It happens sometimes!        

   Re-registration time is here.  Hopefully by now we know everyone’s fall schedule.  If your child will be here for the school year, the annual registration fee is due by August 5th ($50.00 for one child and $100.00 for multiple children).  If there are going to be any changes that we are not aware of at this time, please let us know.  If your child will be attending public school, please be sure to fill out the fall planning sheet in the school age room so that we include your child on the bus list.  All families will need to sign their new Enrollment Agreements for the 2018-2019 enrollment period.  Please take the time to read your copy so that you are aware of our payment policies and fees.

     Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, August 11th at 6:30 pm.  Watch for the sign-up sheet on the front table.

    We would also like to thank all our families who have trusted us over the years to take care of their children.  On August 28th Explorations will celebrate its 20th anniversary!  Wow, time flies!  We have had such a wonderful time watching “our kids” grow up!  What a GREAT feeling!  We are very happy to have all our families here.   We couldn’t be more appreciative of our wonderful families and the kindness and patience they have shown us.  It is rewarding, and makes us realize how much of a relationship we have developed with all of you!  Thank You!

     That’s all for now.  Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Explorations In July 


     Summer is in full swing, and we have been busier than ever!  The children have been having such fun with water play and field trips.

     The children have been doing art and craft projects, listening to stories and singing songs about America’s birthday.  Everyone seems to be excited about seeing the fireworks and celebrating our nation’s birthday.

          With all the field trips taking place each week, be sure that you are referring to your summer calendar each day.  Some days your child may need to wear socks or bring swimwear.  You don’t want to be caught unprepared!  We have had some great feedback from the kids and parents on favorite outings this summer.  Let us know if you have any thoughts or ideas as we continue our adventures.  Also, please be sure to pack your child a lunch on the picnic days scheduled, according to the summer calendar.  Thank you for your cooperation on this!

            Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, July 14th.  Watch for the sign-up sheet in the front hall before that date, so we can plan our staffing correctly.

        We are starting to work on our fall class lists.  Please inform us of any changes that might take place at that time.  We are also working on the bus schedules.  Please check and make sure we have the right school listed for your child, especially for those going into kindergarten or Young Five’s and second grade.  If you have not let us know whether your child is am or pm, please do asap!

          As always, please let us know of any ideas, questions or concerns that you may have.  Your input is always welcome.  Have a great month!


Explorations in June

        Yeah!  Summer is finally here, and we have been SO busy getting ready for the changes that will take place!  Our summer calendar is FULL of “fun in the sun” activities and events. 

     Be sure to keep your summer calendar in a handy place.  You can also find information on all the trips and events for the summer on Explorations web page at explorationscenterville.com.  It will keep you informed all summer long of daily events.  If your child is an Explorer, Challenger, Discoverer, Adventurer or School-ager, they will be embarking on periodic field trips.  (*The older the group, the more outings they will take!)  All of these traveling campers will receive a summer camp shirt that they will wear on all the outings.  We will keep them here at the center, wash them, and send them home at the end of the summer session.  The calendar and website include information on the group that is participating, any costs involved, days that they need to bring a sack lunch and the departure and return times for the field trips.  Before your child can go on a bus trip, you will need to sign a permission slip and pay (if applicable).  *Please be sure that the sack lunch is a healthy lunch.  Daycare licensing expects all meals eaten by the children while in our care to meet acceptable nutritional standards.

     The summer activity was due by Friday, May 31st.  The fee is $50.00 for one child and $90.00 for more than one child.  This fee is only for Explorers, Challengers, Discoverers, Adventurers and School-agers.  If you have not paid this yet, please pay it this week.

     Beginning the week of June 4th, we will have water play days scheduled for the toddlers, 2’s, preschoolers and Adventurers.  Your child’s scheduled days are posted outside the classroom on the door.  Be sure to check so you are prepared on that day with a LABELED swimsuit (or swimmers for the younger children), a towel and sunscreen (with a sunscreen form signed) in your child’s room.  The wet clothes need to be taken home and laundered each week.  This is also a good time to refresh your child’s extra clothes that you keep here with us.  Are they the right season, and are they still the right size??

      That’s all for now.   We are excited about the summer program!  As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns!  


Explorations In May


       Let’s hear it for sunny warm weather, flowers in bloom and trees with green leaves!  We love the nice weather.  It brings a whole bunch of new things to do!  We love spending time outside each day when it’s really pleasant to be out, and we love to explore all the changes that are happening every day! 

     Speaking of sunny, warm weather, it may not be too soon to bring in a bottle of sunscreen for your child.  Remember to label it with their full name, and sign a green consent form (we can’t apply it without your written consent).  A really great idea would be for you to apply the sunscreen to your child before arrival in the morning.  This gives it time to soak in; it usually requires 30 minutes.  This idea is especially good if your child is scheduled for an outdoor field trip.  Also, if your child keeps a change of clothes at the center, please be sure that it is suitable for warm weather.

     At this date we should have received your summer/fall planning sheet.  We are very busy completing summer and fall class lists, and will begin calling new families that are on the waiting very soon.  We need to know what your transportation needs will be, and any schedule changes.  Thank you!

     Preschool and school age parents, your summer camp activity fee is due by May 27h.  The cost is $50.00 per a child or $90.00 per a family.  This fee will help to defer the costs for special visitors and programs as well as gasoline for the daily trips.  Each camper will also receive a summer camp shirt to wear on all field trips, which you will take home at the end of the summer.  The summer activity calendars will be available in the next few weeks.  Trip information will also be on the website.  Thank you very much for your cooperation.

     Parents Night Out is scheduled for the evening of Saturday, May 12th.  If you would like to enjoy an evening out, sign up in the front hall on the sheet provided.  The kids always have lots of fun, and the parents get some needed adult time!

          As always, if you have any ideas, questions or concerns, we want to hear from you.  Let us know what you are thinking!  Have a great month!



Explorations In April

          Spring is definitely in the air, and we couldn’t be happier!  Since the weather is finally cooperating, you can count on the children being outside every dry day.  Remember that it may still be cool, even cold in the morning (or sometimes all day), so be sure to send your child in with a jacket.  As much as the kids would like us to, we will not send them out on the playground in short sleeves when the temperature is in the 50’s.  You may want to consider leaving a sweatshirt in your child’s cubby for those days that he/she set off in a coat, and it warmed up during the day.  If you do leave a sweater or sweatshirt, please write your child’s name on the tag.  Thanks!!

          When you are picking up in the evening, if your child is on the playground, please exit the building through your child’s classroom.  Please do not take a short cut through a different room.  Remember, from the upstairs classrooms you can get to the playground through the back door in the school age room. Please also be sure to let your child’s teacher know that he/she is leaving.

     It’s spring picture time! Sara Smiles Photography will be here Wednesday, April 18th.  Please be sure to return the photo  options envelope before picture day if you would like your child to be included.

           Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, April 7th.  Watch for the sign up sheet in the front hall.  Remember to sign up in advance if you would like to participate.

      By now you should have received a summer/fall planning form for your child or children.  We are putting together class lists.  Please let us know if you will have any changes in your schedule that we should know about.  We would appreciate receiving all of these forms returned to the office ASAP.   Thank you!

     Please remember to drive SLLOOWLLY through the parking lot.  Also, parents, please hold your young child’s hand as you walk to the car.  We have witnessed a few children running through the lot, sometimes not even towards their own car.  Yikes!  Thanks for your help and consideration.

     We are looking forward to the nice weather ahead, and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors as we watch (and learn from) the changes taking place all around us!  Have a great month.  Think WARM!




Explorations In March 


     Let’s here it for March, because surely it means that spring can’t be far away!  Here at the center, we have been SO busy indoors, but boy we are happy to take it outside! 

     Already, we have begun planning for our summer and fall class lists.  If you are aware of any changes that will take place, or if you are a parent of a child entering kindergarten or elementary school, please let us know ASAP what your needs will be.  A summer/fall planning sheet will be coming home in the next couple weeks.

     As we come closer to the end of cold and flu season, we want to say THANK YOU for remembering our illness policy, and helping to keep as many germs away from our children as possible!  Illness is always so widespread this time of year.  As a reminder, if your child exhibits any communicable symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., please keep them home.  They cannot return until the symptoms have been gone for 24 hours.  Tylenol or another medication may make them feel better, but they are still contagious.  It is disheartening to have a child in the center all morning, and have a fever appear in the afternoon, after a dose of Tylenol has worn off.  This is definitely the hardest time of year!

      Parents Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, March 10th this month.  As a reminder, the price for the first child is $40.00.  The sign up sheet is on the front hall table.  Please sign up as soon as possible if you are interested so that we can plan for adequate staff.

     We plan to offer spring photos again this year – the exact date is not set yet, but it will be in early April.  We will be using Sara Smile Photography again.  We were very happy with her in the fall.

      That’s all for now, but watch for notes to follow with spring related activities, as the weather decides to cooperate with us!  Let us know if you have any issues that you need to discuss at any time.  Again, and always, thanks for all your cooperation, and for being a part of our Explorations family!




Explorations In February


   Here we are in the second month of 2018.  January can be such a dreary and COLD month!  Let’s all think positive for February!  With February comes the first hope for signs of an early spring!  THINK WARM!!

      Even though the children were stuck inside for much of the January, they found many interesting and exciting things to do to keep them thinking and busy. 

      The next scheduled Parent’s Night Out is set for Saturday, February 10th.  If you were thinking that an evening out with your Valentine would be just the thing – then sign up in the front hall!  We’re ready for you!  If you have any questions, just ask!

     The children will be celebrating Valentine’s Day in their classrooms.  Each group is making their own plans, so be sure to look for a separate note, or check with your child’s teacher for the details.

     This time of year is always very difficult with illnesses of every sort.  Please be reassured that we are doing all that we can to keep the germs in the building at a minimum.  We diligently keep the toys and rooms cleaned and disinfected, and try to isolate and remove any contagious children from the center.  It’s hard for all of us.  We also experience the added difficulty of contagious kids infecting the staff.  We ask that all of you do all that you can to help us to survive the cold and flu season by not bringing your child in with communicable symptoms such as fevers, rashes and vomiting.  If they vomited during the night please don’t assume that they are fine the next morning and bring them in!  Remember, even if you mask the fever symptoms, your child is still contagious, and needs to be home until he/she is symptom free for 24 hours.  Yes – this can create a hardship with missed days at work, but your consideration and understanding is GREATLY appreciated.  Thank you!

          As always, let us know if you have any questions, ideas, or concerns.  Have a great month, and remember to think warm.


Explorations in January


Happy New Year!  We have sailed through the holidays, and January has arrived.  We are excited to be entering the New Year!  Without a doubt, many fun and exciting things are going to happen!

       Hopefully, everyone enjoyed their holidays, and had a little bit of extra free time to spend with their families.

       We would like to give a GREAT BIG HEARTFELT THANK YOU to everyone for your enthusiasm and sharing attitudes with Hannah’s Treasure Chest Giving Angels Program.  With everyone’s contribution, the project was a great success.   THANK YOU SO MUCH!

     Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, January13th.  Watch for the sign-up sheet in the front hall.

       It’s January, so let it snow… right?  If it does, and we have any major accumulation, please assume that we will always remain open if it is possible.  We do not plan to close for snow days.  School age parents, we will be prepared to accept you child for the full day as needed if the schools are closed.  If there is a delay, we will provide transportation to school. Remember that there is a $16.00 fee for the full day.  In the unlikely event that it is necessary to close, it will be posted with all the local news stations.  It will also be posted on our Facebook page (facebook.com/explorationscenterville) or our Twitter feed (@ExplorationsCEC).

       Keep in mind that if the playground is snowy, it is difficult to take the children outside.  In order for them to play outside, they have to be in a protective layer that will keep their indoor clothes (pants, socks, and shoes) dry for their indoor time.  Unless the whole group, or a large portion of the group comes in “snow clothes” the teachers must keep them inside.  Your child’s teacher may inform you of a certain day, or plan for outdoor play.

       THANK YOU parents for your cooperation and understanding with our illness policy!  This is a rough time of year for us all, and we appreciate your helpful attitudes.  We know how hard it can be to have a sick child, but hopefully we can keep the spreading of germs down to a minimum!

       That’s all for now.  Try to keep warm and have a good month!

Explorations In December

       December is one of the busiest months for all of us, and there will be no exception to that rule around here!  Do you think that we can take all of that excited energy flowing through the children, and turn it into creativity and learning?  That is our goal, and we hope to reach it by singing, reading, sharing and learning as we watch fall turn into (Brrrrr) winter! 

     We will have a special visit from Santa the morning of December 8th.  He should arrive at 9:30, and will be set up for pictures in the school age room.  Be sure to send in your payment envelopes if you would like a photo!  Parents, you are invited to come, and we are asking for a plate of cookies from anyone who would like to contribute.

      Thank you everybody for your wonderful participation with the “Giving Angels” program as well as the Holiday Aid Food Drive.  It’s nice to know that we helped to make some Miami Valley children happy and surprised at Christmas.      

     As we come to the end of another calendar year, please make sure that your account is current.  We will be giving all families that do not have zero balances a statement.  If you receive one in your child’s room, be sure to check it and settle your account.  It will inform you if you have a balance.  We will need to close our books out at the end of the year for tax purposes.  We always appreciate your prompt payments, THANK YOU!  As you know from your Enrollment Agreement and handbook, tuition payments are due the FIRST day of each week that your child attends.  Charges should not be carrying over from the previous week.  As a courtesy to all of you, we have not been charging late fees, but it is our policy to charge a late fee when your account balance is past due. Please remember to fill out a vacation request form ASAP if you would like to use one or both of your vacation credits over the holidays.

     We have an extra Parent’s “Day” Out scheduled this month for shopping the morning of December 2nd from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  If you bring your child during this time, please send them with a packed lunch.  Parent’s Night Out is the evening of December 9th. 

     Parents, please remember to let us know when your child does not need to be picked up from school.  The time it takes for us to determine that we can leave the school is making us late to our next school.  Our buses leave before 2:00.  Please let us know before that time.

     There are just a couple requests that we have.  Please be sure that when your child is in the building or parking lot he/she is either with you, or with the teacher.  It is disruptive and unsafe for the children to be in the building unattended.  We are having problems with fast drivers in the parking lot!  This is SO dangerous, and we have had several complaints.  PLEASE SLOW DOWN and watch very carefully.  It is getting dark early.  Please be safe.  We appreciate your courtesy.  Thank you!

     That’s all for now.  Have a safe and happy holiday!


Explorations In November


      Isn’t it amazing how fast the months pass by?  Here it is November already, with thoughts of the upcoming holidays just around the corner! 

     We had a GREAT time at the Halloween party.  So many of our families were here to celebrate!  The word is that the haunted maze was really  cool!!  

      It is (unfortunately) the time of year where we see many children with colds, flu and a variety of other illnesses.  Please review the Communicable Disease Policy in your handbook on the website for the list of symptoms that need to be noticed, and how our staff will handle them.  If your child exhibits any symptoms that are more than just those of a basic cold, he/she will need to be kept at home for at least 24 hours after the symptoms disappear.  Please realize that giving your child Tylenol or other OTC medications before coming in the morning will only mask symptoms, BUT THEY ARE STILL CONTAGEOUS, and they will infect the other children.  If you do medicate your child in any way, please inform his/her teacher, so that they will be aware, and know to watch for any side effects or problems.  We understand that it is difficult to miss work.  It’s equally difficult for us when our teachers are exposed to illness and miss work.  Let’s all grin and bear it and do our best to be helpful, healthy and courteous!

     Picture days are coming up!  We will be taking photos on Wednesday, November 8th and Thursday, November 9th.  If you plan to take holiday photos, you can choose the holiday backdrop for your child or children. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!  Parent’s Night Out is on November 11th.  Be sure to sign up in the front hall ASAP is you would like your child/children to attend.

     One note about tuition payments…  Please check any statement that is given to you.  Unless you request a regular statement, you will only see one if we are informing you of a discrepancy in your balance.  Your account is past due if you owe for more than the current week.  Please settle your account upon receipt of statement.  All accounts are expected to be kept current.  Occasionally, there may be a problem, but we do expect that there will not be an on-going balance.  Please be aware of this policy. 

     Each holiday season, we partner with a charitable organization that helps to provide some Christmas cheer” to children in need.  Once again this year we are participating in Hannah’s Treasure Chest’s “Giving Angels Program”.  During the first week of November, we will be given tags with children’s names and gift wishes on them.  Any family can choose a tag and buy the gift that is on it.  Watch for more details to follow! 

     We are also doing a Holiday Aid canned food drive for the first time.  We will definitely use this project as a teaching tool about helping others with our children throughout the center!  There are two barrels for dropping food donations in the building.

      If you will be using one or both of your vacation weeks over the holidays, be sure to fill out a Vacation Request form so that we will have it in advance.  We will not credit the week unless we have your written request.  The forms are located on the Parent Bulletin Board in the front hall, or they can be downloaded from the “Parent Forms” section of the website. 

          This time of year, it’s nice to take a moment to stop and notice all the things that we are thankful for.  The Explorations staff would like to say thank you to all of our families that have entrusted their wonderful children to our care.  Your confidence means a lot to us!  Thank you and happy Thanksgiving!




Explorations In October   


     Fall is definitely here!  The leaves are ready to turn colors, and the temperature is beginning to dip. This time of year is such a rich time for learning.  The changes outdoors offer so many opportunities for fun and enriching classroom activities as well as hands on explorations!

     The Explorers, Challengers, Discoverers and Adventurers are scheduled for trips to Warrick Farm on Thursday, October 12th and Friday, October 13th.  Be sure to watch for information about this fun event if your child is in one of those classes.  Parents, you are welcome to join us.  Please plan to drive (and drive your child) if you want to come to assure that there is enough space on the busses for the children!  You can check out the farm at www.warrickfarm.com.

     FYI - Our school picture days are scheduled for November 1st and 2nd this year.  Keep that in mind as you are planning ahead.  We are working with a new photography Studio this fall.  We have hired Sara Smile Photography.  We are hoping to have a more professional studio quality experience than we have had with Lifetouch in years past.  As before, you will have the option for a holiday background if you choose, and she will take siblings together!  Watch for more information as those dates come closer.

     Mark your calendars for our annual Halloween party!  If you would like to join us (and we hope that you do), the date is set for the evening of Monday, October 30th at 6:30 PM.  We ask that you bring a treat to share.  There should be a little bit of everything for kids of all ages, including our impressively SCARY haunted maze.  It’s always lots of fun! Hope to see all of you here!

     As the weather turns cooler, please check to see that your child has a jacket to wear and a change of clothes at the center that is appropriate for cooler weather.  We will take the children outside on a daily basis whenever possible!   Also, if you are any missing anything, you might take a look in our lost and found box under the front hall table.

     Parent’s Night Out this month is scheduled for the evening of October 14th. If you plan to have your child here, please sign up in the front hall as soon as possible so that we can plan accordingly for staff. 

     Have a hauntingly fun month, and enjoy the cool weather!




Explorations In September 


     The first days in September are here, and school is underway!  Our school-agers started with a mixture of cheers and groans, but everyone seems to be making the adjustment OK!  We are beginning to get into a fall mood, and we are planning and preparing for many fun activities!

     Parents, it is important for you to let us know if your child will not be at the center.  It helps us with our lunch count, and it is ESPECIALLY important if we are planning to transport your school-ager back from school.  If they don’t come out with the group, we will have to spend valuable time finding out where he/she is.  Your cooperation with this matter will really help!

      If you received a billing statement recently, please be sure to check it and settle any balance immediately.  There are a few registration fees that are past due.  Each family needs to start the new enrollment year with a zero balance.  Remember, it is your responsibility to pay all tuition costs each week.  All non-current balances will be charged a late fee, and may possibly be disenrolled.  If there is a hardship, please make us aware of it. Thank you for your consideration.

     We are excited to have our new Enrollment year underway!  Our program is full with a waiting list.

        Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for September 9th.  Any interested parents need to sign up in the front hall as soon as it is posted to help us in our planning.  If you missed the note about P.N.O., or have any questions, just ask Linda or Terri.

     We have just celebrated our nineteenth anniversary!  Wow how time flies!!    Thank you to all of our families – old and new.  We truly appreciate the trust and support from all of you.  Thank you so much!  We are looking forward to a great school year.  Have a great month!



Explorations In August


          The summer has just flown by!  Can you believe that it is August already?  We know that the school-agers are counting down those last few weeks till school starts!  We’ve been so busy in and around the center with special activities and field trips.  Each class has found its own fun way to explore and discover summer.

       Just a reminder, please be sure that you are at the center in time for the 6:00 pm closing.  We appreciate the courtesy.  Just let us know if there will be a delay.  It happens sometimes!        

   Re-registration time is here.  Hopefully by now we know everyone’s fall schedule.  If your child will be here for the school year, the annual registration fee is due by August 5th ($50.00 for one child and $100.00 for multiple children).  If there are going to be any changes that we are not aware of at this time, please let us know.  If your child will be attending public school, then you will receive a Fall Planning sheet.  Please take a moment to fill it out and drop it in the office.  All families will need to sign their new Enrollment Agreements if there has been a rate change for your child or children.  Please take the time to read your copy so that you are aware of our payment policies and fees.

     Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, August 12th at 6:30 pm.  Watch for the sign up sheet on the front table.

    We would also like to thank all our families who have trusted us over the years to take care of their children.  On August 28th Explorations will celebrate our 19th anniversary!  Wow, time flies!  We actually have some of our first families and staff still here.  What a GREAT feeling!  We are very happy to have all our families here.   We couldn’t be more appreciative of our wonderful families and the kindness and patience they have shown us.  It is rewarding, and makes us realize how much of a relationship we have developed with all of you!  Thank You!

     That’s all for now.  Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Explorations In July 


     Summer is in full swing, and we have been busier than ever!  The children have been having such fun with water play and field trips.

     The children have been doing art and craft projects, listening to stories and singing songs about America’s birthday.  Everyone seems to be excited about seeing the fireworks and celebrating our nation’s birthday.

          With all the field trips taking place each week, be sure that you are referring to your summer calendar each day.  Some days your child may need to wear socks or bring swimwear.  You don’t want to be caught unprepared!  We have had some great feedback from the kids and parents on favorite outings this summer.  Let us know if you have any thoughts or ideas as we continue our adventures.  Also, please be sure to pack your child a lunch on the picnic days scheduled, according to the summer calendar.  Thank you for your cooperation on this!

            Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, July 15th.  Watch for the sign-up sheet in the front hall before that date, so we can plan our staffing correctly.

        We are starting to work on our fall class lists.  Please inform us of any changes that might take place at that time.  We are also working on the bus schedules.  Please check and make sure we have the right school listed for your child, especially for those going into kindergarten or Young Five’s and second grade.  If you have not let us know whether your child is am or pm, please do asap!

          As always, please let us know of any ideas, questions or concerns that you may have.  Your input is always welcome.  Have a great month!





Explorations in June

     Yeah!  Summer is finally here, and we have been SO busy getting ready for the changes that will take place!  Our summer calendar is FULL of “fun in the sun” activities and events. 

     Be sure to keep your summer calendar in a handy place.  You can also find information on all the trips and events for the summer on Explorations web page at explorationscenterville.com.  It will keep you informed all summer long of daily events.  If your child is an Explorer, Challenger, Discoverer, Adventurer or School-ager, they will be embarking on periodic field trips.  (*The older the group, the more outings they will take!)  All of these traveling campers will receive a summer camp shirt that they will wear on all the outings.  We will keep them here at the center, wash them, and send them home at the end of the summer session.  The calendar and website include information on the group that is participating, any costs involved, days that they need to bring a sack lunch and the departure and return times for the field trips.  Before your child can go on a bus trip, you will need to sign a permission slip and pay (if applicable).  *Please be sure that the sack lunch is a healthy lunch.  Daycare licensing expects all meals eaten by the children while in our care to meet acceptable nutritional standards.

     The summer activity was due by Friday, May 26th.  The fee is $50.00 for one child and $90.00 for more than one child.  This fee is only for Explorers, Challengers, Discoverers, Adventurers and School-agers. 

     Beginning the week of June 5th, we will have water play days scheduled for the toddlers, 2’s, preschoolers and Adventurers.  Your child’s scheduled days are posted outside the classroom on the door.  Be sure to check so you are prepared on that day with a LABELED swimsuit (or swimmers for the younger children), a towel and sunscreen (with a sunscreen form signed) in your child’s room.  The wet clothes need to be taken home and laundered each week.  This is also a good time to refresh your child’s extra clothes that you keep here with us.  Are they the right season, and are they still the right size??

      That’s all for now.   We are excited about the summer program!  As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns!  


Explorations In May   

     Let’s hear it for sunny warm weather, flowers in bloom and trees with green leaves!  We love the nice weather.  It brings a whole bunch of new things to do!  We love spending time outside each day when it’s really pleasant to be out, and we love to explore all the changes that are happening every day! 

     Speaking of sunny, warm weather, it may not be too soon to bring in a bottle of sunscreen for your child.  Remember to label it with their full name, and sign a green consent form (we can’t apply it without your written consent).  A really great idea would be for you to apply the sunscreen to your child before arrival in the morning.  This gives it time to soak in; it usually requires 30 minutes.  This idea is especially good if your child is scheduled for an outdoor field trip.  Also, if your child keeps a change of clothes at the center, please be sure that it is suitable for warm weather.

     At this date we should have received your summer/fall planning sheet.  We are very busy completing summer and fall class lists, and have begun calling new families that are on the waiting list next week.  We need to know what your transportation needs will be, and any schedule changes.  Thank you!

     Preschool and school age parents, your summer camp activity fee is due by May 26th.  The cost is $50.00 per a child or $90.00 per a family.  This fee will help to defer the costs for special visitors and programs as well as gasoline for the daily trips.  Each camper will also receive a summer camp shirt to wear on all field trips, which you will take home at the end of the summer.  The summer activity calendars will be available in the next few weeks.  Trip information will also be on the website.  Thank you very much for your cooperation.

     Parents Night Out is scheduled for the evening of Saturday, May 13th.  If you would like to enjoy an evening out, sign up in the front hall on the sheet provided.  The kids always have lots of fun, and the parents get some needed adult time!

     We will be having a family picnic the evening of Wednesday, May 17th.  We would love to have all our families join us for a relaxing evening!  If you would like to come, we ask that you bring a side dish or a dessert to share.  Put the dare on your calendar!

     As always, if you have any ideas, questions or concerns, we want to hear from you.  Let us know what you are thinking!  Have a great month!



Explorations In April

          Spring is definitely in the air, and we couldn’t be happier!  Since the weather is finally cooperating, you can count on the children being outside every dry day.  Remember that it may still be cool, even cold in the morning (or sometimes all day), so be sure to send your child in with a jacket.  As much as the kids would like us to, we will not send them out on the playground in short sleeves when the temperature is in the 50’s.  You may want to consider leaving a sweatshirt in your child’s cubby for those days that he/she set off in a coat, and it warmed up during the day.  If you do leave a sweater or sweatshirt, please write your child’s name on the tag.  Thanks!!

          Also, when you are picking up in the evening, if your child is on the playground, please exit the building through your child’s classroom.  Please do not take a short cut through a different room.  Remember, from the upstairs classrooms you can get to the playground through the back door in the school age room. Please also be sure to let your child’s teacher know that he/she is leaving.

     We are excited to be working with a new photographer this spring!  We are hoping for a more personal touch, and hope for more personal service.  Picture Days are Tuesday the 11th aqd Wednesday the 12th.  Be sure to turn in the Spring School Photo sheet before picture day if you would like your child to be included. 

           Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, April 8th.  Watch for the sign up sheet in the front hall.  Remember to sign up in advance if you would like to participate.

      By now you should have received new enrollment paperwork for your child or children.  State Licensing has created all new forms, so you may to be asked to update medication forms, health care plans and enrollment paperwork.  We are beginning to plan for our summer and fall sessions, so you should have also received a Summer/Fall planning form.  Please let us know if you will have any changes in your schedule that we should know about.  We would appreciate receiving all of these forms returned to the office ASAP.   Thank you!

     Please remember to drive SLLOOWLLY through the parking lot.  Also, parents, please hold your young child’s hand as you walk to the car.  We have witnessed a few children running through the lot, sometimes not even towards their own car.  Yikes!  Thanks for your help and consideration.

     We are looking forward to the nice weather ahead, and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors as we watch (and learn from) the changes taking place all around us!  Have a great month.  Think WARM!




Explorations In March

     Let’s here it for March, because surely it means that spring can’t be far away!  Here at the center, we have been SO busy indoors, but boy we are happy to take it outside! 

     Already, we have begun planning for our summer and fall class lists.  If you are aware of any changes that will take place, or if you are a parent of a child entering kindergarten or elementary school, please let us know ASAP what your needs will be.  A summer planning sheet will be coming home in the next couple weeks.

     As we come closer to the end of cold and flu season, we want to say THANK YOU for remembering our illness policy, and helping to keep as many germs away from our children as possible!  Illness is always so widespread this time of year.  As a reminder, if your child exhibits any communicable symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., please keep them home.  They cannot return until the symptoms have been gone for 24 hours.  Tylenol or another medication may make them feel better, but they are still contagious.  It is disheartening to have a child in the center all morning, and have a fever appear in the afternoon, after a dose of Tylenol has worn off.  This is definitely the hardest time of year!

      Parents Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, March 11th this month.  As a reminder, the price for the first child is $40.00.  The sign up sheet is on the front hall table.  Please sign up as soon as possible if you are interested so that we can plan for adequate staff.

     We plan to offer spring photos again this year – hopefully this month.  Our last photo session was disappointing, so we are interviewing a different photographer this week.  We are anticipating a better result, with similar pricing.  We are interviewing a new photographer this week.  Watch for details and dates to follow!

      That’s all for now, but watch for notes to follow with spring related activities, as the weather decides to cooperate with us!  Let Terri and I know if you have any issues that you need to discuss at any time.  Again, and always, thanks for all your cooperation, and for being a part of our Explorations family!




Explorations In February

      Here we are in the second month of 2017.  January can be such a dreary and COLD month!  Let’s all think positive for February!  With February comes the first hope for signs of an early spring!  THINK WARM!!

      Even though the children were stuck inside for much of the January, they found many interesting and exciting things to do to keep them thinking and busy. 

      The next scheduled Parent’s Night Out is set for Saturday, February 11th.  If you were thinking that an evening out with your Valentine would be just the thing – then sign up in the front hall!  We’re ready for you!  If you have any questions, just ask!

     The children will be celebrating Valentine’s Day in their classrooms.  Each group is making their own plans, so be sure to look for a separate note, or check with your child’s teacher for the details.

     This time of year is always very difficult with illnesses of every sort.  Please be reassured that we are doing all that we can to keep the germs in the building at a minimum.  We diligently keep the toys and rooms cleaned and disinfected, and try to isolate and remove any contagious children from the center.  It’s hard for all of us.  We also experience the added difficulty of contagious kids infecting the staff.  We ask that all of you do all that you can to help us to survive the cold and flu season by not bringing your child in with communicable symptoms such as fevers, rashes and vomiting.  If they vomited during the night please don’t assume that they are fine the next morning and bring them in!  Remember, even if you mask the fever symptoms, your child is still contagious, and needs to be home until he/she is symptom free for 24 hours.  Yes – this can create a hardship with missed days at work, but your consideration and understanding is GREATLY appreciated.  Thank you!

          As always, let Terri and I know if you have any questions, ideas, or concerns.  Have a great month, and remember to think warm.



Explorations in January 

Happy New Year!  We have sailed through the holidays, and January has arrived.  We are excited to be entering the New Year!  Without a doubt, many fun and exciting things are going to happen!

       Hopefully, everyone enjoyed their holidays, and had a little bit of extra free time to spend with their families.

       We would like to give a GREAT BIG HEARTFELT THANK YOU to everyone for your enthusiasm and sharing attitudes with Hannah’s Treasure Chest Giving Angels Program.  With everyone’s contribution, the project was a great success.   THANK YOU SO MUCH!

     Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, January14th.  Watch for the sign-up sheet in the front hall.

       It’s January, so let it snow… right?  If it does, and we have any major accumulation, please assume that we will always remain open if it is possible.  We do not plan to close for snow days.  School age parents, we will be prepared to accept you child for the full day as needed if the schools are closed.  If there is a delay, we will provide transportation to school. Remember that there is a $16.00 fee for the full day.  In the unlikely event that it is necessary to close, it will be posted with all the local news stations.  It will also be posted on our Facebook page (facebook.com/explorationscenterville) or our Twitter feed (@ExplorationsCEC).

       Keep in mind that if the playground is snowy, it is difficult to take the children outside.  In order for them to play outside, they have to be in a protective layer that will keep their indoor clothes (pants, socks, and shoes) dry for their indoor time.  Unless the whole group, or a large portion of the group comes in “snow clothes” the teachers must keep them inside.  Your child’s teacher may inform you of a certain day, or plan for outdoor play.

       THANK YOU parents for your cooperation and understanding with our illness policy!  This is a rough time of year for us all, and we appreciate your helpful attitudes.  We know how hard it can be to have a sick child, but hopefully we can keep the spreading of germs down to a minimum!

       That’s all for now.  Try to keep warm and have a good month!

Explorations In December  

     December is one of the busiest months for all of us, and there will be no exception to that rule around here!  Do you think that we can take all of that excited energy flowing through the children, and turn it into creativity and learning?  That is our goal, and we hope to reach it by singing, reading, sharing and learning as we watch fall turn into (Brrrrr) winter! 

     We will have a special “surprise” visit from Santa the morning of December 14th.  He should arrive at 9:30, and will visit with our infants and toddlers first.  Parents, you are welcome to come if you would like!

      Thank you everybody for your wonderful participation with the “Giving Angels” program as well as the Holiday Aid Food Drive.  It’s nice to know that we helped to make some Miami Valley children happy and surprised at Christmas.      

     As we come to the end of another calendar year, please make sure that your account is current.  We will be giving all families that do not have zero balances a statement.  If you receive one in your child’s room, be sure to check it and settle your account.  It will inform you if you have a balance.  We will need to close our books out at the end of the year for tax purposes.  We always appreciate your prompt payments, THANK YOU!  As you know from your Enrollment Agreement and handbook, tuition payments are due the FIRST day of each week that your child attends.  Charges should not be carrying over from the previous week.  As a courtesy to all of you, we have not been charging late fees, but it is our policy to charge a late fee when your account balance is past due. Please remember to fill out a vacation request form ASAP if you would like to use one or both of your vacation credits over the holidays.

     We have an extra Parent’s “Day” Out scheduled this month for shopping the morning of December 3rd from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  If you bring your child during this time, please send them with a packed lunch.  Parent’s Night Out is the evening of December 10th. 

     Parents, please remember to let us know when your child does not need to be picked up from school.  The time it takes for us to determine that we can leave the school is making us late to our next school.  Our buses leave before 2:00.  Please let us know before that time.

     There are just a couple requests that we have.  Please be sure that when your child is in the building or parking lot he/she is either with you, or with the teacher.  It is disruptive and unsafe for the children to be in the building unattended.  We are having problems with fast drivers in the parking lot!  This is SO dangerous, and we have had several complaints.  PLEASE SLOW DOWN and watch very carefully.  It is getting dark early.  Please be safe.  We appreciate your courtesy.  Thank you!

     That’s all for now.  Have a safe and happy holiday!


Explorations In November

        Isn’t it amazing how fast the months pass by?  Here it is November already, with thoughts of the upcoming holidays just around the corner! 

     We had a GREAT time at the Halloween party last month.  So many of our families were here to celebrate!  The word is that the haunted maze was really  cool!!  

      It is (unfortunately) the time of year where we see many children with colds, flu and a variety of other illnesses.  Please review the Communicable Disease Policy in your handbook on the website for the list of symptoms that need to be noticed, and how our staff will handle them.  If your child exhibits any symptoms that are more than just those of a basic cold, he/she will need to be kept at home for at least 24 hours after the symptoms disappear.  Please realize that giving your child Tylenol or other OTC medications before coming in the morning will only mask symptoms, BUT THEY ARE STILL CONTAGEOUS, and they will infect the other children.  If you do medicate your child in any way, please inform his/her teacher, so that they will be aware, and know to watch for any side effects or problems.  We understand that it is difficult to miss work.  It’s equally difficult for us when our teachers are exposed to illness and miss work.  Let’s all grin and bear it and do our best to be helpful, healthy and courteous!

     Picture days are coming up!  We will be taking photos on Wednesday, November 9th and Thursday, November 10th.  If you plan to take holiday photos, you can choose the holiday backdrop for your child or children. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!  Parent’s Night Out is on November 12th.  Be sure to sign up in the front hall ASAP is you would like your child/children to attend.

     One note about tuition payments…  Please check any statement that is given to you.  Unless you request a regular statement, you will only see one if we are informing you of a discrepancy in your balance.  Your account is past due if you owe for more than the current week.  Please settle your account upon receipt of statement.  All accounts are expected to be kept current.  Occasionally, there may be a problem, but we do expect that there will not be an on-going balance.  Please be aware of this policy. 

     Each holiday season, we partner with a charitable organization that helps to provide some Christmas cheer” to children in need.  Once again this year we are participating in Hannah’s Treasure Chest’s “Giving Angels Program”.  During the first week of November, we will be given tags with children’s names and gift wishes on them.  Any family can choose a tag and buy the gift that is on it.  Watch for more details to follow! 

     We are also doing a Holiday Aid canned food drive for the first time.  We will definitely use this project as a teaching tool about helping others with our children throughout the center!  There are two barrels for dropping food donations in the building.

      If you will be using one or both of your vacation weeks over the holidays, be sure to fill out a Vacation Request form so that we will have it in advance.  We will not credit the week unless we have your written request.  The forms are located on the Parent Bulletin Board in the front hall, or they can be downloaded from the “Parent Forms” section of the website. 

          This time of year, it’s nice to take a moment to stop and notice all the things that we are thankful for.  The Explorations staff would like to say thank you to all of our families that have entrusted their wonderful children to our care.  Your confidence means a lot to us!  Thank you and happy Thanksgiving!


Explorations In October

     Fall is definitely here!  The leaves are ready to turn colors, and the temperature is beginning to dip. This time of year is such a rich time for learning.  The changes outdoors offer so many opportunities for fun and enriching classroom activities as well as hands on explorations!

     The Explorers, Challengers, Discoverers and Adventurers are scheduled for trips to Warrick Farm on Monday, October 10th.  Be sure to watch for information about this fun event if your child is in one of those classes.  Parents, you are welcome to join us.  Please plan to drive (and drive your child) if you want to come to asure that there is enough space on the busses for the children!  You can check out the farm at www.warrickfarm.com.

     FYI - Our school picture days are scheduled for November 9th and 10th this year.  Keep that in mind as you are planning ahead.  Lifetouch will do a Christmas background if you are interested, and they will take siblings together!  Watch for more information as those dates come closer.

     Mark your calendars for our annual Halloween party!  If you would like to join us (and we hope that you do), the date is set for the evening of Monday, October 24th at 7:00 PM.  We ask that you bring a treat to share.  There should be a little bit of everything for kids of all ages, including our impressively SCARY haunted maze.  It’s always lots of fun! Hope to see all of you here!

     As the weather turns cooler, please check to see that your child has a jacket to wear and a change of clothes at the center that is appropriate for cooler weather.  We will take the children outside on a daily basis whenever possible!   Also, if you are any missing anything, you might take a look in our lost and found box under the front hall table.

     Parent’s Night Out this month is scheduled for the evening of October 8th.  If you plan to have your child here, please sign up in the front hall as soon as possible so that we can plan accordingly for staff. 

     Have a hauntingly fun month, and enjoy the cool weather!






Explorations In September

     The first days in September are here, and school is underway!  Our school-agers started with a mixture of cheers and groans, but everyone seems to be making the adjustment OK!  We are beginning to get into a fall mood, and we are planning and preparing for many fun activities!

     Parents, it is important for you to let us know if your child will not be at the center.  It helps us with our lunch count, and it is ESPECIALLY important if we are planning to transport your school-ager back from school.  If they don’t come out with the group, we will have to spend valuable time finding out where he/she is.  Your cooperation with this matter will really help!

      If you received a billing statement recently, please be sure to check it and settle any balance immediately.  There are a few registration fees that are past due.  Each family needs to start the new enrollment year with a zero balance.  Remember, it is your responsibility to pay all tuition costs each week.  All non-current balances will be charged a late fee, and may possibly be disenrolled.  If there is a hardship, please make us aware of it. Thank you for your consideration.

     We are excited to have our new Enrollment year underway!  Our program is full with a waiting list.

    It has been a big year for playground improvements.  We installed artificial turf, which has been wonderful!  We added a couple of fun new playground pieces, and now we are improving our fence.  This will be great for security as well as appearance!

    Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for September 10th.  Any interested parents need to sign up in the front hall as soon as it is posted to help us in our planning.  If you missed the note about P.N.O., or have any questions, just ask Jane, Linda or Terri.

     We have just celebrated our eighteenth anniversary!  Wow how time flies!!    Thank you to all of our families – old and new.  We truly appreciate the trust and support from all of you.  Thank you so much!  We are looking forward to a great school year.  Have a great month!



Explorations In August

         The summer has just flown by!  Can you believe that it is August already?  We know that the school-agers are counting down those last few weeks till school starts!  We’ve been so busy in and around the center with special activities and field trips.  Each class has found its own fun way to explore and discover summer.

       Just a reminder, please be sure that you are at the center in time for the 6:00 pm closing.  We appreciate the courtesy.  Just let us know if there will be a delay.  It happens sometimes!        

   Re-registration time is here.  Hopefully by now we know everyone’s fall schedule.  If your child will be here for the school year, the annual registration fee is due by August 5th ($50.00 for one child and $100.00 for multiple children).  If there are going to be any changes that we are not aware of at this time, please let us know.  All families will need to sign their new Enrollment Agreements if there has been a rate change for your child or children.  Please take the time to read your copy so that you are aware of our payment policies and fees.

     Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, August 13th at 6:30 pm.  Watch for the sign up sheet on the front table.

    We would also like to thank all our families who have trusted us over the years to take care of their children.  On August 28th Explorations will celebrate our 18th anniversary!  Wow, time flies!  We actually have some of our first families and staff still here.  What a GREAT feeling!  We are very happy to have all our families here.   We couldn’t be more appreciative of our wonderful families and the kindness and patience they have shown us.  It is rewarding, and makes us realize how much of a relationship we have developed with all of you!  Thank You!

     That’s all for now.  Enjoy the rest of your summer!


Explorations In July

      Summer is in full swing, and we have been busier than ever!  The children have been having such fun with water play and field trips.

     The children have been doing art and craft projects, listening to stories and singing songs about America’s birthday.  Everyone seems to be excited about seeing the fireworks and celebrating our nation’s birthday.

          With all the field trips taking place each week, be sure that you are referring to your summer calendar each day.  Some days your child may need to wear socks or bring swimwear.  You don’t want to be caught unprepared!  We have had some great feedback from the kids and parents on favorite outings this summer.  Let us know if you have any thoughts or ideas as we continue our adventures.  Also, please be sure to pack your child a lunch on the picnic days scheduled, according to the summer calendar.  Thank you for your cooperation on this!

        We are starting to work on our fall class lists.  Please inform us of any changes that might take place at that time.  We are also working on the bus schedules.  Please check and make sure we have the right school listed for your child, especially for those going into kindergarten or Young Five’s and second grade.  If you have not let us know whether your child is am or pm, please do asap!

          As always, please let us know of any ideas, questions or concerns that you may have.  Your input is always welcome.  Have a great month!


Explorations in June

     Yeah!  Summer is finally here, and we have been SO busy getting ready for the changes that will take place!  Our summer calendar is FULL of “fun in the sun” activities and events. 

     Be sure to keep your summer calendar in a handy place.  You can also find information on all the trips and events for the summer on Explorations web page at explorationscenterville.com.  It will keep you informed all summer long of daily events.  If your child is an Explorer, Challenger, Discoverer, Adventurer or School-ager, they will be embarking on periodic field trips.  (*The older the group, the more outings they will take!)  All of these traveling campers will receive a summer camp shirt that they will wear on all the outings.  We will keep them here at the center, wash them, and send them home at the end of the summer session.  The calendar and website include information on the group that is participating, any costs involved, days that they need to bring a sack lunch and the departure and return times for the field trips.  Before your child can go on a bus trip, you will need to sign a permission slip and pay (if applicable).  *Please be sure that the sack lunch is a healthy lunch.  Daycare licensing expects all meals eaten by the children while in our care to meet acceptable nutritional standards.

     The summer activity was due by Friday, May 27th.  The fee is $50.00 for one child and $90.00 for more than one child.  This fee is only for Explorers, Challengers, Discoverers, Adventurers and School-agers. 

     Beginning the week of May 30th, we will have water play days scheduled for the toddlers, 2’s, preschoolers and kindergarteners.  Your child’s scheduled days are posted outside the classroom on the door.  Be sure to check so you are prepared on that day with a LABELED swimsuit (or swimmers for the younger children), a towel and sunscreen (with a sunscreen form signed) in your child’s room.  The wet clothes need to be taken home and laundered each week.  This is also a good time to refresh your child’s extra clothes that you keep here with us.  Are they the right season, and are they still the right size??

      That’s all for now.   We are excited about the summer program!  As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns!  


Explorations In May

     Let’s hear it for sunny warm weather, flowers in bloom and trees with green leaves!  We love the nice weather.  It brings a whole bunch of new things to do!  We love spending time outside each day when it’s really pleasant to be out, and we love to explore all the changes that are happening every day! 

     Speaking of sunny, warm weather, it may not be too soon to bring in a bottle of sunscreen for your child.  Remember to label it with their full name, and sign a green consent form (we can’t apply it without your written consent).  A really great idea would be for you to apply the sunscreen to your child before arrival in the morning.  This gives it time to soak in; it usually requires 30 minutes.  This idea is especially good if your child is scheduled for an outdoor field trip.  Also, if your child keeps a change of clothes at the center, please be sure that it is suitable for warm weather.

     Here are a few book-keeping issues.  Have there been any info changes on your paperwork in the office??  Please jot down new phone numbers, recent vaccinations or new emergency contacts, and we will transfer them to your file.  At this date we should have received your summer/fall planning sheet.  We are very busy completing summer and fall class lists, and have begun calling new families that are on the waiting list next week.  We need to know what your transportation needs will be, and any schedule changes.  Thank you!

     Preschool and school age parents, your summer camp activity fee is due by May 27th.  The cost is $50.00 per a child or $90.00 per a family.  This fee will help to defer the costs for special visitors and programs as well as gasoline for the daily trips.  Each camper will also receive a summer camp shirt to wear on all field trips, which you will take home at the end of the summer.  The summer activity calendars will be available in the next few weeks.  Trip information will also be on the website.  Thank you very much for your cooperation.

     Parents Night Out is scheduled for the evening of Saturday, May 14th.  If you would like to enjoy an evening out, sign up in the front hall on the sheet provided.  The kids always have lots of fun, and the parents get some needed adult time!

     As always, if you have any ideas, questions or concerns, we want to hear from you.  Let us know what you are thinking!  Have a great month!

Explorations In April

          Spring is definitely in the air, and we couldn’t be happier!  Since the weather is finally cooperating, you can count on the children being outside every dry day.  Remember that it may still be cool, even cold in the morning (or sometimes all day), so be sure to send your child in with a jacket.  As much as the kids would like us to, we will not send them out on the playground in short sleeves when the temperature is in the 50’s.  You may want to consider leaving a sweatshirt in your child’s cubby for those days that he/she set off in a coat, and it warmed up during the day.  If you do leave a sweater or sweatshirt, please write your child’s name on the tag.  Thanks!!

          Also, when you are picking up in the evening, if your child is on the playground, please exit the building through your child’s classroom.  Please do not take a short cut through a different room.  Remember, from the upstairs classrooms you can get to the playground through the back door in the school age room.

           Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, April 9th.  Watch for the sign up sheet in the front hall.  Remember to sign up in advance if you would like to participate.

      We are beginning to plan for our summer and fall sessions.  Each family has received a planning form that needs to be completed and turned back into the office.  Please let us know if you will have any changes in your schedule that we should know about.

     Please remember to drive SLLOOWLLY through the parking lot.  Also, parents, please hold your young child’s hand as you walk to the car.  We have witnessed a few children running through the lot, sometimes not even towards their own car.  Yikes!  Thanks for your help and consideration.

     We are looking forward to the nice weather ahead, and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors as we watch (and learn from) the changes taking place all around us!  Have a great month.  Think WARM!



Explorations In March

    Let’s here it for March, because surely it means that spring can’t be far away!  Here at the center, we have been SO busy indoors, but boy would we like to take it outside!  We are very happy to see the ground (even if it is muddy ground).

     Already, we have begun planning for our summer and fall class lists.  If you are aware of any changes that will take place, or if you are a parent of a child entering kindergarten or elementary school, please let us know ASAP what your needs will be.  A summer planning sheet will be coming home in the next couple weeks.

     As we come closer to the end of cold and flu season, we want to say THANK YOU for remembering our illness policy, and helping to keep as many germs away from our children as possible!  Illness is always so widespread this time of year.  As a reminder, if your child exhibits any communicable symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., please keep them home.  They cannot return until the symptoms have been gone for 24 hours.  Tylenol or another medication may make them feel better, but they are still contagious.  It is disheartening to have a child in the center all morning, and have a fever appear in the afternoon, after a dose of Tylenol has worn off.  This is definitely the hardest time of year!

      Parents Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, March 12th this month.  As a reminder, the price for the first child is $40.00.  The sign up sheet is on the front hall table.  Please sign up as soon as possible if you are interested so that we can plan for adequate staff.

     If you are interested in spring photos, picture day is scheduled this month for the morning of Thursday, March 17.  There are some really cute backdrops to choose from, be sure to take a look at the info that comes home in your child’s folder.  Please note - this year Lifetouch will only be out here for one day. In the past we have spread it over two days.  If your child does not normally come on Thursday, you are welcome to bring him/her in for the photo sitting.

      That’s all for now, but watch for notes to follow with spring related activities, as the weather decides to cooperate with us!  Let Terri and I know if you have any issues that you need to discuss at any time.  Again, and always, thanks for all your cooperation, and for being a part of our Explorations family!


Explorations In February 

           Here we are in the second month of 2016.  January can be such a dreary and COLD month!  Let’s all think positive for February!  With February comes the first hope for signs of an early spring!  THINK WARM!!

      Even though the children were stuck inside for much of the January, they found many interesting and exciting things to do to keep them thinking and busy. 

      The next scheduled Parent’s Night Out is set for Saturday, February 13th.  If you were thinking that an evening out with your Valentine would be just the thing – then sign up in the front hall!  We’re ready for you!  If you have any questions, just ask!

     The children will be celebrating Valentine’s Day in their classrooms.  Each group is making their own plans, so be sure to look for a separate note, or check with your child’s teacher for the details.

     This time of year is always very difficult with illnesses of every sort.  Please be reassured that we are doing all that we can to keep the germs in the building at a minimum.  We diligently keep the toys and rooms cleaned and disinfected, and try to isolate and remove any contagious children from the center.  It’s hard for all of us.  We also experience the added difficulty of contagious kids infecting the staff.  We ask that all of you do all that you can to help us to survive the cold and flu season by not bringing your child in with communicable symptoms such as fevers, rashes and vomiting.  If they vomited during the night please don’t assume that they are fine the next morning and bring them in!  Remember, even if you mask the fever symptoms, your child is still contagious, and needs to be home until he/she is symptom free for 24 hours.  Yes – this can create a hardship with missed days at work, but your consideration and understanding is GREATLY appreciated.  Thank you!

     If you like to plan ahead, here is a date for your calendar.  Lifetouch will be here on March 17th for spring photos.  We will keep you informed as we get closer to that date!

          As always, let Terri and I know if you have any questions, ideas, or concerns.  Have a great month, and remember to think warm.


Explorations in January

Happy New Year!  We have sailed through the holidays, and January has arrived.  We are excited to be entering the New Year!  Without a doubt, many fun and exciting things are going to happen!

       Hopefully, everyone enjoyed their holidays, and had a little bit of extra free time to spend with their families.

       We would like to give a GREAT BIG HEARTFELT THANK YOU to everyone for your enthusiasm and sharing attitudes with Hannah’s Treasure Chest Giving Angels Program.  With everyone’s contribution, the project was a great success.   THANK YOU SO MUCH!

     Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, January 9th.  Watch for the sign-up sheet in the front hall.

       It’s January, so let it snow… right?  If it does, and we have any major accumulation, please assume that we will always remain open if it is possible.  We do not plan to close for snow days.  School age parents, we will be prepared to accept you child for the full day as needed if the schools are closed.  If there is a delay, we will provide transportation to school. Remember that there is a $15.00 fee for the full day.  In the unlikely event that it is necessary to close, it will be posted with all the local news stations.  It will also be posted on our Facebook page (facebook.com/explorationscenterville) or our Twitter feed (@ExplorationsCEC).

       Keep in mind that if the playground is snowy, it is difficult to take the children outside.  In order for them to play outside, they have to be in a protective layer that will keep their indoor clothes (pants, socks, and shoes) dry for their indoor time.  Unless the whole group, or a large portion of the group comes in “snow clothes” the teachers must keep them inside.  Your child’s teacher may inform you of a certain day, or plan for outdoor play.

       THANK YOU parents for your cooperation and understanding with our illness policy!  This is a rough time of year for us all, and we appreciate your helpful attitudes.  We know how hard it can be to have a sick child, but hopefully we can keep the spreading of germs down to a minimum!

       That’s all for now.  Try to keep warm and have a good month!


Explorations In December

     December is one of the busiest months for all of us, and there will be no exception to that rule around here!  Do you think that we can take all of that excited energy flowing through the children, and turn it into creativity and learning?  That is our goal, and we hope to reach it by singing, reading, sharing and learning as we watch fall turn into (Brrrrr) winter!

      Thank you everybody for your wonderful participation with the “Giving Angels” program.  Gifts will be collected by volunteers from Hannah’s Treasure Chest, and distributed around the community.  It’s nice to know that we helped to make some Miami Valley children happy and surprised at Christmas.      

     As we come to the end of another calendar year, please make sure that your account is current.  We will be giving all families that do not have zero balances a statement.  If you receive one in your child’s room, be sure to check it and settle your account.  It will inform you if you have a balance.  We will need to close our books out at the end of the year for tax purposes.  We always appreciate your prompt payments, THANK YOU!  As you know from your Enrollment Agreement and handbook, tuition payments are due the FIRST day of each week that your child attends.  Charges should not be carrying over from the previous week.  Please remember to fill out a vacation request form ASAP if you would like to use one or both of your vacation credits over the holidays.

     We have an extra Parent’s “Day” Out scheduled this month for shopping the morning of December 5th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  If you bring your child during this time, please send them with a packed lunch.  Parent’s Night Out is the evening of December 12th

     There are just a couple requests that we have.  Please be sure that when your child is in the building or parking lot he/she is either with you, or with the teacher.  It is disruptive and unsafe for the children to be in the building unattended.  We are having problems with fast drivers in the parking lot!  This is SO dangerous, and we have had several complaints.  PLEASE SLOW DOWN and watch very carefully.  It is getting dark early.  Please be safe.  We appreciate your courtesy.  Thank you!

     That’s all for now.  Have a safe and happy holiday.


Explorations In November

      Isn’t it amazing how fast the months pass by?  Here it is November already, with thoughts of the upcoming holidays just around the corner! 

     We had a GREAT time at the Halloween party last month.  So many of our families were here to celebrate!  The word is that the haunted maze was really  cool!!  

      It is (unfortunately) the time of year where we see many children with colds, flu and a variety of other illnesses.  Please review the Communicable Disease Policy in your handbook or on the website for the list of symptoms that need to be noticed, and how our staff will handle them.  If your child exhibits any symptoms that are more than just those of a basic cold, he/she will need to be kept at home for at least 24 hours after the symptoms disappear.  Please realize that giving your child Tylenol or other OTC medications before coming in the morning will only mask symptoms, BUT THEY ARE STILL CONTAGEOUS, and they will infect the other children.  If you do medicate your child in any way, please inform his/her teacher, so that they will be aware, and know to watch for any side effects or problems.  We understand that it is difficult to miss work.  It’s equally difficult for us when our teachers are exposed to illness and miss work.  Let’s all grin and bear it and do our best to be helpful, healthy and courteous!

     Picture days are coming up!  We will be taking photos on Wednesday,, November 11th and Thursday, November 12th.  If you plan to take holiday photos, you can choose the holiday backdrop for your child or children. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!  Parent’s Night Out is on November 14th.  Be sure to sign up in the front hall ASAP is you would like your child/children to attend.

     One note about tuition payments…  Please check any statement that is given to you.  Unless you request a regular statement, you will only see one if we are informing you of a discrepancy in your balance.  Your account is past due if you owe for more than the current week.  Please settle your account upon receipt of statement.  All accounts are expected to be kept current.  Occasionally, there may be a problem, but we do expect that there will not be an on-going balance.  Please be aware of this policy. 

     Each holiday season, we partner with a charitable organization that helps to provide some Christmas cheer” to children in need.  Once again this year we are participating in Hannah’s Treasure Chest’s “Giving Angels Program”.  During the first week of November, we will be given tags with children’s names and gift wishes on them.  Any family can choose a tag and buy the gift that is on it.  Watch for more details to follow!

      If you will be using one or both of your vacation weeks over the holidays, be sure to fill out a Vacation Request form so that we will have it in advance.  We will not credit the week unless we have your written request.  The forms are located on the Parent Bulletin Board in the front hall, or they can be downloaded from the “Parent Forms” section of the website. 

          This time of year, it’s nice to take a moment to stop and notice all the things that we are thankful for.  The Explorations staff would like to say thank you to all of our families that have entrusted their wonderful children to our care.  Your confidence means a lot to us!  Thank you and happy Thanksgiving!



Explorations In October

     Fall is definitely here!  The leaves are ready to turn colors, and the temperature is beginning to dip. This time of year is such a rich time for learning.  The changes outdoors offer so many opportunities for fun and enriching classroom activities as well as hands on explorations!

     The Explorers, Challengers, Discoverers and Adventurers are scheduled for a trip to Warrick Farm on Monday, October 12th.  Be sure to watch for information about this fun events if your child is in one of those classes.  Parents, you are welcome to join us.  Please plan to drive (and drive your child) if you want to come since we are taking the whole gang together this year!  You can check out the farm at www.warrickfarm.com.

     FYI - Our school picture day is scheduled for November 11th and 12th  this year.  Keep that in mind as you are planning ahead.  Lifetouch will do a Christmas background if you are interested, and they will take siblings together!  Watch for more information as that date comes closer.

     Mark your calendars for our annual Halloween party!  If you would like to join us (and we hope that you do), the date is set for the evening of Monday, October 26th at 7:00 PM.  We ask that you bring a treat to share.  There should be a little bit of everything for kids of all ages, including our impressively SCARY haunted maze.  It’s always lots of fun! Hope to see all of you here!

     As the weather turns cooler, please check to see that your child has a jacket to wear and a change of clothes at the center that is appropriate for cooler weather.  We will take the children outside on a daily basis whenever possible!   Also, if you are any missing anything, you might take a look in our lost and found box under the front hall table. It is FULL of items that may be yours.

     Parent’s Night Out this month is scheduled for the evening of October 10th.  If you plan to have your child here, please sign up in the front hall as soon as possible so that we can plan accordingly for staff. 

     Have a hauntingly fun month, and enjoy the cool weather!




Explorations In September 

The first days in September are here, and school is underway!  Our school-agers started with a mixture of cheers and groans, but everyone seems to be making the adjustment OK!  We are beginning to get into a fall mood, and we are planning and preparing for many fun activities!

     Parents, it is important for you to let us know if your child will not be at the center.  It helps us with our lunch count, and it is ESPECIALLY important if we are planning to transport your school-ager back from school.  If they don’t come out with the group, we will have to spend valuable time finding out where he/she is.  Your cooperation with this matter will really help!

      If you received a billing statement recently, please be sure to check it and settle any balance immediately.  There are a few registration fees that are past due.  Each family needs to start the new enrollment year with a zero balance.  Remember, it is your responsibility to pay all tuition costs each week.  All non-current balances will be charged a late fee, and may possibly be disenrolled.  If there is a hardship, please make us aware of it. Thank you for your consideration.

     We are excited to have our new Enrollment year underway!  Our program is full with a waiting list.  We are happy about that, and have added a couple new staff members to keep our ratios low, and keep things running smooth.  Say hello if you see a new face!

    Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for September 12th.  Any interested parents need to sign up in the front hall as soon as it is posted to help us in our planning.  If you missed the note about P.N.O., or have any questions, just ask Jane, Linda or Terri.

     We have just celebrated our seventeenth anniversary!  Wow how time flies!!    Thank you to all of our families – old and new.  We truly appreciate the trust and support from all of you.  Thank you so much!  We are looking forward to a great school year.  Have a great month!



Explorations In August

 The summer has just flown by!  Can you believe that it is August already?  We know that the school-agers are counting down those last few weeks till school starts!  We’ve been so busy in and around the center with special activities and field trips.  Each class has found its own fun way to explore and discover summer.

       Just a reminder, please be sure that you are at the center in time for the 6:00 pm closing.  We appreciate the courtesy.  Just let us know if there will be a delay.  It happens sometimes!        

   Re-registration time is here.  Hopefully by now we know everyone’s fall schedule.  If your child will be here for the school year, the annual registration fee is due by August 7th ($50.00 for one child and $90.00 for multiple children).  If there are going to be any changes that we are not aware of at this time, please let us know.  All families will need to pick up their new enrollment packets, fill them out and return them to the office by Friday, August 7th.

     Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, August 8th at 6:30 pm.  Watch for the sign up sheet on the front table.

    We would also like to thank all our families who have trusted us over the years to take care of their children.  On August 28th Explorations will celebrate our 17th anniversary!  Wow, time flies!  We actually have some of our first families and staff still here.  What a GREAT feeling!  We are very happy to have all our families here.   We couldn’t be more appreciative of our wonderful families and the kindness and patience they have shown us.  It is rewarding, and makes us realize how much of a relationship we have developed with all of you!  Thank You!

     That’s all for now.  Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Explorations In July 

      Summer is in full swing, and we have been busier than ever!  The children have been having such fun with water play and field trips (at least between rain storms!)

     The children have been doing art and craft projects, listening to stories and singing songs about America’s birthday.  Everyone seems to be excited about seeing the fireworks and celebrating our nation’s birthday.

     We have some fun activities planned for the week of the fourth.  Thursday is Red, White and Blue Day.  We will have fun things happening all day to celebrate the holiday.  Check out the notes around the building!  The Explorers, Challengers, Discoverers and Adventurers are invited to bring their scooters, trikes and bikes – all decked out for our bike parade at 10:00 am.  That should be lots of fun!  (Cross your fingers that the weather cooperates.)

     With all the field trips taking place each week, be sure that you are referring to your summer calendar each day.  Some days your child may need to wear socks or bring swimwear.  You don’t want to be caught unprepared!  We have had some great feedback from the kids and parents on favorite outings this summer.  Let us know if you have any thoughts or ideas as we continue our adventures.  Also, please be sure to pack your child a lunch on the picnic days scheduled, according to the summer calendar.  Thank you for your cooperation on this!

        We are starting to work on our fall class lists.  Please inform us of any changes that might take place at that time.  We are also working on the bus schedules.  Please check and make sure we have the right school listed for your child, especially for those going into kindergarten or Young Five’s and second grade. 

          As always, please let us know of any ideas, questions or concerns that you may have.  Your input is always welcome.  Have a great month!




Explorations in June

     Yeah!  Summer is finally here, and we have been SO busy getting ready for the changes that will take place!  Our summer calendar is FULL of “fun in the sun” activities and events. 

     Be sure to keep your summer calendar in a handy place.  You can also find information on all the trips and events for the summer on Explorations web page at explorationscenterville.com.  It will keep you informed all summer long of daily events.  If your child is an Explorer, Challenger, Discoverer, Adventurer or School-ager, they will be embarking on periodic field trips.  (*The older the group, the more outings they will take!)  All of these traveling campers will receive a summer camp shirt that they will wear on all the outings.  We will keep them here at the center, wash them, and send them home at the end of the summer session.  The calendar and website include information on the group that is participating, any costs involved, days that they need to bring a sack lunch and the departure and return times for the field trips.  Before your child can go on a bus trip, you will need to sign a permission slip and pay (if applicable).  *Please be sure that the sack lunch is a healthy lunch.  Daycare licensing expects all meals eaten by the children while in our care to meet acceptable nutritional standards.

     The summer activity was due by Friday, May 29th.  The fee is $50.00 for one child and $90.00 for more than one child.  This fee is only for Explorers, Challengers, Discoverers, Adventurers and School-agers. 

     Beginning the week of June 1st, we will have water play days scheduled for the toddlers, 2’s, preschoolers and kindergarteners.  Your child’s scheduled days are posted outside the classroom on the door.  Be sure to check so you are prepared on that day with a LABELED swimsuit (or swimmers for the younger children), a towel and sunscreen (with a sunscreen form signed) in your child’s room.  The wet clothes need to be taken home and laundered each week.

      That’s all for now.   We are excited about the summer program!  As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns!  



Explorations In May

     Let’s hear it for sunny warm weather, flowers in bloom and trees with green leaves!  We love the nice weather.  It brings a whole bunch of new things to do!  We love spending time outside each day when it’s really pleasant to be out, and we love to explore all the changes that are happening every day! 

     Speaking of sunny, warm weather, it may not be too soon to bring in a bottle of sunscreen for your child.  Remember to label it with their full name, and sign a green consent form (we can’t apply it without your written consent).  A really great idea would be for you to apply the sunscreen to your child before arrival in the morning.  This gives it time to soak in; it usually requires 30 minutes.  This idea is especially good if your child is scheduled for an outdoor field trip.  Also, if your child keeps a change of clothes at the center, please be sure that it is suitable for warm weather.

     Here are a few book-keeping issues.  Have there been any info changes on your paperwork in the office??  Please jot down new phone numbers, recent vaccinations or new emergency contacts, and we will transfer them to your file.  At this date we should have received your yellow summer planning sheet.  We are very busy completing summer and fall class lists, and will begin calling new families that are on the waiting list next week.  We need to know what your transportation needs will be, and any schedule changes.  Thank you!

     Preschool and school age parents, your summer camp activity fee is due by May 29th.  The cost is $50.00 per a child or $90.00 per a family.  This fee will help to defer the costs for special visitors and programs as well as gasoline for the daily trips.  Each camper will also receive a summer camp shirt to wear on all field trips, which you will take home at the end of the summer.  The summer activity calendars will be available in the next few weeks.  Trip information will also be on the website.  Thank you very much for your cooperation.

     Parents Night Out is scheduled for the evening of Saturday, May 9th.  If you would like to enjoy an evening out, sign up in the front hall on the sheet provided.  The kids always have lots of fun, and the parents get some needed adult time!

     As always, if you have any ideas, questions or concerns, we want to hear from you.  Let us know what you are thinking!  Have a great month!


Explorations In April

          Spring is definitely in the air, and we couldn’t be happier!  Since the weather is finally cooperating, you can count on the children being outside every dry day.  Remember that it may still be cool, even cold in the morning (or sometimes all day), so be sure to send your child in with a jacket.  As much as the kids would like us to, we will not send them out on the playground in short sleeves when the temperature is in the 50’s.  You may want to consider leaving a sweatshirt in your child’s cubby for those days that he/she set off in a coat, and it warmed up during the day.  If you do leave a sweater or sweatshirt, please write your child’s name on the tag.  Thanks!!  

          Also, when you are picking up in the evening, if your child is on the playground, please exit the building through your child’s classroom.  Please do not take a short cut through a different room.  Remember, from the upstairs classrooms you can get to the playground through the back door in the school age room.

           Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, April 11th.  Watch for the sign up sheet in the front hall.  Remember to sign up in advance if you would like to participate.

           Spring pictures should be back the week of April 6th, if not sooner.  They went great!  We were very pleased with Lifetouch’s job, and we think you will be too!

We’re hatching chicks this month!  Be sure to check them out downstairs as your child learns about them in their classroom.  Also, please keep your child with you at pick up time.  The eggs are very fragile inside the incubator, and a bump or bang can affect their ability to hatch.  We don’t want to hurt our baby chicks!


      We are beginning to plan for our summer session.  Each family has received a summer planning form that needs to be completed and turned back into the office.  Please let us know if you will have any changes in your schedule that we should know about.


     Please help us with our traffic flow in the parking lot.  Please drive from the parking area, across the front of the building and down the drive on the north side of the lot SLLOOWLLY towards the street.  Also, parents, please hold your young child’s hand as you walk to the car.  We have witnessed a few children running through the lot, sometimes not even towards their own car.  Yikes!  Thanks for your help and consideration.  We are waiting to get the start date for the parking lot repaving.  It should be soon.  We will keep you posted!


     We are looking forward to the nice weather ahead, and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors as we watch (and learn from) the changes taking place all around us!  Have a great month.  Think WARM!



Explorations In March

     Let’s here it for March, because surely it means that spring can’t be far away!  Here at the center, we have been SO busy indoors, but boy would we like to take it outside!  We are very happy to see the ground (even if it is muddy ground).

     Already, we have begun planning for our summer and fall class lists.  If you are aware of any changes that will take place, or if you are a parent of a child entering kindergarten or elementary school, please let us know ASAP what your needs will be.  A summer planning sheet will be coming home in the next few weeks.

     As we come closer to the end of cold and flu season, we want to say THANK YOU for remembering our illness policy, and helping to keep as many germs away from our children as possible!  Illness is always so widespread this time of year.  As a reminder, if your child exhibits any communicable symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., please keep them home.  They cannot return until the symptoms have been gone for 24 hours.  Tylenol or another medication may make them feel better, but they are still contagious.  It is disheartening to have a child in the center all morning, and have a fever appear in the afternoon, after a dose of Tylenol has worn off.  This is definitely the hardest time of year!

      Parents Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, March 14th this month.  As a reminder, the price for the first child is $40.00.  The sign up sheet is on the front hall table.  Please sign up as soon as possible if you are interested so that we can plan for adequate staff.

     If you are interested in spring photos, picture day is scheduled this month for the morning of Thursday, March 19.  There are some really cute backdrops to choose from, be sure to take a look at the info that comes home in your child’s folder.  Please note - this year Lifetouch will only be out here for one day. In the past we have spread it over two days.  If your child does not normally come on Thursday, you are welcome to bring him/her in for the photo sitting.

      That’s all for now, but watch for notes to follow with spring related activities, as the weather decides to cooperate with us!  Let Terri and I know if you have any issues that you need to discuss at any time.  Again, and always, thanks for all your cooperation, and for being a part of our Explorations family!




Explorations In February

      Here we are in the second month of 2015.  January can be such a dreary and COLD month!  Let’s all think positive for February!  With February comes the first hope for signs of an early spring!  THINK WARM!!

      Even though the children were stuck inside for much of the January, they found many interesting and exciting things to do to keep them thinking and busy. 

      The next scheduled Parent’s Night Out is set for Saturday, February 14th.  If you were thinking that an evening out with your Valentine would be just the thing – then sign up in the front hall!  We’re ready for you!  If you have any questions, just ask!

     The children will be celebrating Valentine’s Day in their classrooms.  Each group is making their own plans, so be sure to look for a separate note, or check with your child’s teacher for the details.

     This time of year is always very difficult with illnesses of every sort.  Please be reassured that we are doing all that we can to keep the germs in the building at a minimum.  We diligently keep the toys and rooms cleaned and disinfected, and try to isolate and remove any contagious children from the center.  It’s hard for all of us.  We also experience the added difficulty of contagious kids infecting the staff.  We ask that all of you do all that you can to help us to survive the cold and flu season by not bringing your child in with communicable symptoms such as fevers, rashes and vomiting.  If they vomited during the night please don’t assume that they are fine the next morning and bring them in!  Remember, even if you mask the fever symptoms, your child is still contagious, and needs to be home until he/she is symptom free for 24 hours.  Yes – this can create a hardship with missed days at work, but your consideration and understanding is GREATLY appreciated.  Thank you!

     We have one last important issue that we would like to re-address.  Please exercise extreme caution in our parking lot.  The traffic flows towards the building from the larger parking area on the south side of the building and down the driveway on the north side.  If in doubt, look at the direction that our vans are facing.  Please drive VERY SLOWLY.  We want all of you to enter and leave the building problem-free!  We are looking forward to all new asphalt in the spring, and at that time we plan to angle in the spaces.  That will help.  Thanks for your patience!

          As always, let Terri and I know if you have any questions, ideas, or concerns.  Have a great month, and remember to think warm.



Explorations in January 

Happy New Year!  We have sailed through the holidays, and January has arrived.  We are excited to be entering the New Year!  Without a doubt, many fun and exciting things are going to happen!

       Hopefully, everyone enjoyed their holidays, and had a little bit of extra free time to spend with their families.

       We would like to give a GREAT BIG HEARTFELT THANK YOU to everyone for your enthusiasm and sharing attitudes with Hannah’s Treasure Chest Giving Angels Program.  With everyone’s contribution, the project was a great success.   THANK YOU SO MUCH!

     Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, January 10th.  Watch for the sign-up sheet in the front hall.

       It’s January, so let it snow… right?  If it does, and we have any major accumulation, please assume that we will always remain open if it is possible.  We do not plan to close for snow days.  School age parents, we will be prepared to accept you child for the full day as needed if the schools are closed.  If there is a delay, we will provide transportation to school. Remember that there is a $15.00 fee for the full day.  In the unlikely event that it is necessary to close, it will be posted with all the local news stations.  It will also be posted on our Facebook page (facebook.com/explorationscenterville) or our Twitter feed (@ExplorationsCEC).

       Keep in mind that if the playground is snowy, it is difficult to take the children outside.  In order for them to play outside, they have to be in a protective layer that will keep their indoor clothes (pants, socks, and shoes) dry for their indoor time.  Unless the whole group, or a large portion of the group comes in “snow clothes” the teachers must keep them inside.  Your child’s teacher may inform you of a certain day, or plan for outdoor play.

       THANK YOU parents for your cooperation and understanding with our illness policy!  This is a rough time of year for us all, and we appreciate your helpful attitudes.  We know how hard it can be to have a sick child, but hopefully we can keep the spreading of germs down to a minimum!

       That’s all for now.  Try to keep warm and have a good month!



Explorations In December

     December is one of the busiest months for all of us, and there will be no exception to that rule around here!  Do you think that we can take all of that excited energy flowing through the children, and turn it into creativity and learning?  That is our goal, and we hope to reach it by singing, reading, sharing and learning as we watch fall turn into (Brrrrr) winter!

      Thank you everybody for your wonderful participation with the “Giving Angels” program.  Gifts will be collected by volunteers from Hannah’s Treasure Chest, and distributed around the community.  It’s nice to know that we helped to make some Miami Valley children happy and surprised at Christmas.      

     As we come to the end of another calendar year, please make sure that your account is current.  We will be giving all families that do not have zero balances a statement.  If you receive one in your child’s room, be sure to check it and settle your account.  It will inform you if you have a balance.  We will need to close our books out at the end of the year for tax purposes.  We always appreciate your prompt payments, THANK YOU!  As you know from your Enrollment Agreement and handbook, tuition payments are due the FIRST day of each week that your child attends.  Charges should not be carrying over from the previous week.  Please remember to fill out a vacation request form ASAP if you would like to use one or both of your vacation credits over the holidays.

     We have an extra Parent’s “Day” Out scheduled this month for shopping the morning of December 6th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  If you bring your child during this time, please send them with a packed lunch.  Parent’s Night Out is the evening of December 13th

     There are just a couple requests that we have.  Please be sure that when your child is in the building or parking lot he/she is either with you, or with the teacher.  It is disruptive and unsafe for the children to be in the building unattended.  We are having problems with fast drivers in the parking lot!  This is SO dangerous, and we have had several complaints.  PLEASE SLOW DOWN and watch very carefully.  It is getting dark early.  Please be safe.  We appreciate your courtesy.  Thank you!

     That’s all for now.  Have a safe and happy holiday.



Explorations In November

      Isn’t it amazing how fast the months pass by?  Here it is November already, with thoughts of the upcoming holidays just around the corner! 

     We had a GREAT time at the Halloween party last month.  So many of our families were here to celebrate!  The word is that the haunted maze was really  cool!!  

      It is (unfortunately) the time of year where we see many children with colds, flu and a variety of other illnesses.  Please review the Communicable Disease Policy in your handbook or on the website for the list of symptoms that need to be noticed, and how our staff will handle them.  If your child exhibits any symptoms that are more than just those of a basic cold, he/she will need to be kept at home for at least 24 hours after the symptoms disappear.  Please realize that giving your child Tylenol or other OTC medications before coming in the morning will only mask symptoms, BUT THEY ARE STILL CONTAGEOUS, and they will infect the other children.  If you do medicate your child in any way, please inform his/her teacher, so that they will be aware, and know to watch for any side effects or problems.  We understand that it is difficult to miss work.  It’s equally difficult for us when our teachers are exposed to illness and miss work.  Let’s all grin and bear it and do our best to be helpful, healthy and courteous!

     Picture days are coming up!  We will be taking photos on Wednesday,, November 12th and Thursday, November 13th.  If you plan to take holiday photos, you can choose the holiday backdrop for your child or children. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!

     One note about tuition payments…  Please check any statement that is given to you.  Unless you request a regular statement, you will only see one if we are informing you of a discrepancy in your balance.  Your account is past due if you owe for more than the current week.  Please settle your account upon receipt of statement.  All accounts are expected to be kept current.  Occasionally, there may be a problem, but we do expect that there will not be an on-going balance.  Please be aware of this policy. 

     Each holiday season, we partner with a charitable organization that helps to provide some Christmas cheer” to children in need.  Once again this year we are participating in Hannah’s Treasure Chest’s “Giving Angels Program”.  During the first week of November, we will be given tags with children’s names and gift wishes on them.  Any family can choose a tag and buy the gift that is on it.  Watch for more details to follow!

      If you will be using one or both of your vacation weeks over the holidays, be sure to fill out a Vacation Request form so that we will have it in advance.  We will not credit the week unless we have your written request.  The forms are located on the Parent Bulletin Board in the front hall, or they can be downloaded from the “Parent Forms” section of the website. 

          This time of year, it’s nice to take a moment to stop and notice all the things that we are thankful for.  The Explorations staff would like to say thank you to all of our families that have entrusted their wonderful children to our care.  Your confidence means a lot to us!  Thank you and happy Thanksgiving!




Explorations In October

     Fall is definitely here!  The leaves are ready to turn colors, and the temperature is beginning to dip. This time of year is such a rich time for learning.  The changes outdoors offer so many opportunities for fun and enriching classroom activities as well as hands on explorations!

     The Explorer and Challengers enjoyed their fall hayride at Windmill Farm last week.  The Discoverers and Adventurers are scheduled for their trip to the farm on Monday, October 13th.  Be sure to watch for information about this fun events if your child is in one of those classes.

     FYI - Our school picture day is scheduled for November 12th and 13th  this year.  Keep that in mind as you are planning ahead.  Lifetouch will do a Christmas background if you are interested, and they will, of course, take siblings together!  Watch for more information as that date comes closer.

     Mark your calendars for our annual Halloween party!  If you would like to join us (and we hope that you do), the date is set for the evening of Monday, October 27th at 7:00 PM.  We ask that you bring a treat to share.  There should be a little bit of everything for kids of all ages, including our impressively SCARY haunted maze.  It’s always lots of fun! Hope to see all of you here!

     As the weather turns cooler, please check to see that your child has a jacket to wear and a change of clothes at the center that is appropriate for cooler weather.  We will take the children outside on a daily basis whenever possible!   Also, if you are any missing anything, you might take a look in our lost and found box under the front hall table. It is FULL of items that may be yours.

     Parent’s Night Out this month is scheduled for the evening of October 11th.  If you plan to have your child here, please sign up in the front hall as soon as possible so that we can plan accordingly for staff. 

     Have a hauntingly fun month, and enjoy the cool weather!






Explorations In September

     The first days in September are here, and school is underway!  Our school-agers started with a mixture of cheers and groans, but everyone seems to be making the adjustment OK!  We are beginning to get into a fall mood, and we are planning and preparing for many fun activities!

     Parents, it is important for you to let us know if your child will not be at the center.  It helps us with our lunch count, and it is ESPECIALLY important if we are planning to transport your school-ager back from school.  If they don’t come out with the group, we will have to spend valuable time finding out where he/she is.  Your cooperation with this matter will really help!

      If you received a billing statement recently, please be sure to check it and settle any balance immediately.  There are a few registration fees that are past due.  Each family needs to start the new enrollment year with a zero balance.  Remember, it is your responsibility to pay all tuition costs each week.  All non-current balances will be charged a late fee, and may possibly be disenrolled.  If there is a hardship, please make us aware of it. Thank you for your consideration.

     We are introducing a new preschool classroom!  Our preschool program is full with a waiting list.  We are happy about that, but do not want to fill the classrooms to capacity.  Our solution is an exciting one.  We are creating the Challenger classroom.  The Challengers will fill the room at the top of the stairs.  The kindergarteners that were in that room for part of the day will now move into the school age room full time.  That room is empty during the school day, and is a great and fun place for them to be before and after kindergarten.  Alyssa Haines has accepted the role as the new Challenger teacher.  She has been with us for six years, and has proven herself to be enthusiastic, creative and hard-working.  She is super excited, and so are we!  Our eight oldest Explorers will become Challengers this month.  It will keep all the class sizes down, and the quality of instruction UP!

    Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for September 13th.  Any interested parents need to sign up in the front hall as soon as it is posted to help us in our planning.  If you missed the note about P.N.O., or have any questions, just ask Jane, Linda or Terri.

     We have just celebrated our sixteenth anniversary!  Wow how time flies!!    Thank you to all of our families – old and new.  We truly appreciate the trust and support from all of you.  Thank you so much!  We are looking forward to a great school year.  Have a great month!



Explorations In August

     The summer has just flown by!  Can you believe that it is August already?  We know that the school-agers are counting down those last few weeks till school starts!  We’ve been so busy in and around the center with special activities and field trips.  Each class has found its own fun way to explore and discover summer.

       Just a reminder, please be sure that you are at the center in time for the 6:00 pm closing.  We appreciate the courtesy.  Just let us know if there will be a delay.  It happens sometimes!        

   Re-registration time is here.  Hopefully by now we know everyone’s fall schedule.  If your child will be here for the school year, the annual registration fee is due by August 8th ($50.00 for one child and $90.00 for multiple children).  If there are going to be any changes that we are not aware of at this time, please let us know.   We are finalizing our fall lists.  We will need each family to check your child’s paperwork as they re-register.  

     Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, August 9th at 6:30 pm.  Watch for the sign up sheet on the front table.

    We would also like to thank all our families who have trusted us over the years to take care of their children.  On August 28th Explorations will celebrate our 16th anniversary!  Wow, time flies!  We actually have some of our first families and staff still here.  What a GREAT feeling!  We are very happy to have all our families here.   We couldn’t be more appreciative of our wonderful families and the kindness and patience they have shown us.  It is rewarding, and makes us realize how much of a relationship we have developed with all of you!  Thank You!

             That’s all for now.  Enjoy the rest of your summer!



Explorations In July

      Summer is in full swing, and we have been busier than ever!  The children have been having such fun with water play and field trips (at least between rain storms!)

     HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!  Just a reminder, the center will be closed on Friday, July 4th.  We hope that everyone has a great holiday!  The children have been doing art and craft projects, listening to stories and singing songs about America’s birthday.  Everyone seems to be excited about seeing the fireworks! 

     We have some fun activities planned for the week of the fourth.  Wednesday is Red, White and Blue Day.  We will have fun things happening all day to celebrate the holiday.  Check out the notes around the building!  The Explorers, Discoverers and Adventurers are invited to bring their trikes and bikes – all decked out for our bike parade at 10:00 am.  That should be lots of fun!

     With all the field trips taking place each week, be sure that you are referring to your summer calendar or the website each day.  Some days your child may need to wear socks or bring swimwear.  You don’t want to be caught unprepared!  We have had some great feedback from the kids and parents on favorite outings this summer.  Let us know if you have any thoughts or ideas as we continue our adventures.  Also, please be sure to pack your child a lunch on the picnic days scheduled, according to the summer calendar.  Thank you for your cooperation on this!

        We are starting to work on our fall class lists.  Please inform us of any changes that might take place at that time.  We are also working on the van schedules.  Please check and make sure we have the right school listed for your child, especially for those going into kindergarten or Young Five’s and second grade. 

          As always, please let us know of any ideas, questions or concerns that you may have.  Your input is always welcome.  Have a great month!


Explorations in June

     Yeah!  Summer is finally here, and we have been SO busy getting ready for the changes that will take place!  Our summer calendar is FULL of “fun in the sun” activities and events. 

     Be sure to keep your summer calendar in a handy place.  You can also find information on all the trips and events for the summer on Explorations web page at explorationscenterville.com.  It will keep you informed all summer long of daily events.  If your child is an Explorer, Discoverer, Adventurer or School-ager, they will be embarking on periodic field trips.  (*The older the group, the more outings they will take!)  All of these traveling campers will receive a summer camp shirt that they will wear on all the outings.  We will keep them here at the center, wash them, and send them home at the end of August.  The calendar and website include information on the group that is participating, any costs involved, days that they need to bring a sack lunch and the departure and return times for the field trips.  Before your child can go on a van trip, you will need to sign a permission slip and pay (if applicable).  *Please be sure that the sack lunch is a healthy lunch.  Daycare licensing expects all meals eaten by the children while in our care to meet acceptable nutritional standards.

     The summer activity was due by Friday, May 30th.  The fee is $50.00 for one child and $90.00 for more than one child.  This fee is only for Explorers, Discoverers, Adventurers and School-agers. 

     Beginning the week of June 3rd, we will have water play days scheduled for the toddlers, 2’s, preschoolers and kindergarteners.  Your child’s scheduled days are posted outside the classroom on the door.  Be sure to check so you are prepared on that day with a LABELED swimsuit (or swimmers for the younger children), a towel and sunscreen (with a sunscreen form signed) in your child’s room.  The wet clothes need to be taken home and laundered each week.

      That’s all for now.   We are excited about the summer program!  As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns!  




Explorations In May

     Let’s hear it for sunny warm weather, flowers in bloom and trees with green leaves!  We love the nice weather.  It brings a whole bunch of new things to do!  We love spending time outside each day when it’s really pleasant to be out, and we love to explore all the changes that are happening every day! 

     Speaking of sunny, warm weather, it may not be too soon to bring in a bottle of sunscreen for your child.  Remember to label it with their name, and sign a green consent form (we can’t apply it without your written consent).  A really great idea would be for you to apply the sunscreen to your child before arrival in the morning.  This gives it time to soak in; it usually requires 30 minutes.  This idea is especially good if your child is scheduled for an outdoor field trip.  Also, if your child keeps a change of clothes at the center, please be sure that it is suitable for warm weather.

     Here are a few book-keeping issues.  Have there been any info changes on your paperwork in the office??  Please jot down new phone numbers, recent vaccinations or new emergency contacts, and we will transfer them to your file.  At this date we should have received your yellow summer planning sheet.  We are very busy completing summer and fall class lists, and will begin calling new families that are on the waiting list next week.  We need to know what your transportation needs will be, and any schedule changes.  Thank you!

     Preschool and school age parents, your summer camp activity fee is due by May 30th.  The cost is $50.00 per a child or $90.00 per a family.  This fee will help to defer the costs for special visitors and programs as well as gasoline for the daily trips.  Each camper will also receive a summer camp shirt to wear on all field trips, which you will take home at the end of the summer.  The summer activity calendars will be available in the next few weeks.  Trip information will also be on the website.  Thank you very much for your cooperation.

     Parents Night Out is scheduled for the evening of Saturday, May 10th.  If you would like to enjoy an evening out, sign up in the front hall on the sheet provided.  The kids always have lots of fun, and the parents get some needed adult time!

     As always, if you have any ideas, questions or concerns, we want to hear from you.  Let us know what you are thinking!  Have a great month!

Explorations In April

          Spring is definitely in the air, and we couldn’t be happier!  Since the weather is finally cooperating, you can count on the children being outside every dry day.  Remember that it may still be cool, even cold in the morning (or sometimes all day), so be sure to send your child in with a jacket.  As much as the kids would like us to, we will not send them out on the playground in short sleeves when the temperature is in the 50’s.  You may want to consider leaving a sweatshirt in your child’s cubby for those days that he/she set off in a coat, and it warmed up during the day.  If you do leave a sweater or sweatshirt, please write your child’s name on the tag.  Thanks!!

          Also, when you are picking up in the evening, if your child is on the playground, please exit the building through your child’s classroom.  Please do not take a short cut through a different room.  Remember, from the upstairs classrooms you can get to the playground through the back door in the school age room.

           Parent’s Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, April 12th.  Watch for the sign up sheet in the front hall.  Remember to sign up in advance if you would like to participate.

           Spring pictures should be back the week of April 7th, if not sooner.  They went great!  We were very pleased with Lifetouch’s job, and we think you will be too!    

We’re hatching chicks this month!  Be sure to check them out downstairs as your child learns about them in their classroom.  Also, please keep your child with you at pick up time.  The eggs are very fragile inside the incubator, and a bump or bang can affect their ability to hatch.  We don’t want to hurt our baby chicks!

      We are beginning to plan for our summer session.  Each family has received a summer planning form that needs to be completed and turned back into the office.  Please let us know if you will have any changes in your schedule that we should know about.

     Please help us with our traffic flow in the parking lot.  Please drive from the parking area, across the front of the building and down the drive on the north side of the lot SLLOOWLLY towards the street.  Also, parents, please hold your young child’s hand as you walk to the car.  We have witnessed a few children running through the lot, sometimes not even towards their own car.  Yikes!  Thanks for your help and consideration.

     We are looking forward to the nice weather ahead, and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors as we watch (and learn from) the changes taking place all around us!  Have a great month.  Think WARM!



Explorations In March

     Let’s here it for March, because surely it means that spring can’t be far away!  Here at the center, we have been SO busy indoors, but boy would we like to take it outside!  We are very happy to see the ground (even if it is muddy ground).

     Already, we have begun planning for our summer and fall class lists.  If you are aware of any changes that will take place, or if you are a parent of a child entering kindergarten or elementary school, please let us know ASAP what your needs will be.  A summer planning sheet will be coming home in the next few weeks.

     As we come closer to the end of cold and flu season, we want to say THANK YOU for remembering our illness policy, and helping to keep as many germs away from our children as possible!  Illness is always so widespread this time of year.  As a reminder, if your child exhibits any communicable symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., please keep them home.  They cannot return until the symptoms have been gone for 24 hours.  Tylenol or another medication may make them feel better, but they are still contagious.  It is disheartening to have a child in the center all morning, and have a fever appear in the afternoon, after a dose of Tylenol has worn off.  This is definitely the hardest time of year!

      Parents Night Out is scheduled for Saturday, March 15th this month.  This is a week later than usual so that parents wanting to go out for St. Patty’s Day weekend can sign up.  As a reminder, the price for the first child is $40.00.  The sign up sheet is on the front hall table.  Please sign up as soon as possible if you are interested so that we can plan for adequate staff.

     If you are interested in spring photos, picture day is scheduled this month for the mornings of Wednesday, March 19 and Thursday, March 20.  There are some really cute backdrops to choose from, be sure to take a look at the info that comes home in your child’s folder.

      That’s all for now, but watch for notes to follow with spring related activities, as the weather decides to cooperate with us!  Let Vicky and I know if you have any issues that you need to discuss at any time.  Again, and always, thanks for all your cooperation, and for being a part of our Explorations family!

Explorations In February 

Here we are in the second month of 2014.  January can be such a dreary and COLD month!  Let’s all think positive for February!  With February comes the first hope for signs of an early spring!  THINK WARM!!

      Even though the children were stuck inside for most of the January, they found many interesting and exciting things to do to keep them thinking and busy. 

      The next scheduled Parent’s Night Out is set for Saturday, February 8th.  If you were thinking that an evening out with your Valentine would be just the thing – then sign up in the front hall!  We’re ready for you!  If you have any questions, just ask!

     The children will be celebrating Valentine’s Day in their classrooms.  Each group is making their own plans, so be sure to look for a separate note, or check with your child’s teacher for the details.

     This time of year is always very difficult with illnesses of every sort.  Please be reassured that we are doing all that we can to keep the germs in the building at a minimum.  We diligently keep the toys and rooms cleaned and disinfected, and try to isolate and remove any contagious children from the center.  It’s hard for all of us.  We also experience the added difficulty of contagious kids infecting the staff.  We ask that all of you do all that you can to help us to survive the cold and flu season by not bringing your child in with communicable symptoms such as fevers, rashes and vomiting.  If they vomited during the night please don’t assume that they are fine the next morning and bring them in!  Remember, even if you mask the fever symptoms, your child is still contagious, and needs to be home until he/she is symptom free for 24 hours.  Yes – this can create a hardship with missed days at work, but your consideration and understanding is GREATLY appreciated.  Thank you!

     We have one last important issue that we would like to re-address.  Please exercise extreme caution in our parking lot.  We have already had a couple of near misses.  The traffic flows towards the building from the larger parking area on the south side of the building and down the driveway on the north side.  If in doubt, look at the direction that our vans are facing.  Please drive VERY SLOWLY.  We want all of you to enter and leave the building problem-free!

As always, let Vicky and I know if you have any questions, ideas, or concerns.  Have a great month, and remember to think warm.