Explorations Child Enrichment Center

We Believe…

 That every child deserves:

  • A clean, safe, nurturing environment to learn and grow in.
  • An exciting place to explore and expand his/her thinking, with the guidance of dedicated and caring adults.
  • To have his/her goals met through a carefully planned curriculum designed with age appropriate activities and lessons.
  • An opportunity to learn about his/herself while learning about the world all around.
  • To be respected as a unique person in an environment where there is no discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
  • To spend his/her day in a friendly place where the lines of communication are always open between the children, the parents and the staff.

     Explorations Child Enrichment Center is owned and operated by Linda Foster, a graduate from the School of Education at Wright State University, with many years of teaching and childcare management.  Linda is supported by her assistant directors Alyssa Hay and Colin Foster.

     We are dedicated to provide a unique and outstanding facility where your child can spend quality time when he/she is away from you.  We understand that your child’s care is your top priority, and it must be more than just adequate.  It must be stimulating, safe, fun, enriching and educational every day!  Thank you for choosing Explorations Child Enrichment Center.


     Explorations Child Enrichment Center, located at 242 North Main Street in Centerville is open 6:30 AM to 5:30 PM Monday through Friday.

     The center will be closed New Year/s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.  If the holiday should fall on a Sunday, the center will be closed on Monday.

     Our center meets or exceeds all standards set by the Ohio Job and Family Services.  All information is available to our parents at all times upon request from either the center directors or the Ohio Job and Family Services.  This would include all laws, rules, and the results of building, fire, health and state licensing inspections.  The Ohio Job and Family Services provide a toll free number to report any suspected violations of licensing requirements.

     No child will be denied enrollment due to discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender or national origin.


      We are licensed to enroll children from six weeks of age to twelve years of age.  The following chart shows the state staff/child ratios and the number of children we choose to maintain in each age group.  Our operating license, which is posted on the front bulletin board, will state the number of children in each age group which we are licensed to serve.




6 wks. To 12 mths.



12 mths. To 24 mths.



24 mths. To 36 mths.



3 year olds



4 year olds






School age (gr.1-6)





     Prior to admission, each parent must pay a non-refundable registration fee, and fill out the necessary paperwork required by the center.  These papers will include an Enrollment Agreement which states that parents have read and understand our policies and fees.  All health information, such as allergies or chronic conditions is needed by your child’s start date.  The exception to this would be the medical statement, which must be signed by a physician and turned in to the office within 30 days of your child’s enrollment.

     Although it may take some time filling out each form, please understand that this is pertinent information for us.  It will help to assure the safety and well being of your child as well as the other children in our care.

     Tuition is due each Monday, or your child’s first day of attendance for the current week.  A late fee will be charged for all unpaid accounts.  If your account becomes two weeks delinquent, your child will be disenrolled from the program until fees are paid.  All children picked up after 6:00 PM, will be charged a $5.00/every 15 minutes late fee.  This money is due when you arrive to pick up your child.

     If more than one child from the same family attends the center, than the oldest child(ren) will receive a 10% discount off the regular tuition rate.  Full tuition will be paid for the youngest child.  We also offer a military discount.  

     After a three-month enrollment, each family is given two weeks of vacation credit.  The two vacation credits can be used at any time for the current enrollment period (August to August).  As re-enrollment is completed, two more vacation credits will be given.  These weeks can be used simultaneously or separately.  Please give us at least a week notice before using this credit by filling out a vacation request form for that week.  The forms are located on the parent board in the front fall, and on the website, under parent forms.

     When the need arises to permanently withdraw your child from the program, we would appreciate as much advance notice as possible, but request at least two weeks.  If the need arises for the directors to terminate your child’s enrollment due to financial or behavioral situations, a two-week notice will also be given if it is appropriate.


     Parents must accompany their child to the appropriate room upon arrival each day to assure that a staff member is aware of their presence.  Children may not be dropped off at the front entrance of the building or be sent inside alone.  Also, the teacher needs to be notified of your child’s departure at the end of the day.  Attendance is monitored daily by the classroom staff.  Be sure that you check in and out with that person.  If you would like your child released to anyone other than yourself, including a non-custodial parent, then you MUST let us know in advance.  A child shall only be released to persons sixteen years of age or older, unless written permission is granted and on file.  Proof of identification will be necessary before your child will be released.  If notification is not given about a change in the pickup routine, the center will call you for permission to release.

     The directors need to be informed of any custody issues involving the family.  A copy of the custody arrangements and any restraining orders need to be on file.  For the safety and the well being of the child, the center’s position is to remain neutral in these situations.  On-site visitations will not be permitted for the non-custodial parent.


     The center will be open and available on any days that school is not in session (ex. holidays, in-service days, and snow days).  If the schools are on a delay due to inclement weather, the center will be available to transport your child to school.

     Parents will need to notify the center when their child will not need transportation to or from school.  If notification is not given, the center will contact you about the whereabouts of your child.

     School age children will be permitted to run errands inside the building for the staff members as well as help in younger rooms.  The help may include reading stories, engaging in activities, and interacting with the younger children.

     A group of six children or less, 4th grade and older, may be engaged in safe activities without adult supervision.  The children must be within hearing distance of the childcare staff members and must be checked on periodically.


     We want your child’s time spent at the center to be enriching, and different from the time they spend at home.  We ask that you help your child to make this distinction, and to keep their “home toys” home.  However, it is acceptable for your child to bring a blanket or stuffed animal for rest time along with a change of clothes.  PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING.


     Our open door policy means PARENTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!  We invite our parents to spend time in the center.  Parents are encouraged to join their child in special activities, class parties, and field trips whenever desired.

     Each month a newsletter will come home informing our families of what is happening and special events that are planned for that month.  You may also receive letters and calendars from your child’s individual classroom, with more detailed information for that room.  Please take the time to read whatever is sent home, so that you are always aware of what is happening.  On occasion, there will be a family night, parent’s night or open house at the center.  These activities will vary from month to month.

     Contact information for families attending the center is available upon request.  The directors can release information only if permission has been granted.

     Your input is important!  Anytime there is a concern of any sort, please feel free to discuss it with your child’s teacher and with the directors.  We want daily communication to flow freely.  At least one time a year, formal conferences will be scheduled to review your child’s progress.  If you feel the need, you are welcome to schedule an appointment to discuss any problems, concerns, or your child's progress.  When an on sight conference is not possible, you may request a telephone conference.  Above all, we want all our parents to be as much a part of the program as possible.


     One Saturday evening a month, we offer childcare services for our registered families.  This service does cost an extra fee.  The building will be staffed according to the number of children signed up for childcare for that particular evening.  We will maintain the state mandated ratios and children will be supervised at all times.  The interior door will remain locked, as always.  Only parents and staff will be able to enter the building for drop off and pick up with their personal code.  Here is a typical schedule for the evening.

6:30-8:00 Free play
8:00-8:30 Clean up/evening snack
8:30-9:00 Clean up snack/PJ’s/brush teeth, etc.
9:00-12:00 Quiet activities/ G-rated movie


     A babysitting list is available with staff names and phone numbers for after hour’s childcare.  A written permission must be granted before a staff member can transport a child off the center’s premises.  If care is extended to overnight and it is during the workweek, a contact person (other than the staff member) must be given in the event of illness or injury.  A staff member will not be permitted to leave work in order to care for your sick or injured child.  Explorations will not be responsible for the actions of the staff after their scheduled work times.  Any problems that should occur must be resolved away from the center.  The directors or other staff members will not get involved in any disputes or disagreements among the parents and the babysitter.


     Safety in our center is a TOP priority.  In order to assure that your child is safe and secure while in our care, these policies will be upheld at all times:

  • All children will be supervised at all times.  Attendance will be taken several times throughout the day.
  • All parents will be required to fill out an emergency transportation form with names and numbers for quick contacts, which will be kept by the phone in case of an emergency.  The phone will be designated for business use only.
  • Immediate telephone access will always be available, including anytime the children are away from the center or in a center van.
  • Fire drills will be conducted once a month.  A fire emergency and weather alert plan will be posted in each room.
  • All staff will be required to have first aid, communicable disease and child abuse training.  Staff with CPR training will be on sight at all times, including on all field trips.
  • Any staff member suspecting child abuse or neglect will be required, by law, to report their suspected abuse to Children’s Services.
  • Any time there is an accident or injury, an incident report will be completed.  A copy of this report will be given to the parents and the original form will be kept on file at the center.
  • Aerosols will not be used when children are in the building. 


     Each time the children participate in water play, safety precautions will be taken.  School age children will swim in water that is two or more feet in depth and will take place only in approved, public swimming areas, supervised by our staff and certified lifeguards.  Additional staff members will accompany the children to these swimming sites.  Attendance will be taken before the trip, during break times at the site, before departure, and upon arrival at the center.   Preschool and younger children will swim in less than two feet of water (wading pools) in a designated fenced in area.  These children will not leave the premises and will be supervised by the staff members.  Children will first need signed written permission from a parent.  This permission slip will state the child’s name, birth date and a statement indicating whether the child is a swimmer or a non-swimmer.


     Whenever children are transported by the center’s van or taken on a walking trip, written permission will be necessary from the parents for each trip.  Each child will be required to wear a tag or shirt stating the name, address and telephone number of the center before leaving the school grounds.  Staff trained in first aid, communicable disease and CPR will be on each trip.  Each van is equipped with a complete first aid kit, each child’s emergency transportation authorization form and health records.  The staff will also have an attendance record of the children participating on the trip.  Attendance will be taken before the trip, during the trip, before departure, and upon arrival at the center.  A minimum of two staff members will accompany the children on all field trips.

     For routine trips, such as school van runs, a permission slip needs to be updated annually.  The drivers are required to have first aid and communicable disease training.  A daily attendance record is kept in each van to account for each child’s schedule.


     The center shall provide outdoor play each day in suitable weather for toddlers, preschoolers and school age children.  Children will remain indoors when the temperature drops below 25 degrees F.  The children will not be permitted outdoors in the snow without proper outerwear, which would include a coat, boots, snow pants, gloves and a hat. 

     During the hot months, outdoor play would be severely limited or disallowed when the temperature exceeds 90 degrees or is an ozone action day.

     The staff will allow for active indoor play on days that the children must remain indoors.  These activities may include active games, activities or musical movement.  The preschool classes may choose to use the large school age room during school hours.



     Action may or may not be needed for general emergencies such as environmental situations, threats of violence, natural disasters, or loss of power, heat or water.  The directors will take action depending on the situation.  These actions could include, but would not necessarily be limited to, contacting the police, emergency services and/or the parents.  If evacuation is necessary, the children, staff and parents will exit to the back fence of the property.  The detailed emergency plans are posted in each classroom.

     On rare occasions, it may be necessary to delay or close the center due to the emergencies listed above or because of poor weather conditions.  We will make every effort to open the doors at the normal time.  However, if such circumstances should arise, watch Channel 2, Channel 7, and FOX 45 for any delay or closing information.  That information will also be posted on the website, and Facebook page.


     Even with the most carefully made plans, unfortunately, at times, medical emergencies may arise.  In the event of such an occurrence, certain steps will be followed.  The directors will be notified immediately, and will decide what action to take.  The parents will be notified of the situation.  Should the parents be unreachable, or the severity of the illness or injury warrant it, 911 will be called.  The child will be transported to the hospital previously designated on the emergency transportation form by the parent.  In extreme emergencies, the child will be transported to the nearest hospital.

     In the event of a dental emergency, the child’s dentist will be called.  If the emergency warrants it, 911 will be called.  The child will be transported to the hospital of the parent’s choice.

     The center’s medical and dental emergency plan will be posted in each classroom, as well as by the phone.

     An incident/injury report will be completed and given to the person picking up the child on that day.  If a child requires emergency transportation, the report will be available within 24 hours after the incident/injury occurred.


     The children’s daily schedule will include a morning snack, lunch and an afternoon snack.  Lunch will provide food which constitutes 1/3 of your child’s recommended daily dietary allowances.  If you choose to pack your child’s lunch, it also needs to include 1/3 of the daily requirements.  Lunch and snack will be made available to any child enrolled in the center that is 12 months of age or older. 


     Discipline is necessary as well as important in your child’s life, and should not be confused with punishment.  Appropriate discipline can help your child to make well thought out choices, as well as teach the importance of actions and consequences.  With the responsibility learned by appropriate behavior comes self-esteem.  With these ideas in mind, here is a list of Exploration’s discipline policies, which apply to all persons on the premises:

  • The classroom teachers will set well-defined limits that are developmentally appropriate, and always consistent.
  • No physical punishment, ridicule, or physical restraints will ever be used.
  • Children are always to be treated with respect.
  • Discipline does not include withholding food, sleep, or toileting.
  • The children will be separated from a problem situation and redirected to another activity as a first measure.
  • When discipline is necessary, a kind but firm voice is appropriate.  Yelling and ridicule are not tolerated.
  • Time-outs are used when necessary to give the child a chance to regain control.  Time-out periods are kept short and in the supervision of the staff member in charge.
  • The center will involve the parents only when uncontrollable behavior persists.
  • If a child is consistently endangering himself/herself, peers, or staff, it may become necessary to disenroll that child.  Every attempt will be made to work together to correct the behavior.  However, the safety of the children is always our primary concern.


When it is nearing the time for your child to graduate to the next classroom, here is the procedure that we will follow. 

  • You will receive a form with the date that your child will start transitioning.  It will also include the official start date in the new room.  The transition can take up to two weeks to get your child adjusted to the new room.  Your signature will be needed so that we know that the transition period is acceptable to you.
  • We will let you know what portion of the day you can expect your child to spend in the new room.
  • Your child will be considered in the attendance in both rooms to assure that ratios are always maintained.
  • When it is time for the official move, you will receive a graduation certificate from the younger room, and a welcome letter in the new room.


     We will accept a child into the center that exhibits mild cold or allergy symptoms, providing that he/she is able to participate in regular activities.  You will be notified if symptoms worsen.

     Any child exhibiting symptoms of a contagious illness may not attend the center.  If the staff identify any symptoms of contagious illness upon arrival, your child will not be permitted to enter.  If your child becomes ill while at the center, we will call you to pick up the child. That child may be readmitted after being symptom free for 24 hours.  If the symptoms continue for more than 24 hours, a note from the child's physician will be required.  The note needs to state that the child is not contagious and may resume normal activity in order to return to the center.

     Any child with any of the following signs or symptoms of illness shall be immediately isolated, and discharged to his/her parents:

  • Diarrhea  (more than three abnormally loose stools within a 24-hour period.)
  • Severe coughing, causing the child to become red or blue in the face or to make a whooping sound.
  • Difficult or rapid breathing.
  • Yellowish skin or eyes.
  • Redness of the eyes, discharge, matted eyelashes, burning, itching.
  • Axillary temperatures of 100 degrees F. combined with any other sign of illness.
  • Untreated infected skin patches, unusual spots or rashes.
  • Unusually dark urine and/or gray or white stool.
  • Stiff neck with an elevated temperature.
  • Vomiting
  • Evidence of untreated lice, scabies, or other parasitic infestations.
  • Sore throat or difficulty in swallowing.

     A child isolated due to suspected communicable disease shall be within sight and hearing of a staff member at all times.  A cot will be made available to make the child comfortable.  After use, the cot will be disinfected with the appropriate germicide.

     A “Child Day Care Center Communicable Disease Chart” will be posted in the office for referral to these symptoms and the actions to be taken.  A notice will be posted on the classroom door in the event that your child has been exposed to a communicable disease.

     A qualified person such as a doctor, nurse or the Red Cross, will train all staff in proper handwashing and disinfecting techniques, as well as recognition of symptoms of communicable disease.

     Staff exhibiting symptoms of communicable disease will be kept home, and replaced with a qualified person for that time.


     The health and safety of the children is so important, and therefore we have specific procedures for administering any and all medications, food supplements, modified diets, or fluoride supplements.  We cannot administer ANY medication, food supplements, or modified diets without a signed form by the parents and sometimes the doctor.  Please be sure to understand these procedures beforehand.  This will prevent confusion when your child does need medication.  All medication will be administered by the staff, including medications for school age children.

   PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS are administered according to the physician’s instructions.  They must be presented in their original container with the prescription label intact.  The label will state the child’s name, the current date (within the last 12 months), the correct dosage and number of times to be given.  With this bottle and label, we will need only the parent’s signature on the medication form, not the physician’s.  Without this information, the physician’s directions and signature will be necessary on the form as well.  A physician’s signature is also needed for a modified diet if a food group has been eliminated.  The signed medication form will have to be resubmitted after 12 months if the child is still taking the medication or is still on the modified diet.

   NON-PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS that do not contain aspirin or codeine may be administered by the center without a physician’s signature if they are presented in their original container with the label intact.  The label must include an appropriate dosage for your child’s age and weight.  The full name of the child must be printed on the original container.  Dosages administered by the center will not exceed the manufacturer’s recommendation.  Over the counter medications will be administered for a maximum of three consecutive days.  The medication form must be filled out by the parent and signed before any medication can be given. 

    Non-prescription topical ointments, creams or lotions can be applied with instructions and a signature from the parent on a medication form.  This form will remain valid for 12 months.  Ointments, creams and lotions that are applied for skin irritations can be given for no more than 14 consecutive days.

    MODIFIED DIETS that eliminate an entire food group need a medication form signed by a physician.



6:30-8:00 Arrival, breakfast, supervised play

     Each infant’s daily schedule will be individualized by staff and parents to include feedings and naps as well as active and quiet times.

Staff engaged activities would include, but not be limited to:

  • Language development through books, songs and conversation.
  • Sensory experiences designed to use all the senses through nature, art, tasting and touching.
  • Large and small muscle development through crawling, pulling up onto ballet bar, building, coloring, and the use of equipment and toys designed to enhance their growth.


6:30-8:00 Arrival, breakfast, supervised play
8:00-9:00 Active group play – blocks, books, hand toys
9:00-9:30 Diapering, handwashing, snack
9:30-10:00 Outdoor play
10:00-11:15 Activity time:  dancing, singing, story time, games, art
11:15-12:00 Diapering, handwashing, lunch
12:00-2:00 Naptime & quiet play upon awaking
2:30-3:00 Diapering, handwashing, snack
3:00-4:00 Outdoor play
4:00-4:30 Active group play
4:30-5:30 Diapering, supervised play including music, dancing, coloring, building, hand toys, etc. 


6:30-8:30 Arrival, breakfast, supervised play
8:30-9:00 Morning group time – language, music, books
9:00-9:30 Morning snack, toileting
9:30-11:00 Activity time – art, sensory motor, math, dramatic play, blocks,  science & nature
11:00-11:30 Outdoor games and play, large muscle development
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Prepare for nap – toileting, stories
12:15-2:30 Naptime
2:30-3:00 Snack, afternoon group time – language, music, books
3:00-3:30 Indoor/outdoor supervised play, toileting 
3:30-5:00 Manipulatives, puzzles, dramatic play, blocks
5:00-5:30 Supervised play, parent pick up


6:30-8:30 Arrival, breakfast, supervised play
8:30-9:00 Morning group time – language, music, books, sharing
9:00-9:30 Snack, bathroom
9:30-11:00 Teacher directed activities/learning centers – language, math, science & nature, art, dramatic play, blocks, manipulatives
11:00-11:45 Indoor/outdoor large muscle games and activities
11:45-12:15 Lunch
12:15-12:30 Prepare for nap – bathroom, books
12:30-2:30 Naptime
2:30-3:00 Bathroom and clean up from nap
3:00-3:30 Snack, afternoon group time – language, music, books
3:30-4:30 Outdoor supervised play
4:30-5:00 Manipulatives, dramatic play, puzzles, blocks, games
5:00-5:30 Supervised play and games, parent pick up


     This schedule is an example of a typical day of a school age child that attends school elsewhere, and participates in the center’s program for another part of the day.

6:30-8:00 Arrival, breakfast, free choice, bus
11:30-12:00 Arrival from kindergarten – supervised play
12:00-1:00 Lunch, quiet time – reading and table activities
1:00-2:30 Teacher directed art, science and music
2:30-4:00 Arrival from schools – snack, indoor/outdoor supervised play
4:00-5:00 Interest centers – homework, computers, art, games, manipulatives, relaxation, music
5:00-5:30 Supervised play, parent pick up


     This schedule is an example of a typical day that a school age child may spend at the center, on a non-school day, such as vacation times and summer break.  During the summer break time, the older children participate in three field trips a week and participate in organized educational activities.

6:30-9:30 Arrival, breakfast, free choice
9:30-10:00 Clean up, snack
10:00-12:00 Morning activity time – field trips, arts & crafts, computers, organized indoor and outdoor games
12:00-1:00 Lunch, quiet time – books and table activities
1:00-3:00 Afternoon activity time – same as morning activities – children rotate between different centers that are open.
3:00-3:30 Clean up, snack
3:30-4:00 Indoor and outdoor supervised play
4:00-5:00 Interest centers – computers, art, games, manipulatives, relaxation, music
5:00-5:30 Supervised play, parent pick up

Ohio Department of Job and Family Services

Center Parent Information Required by Ohio Administrative Code

     The facility is licensed to operate legally by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.  This license is posted in a conspicuous place for review.

     A toll-free telephone number is listed on the facility’s license and may be used to report a suspected violation of the licensing law or administrative rules.  The licensing law and rules governing childcare are available for review at the facility upon request.

     The administrators and each employee of the facility are required, under section 2151.421 of the Ohio Revised Code, to report their suspicions of child abuse or child neglect to the local public children’s services agency.

      Any parent, custodian, or guardian of a child enrolled in the facility shall be permitted unlimited access to the facility during all hours of operation for the purpose of contacting their children, evaluating the care provided by the facility or evaluating the premises.  Upon entering the premises, the parent, or guardian shall notify the administrators of his/her presence.

     Contact information for parents/guardians of the children attending the facility is available upon request.  This information will not include the name, telephone number, or e-mail of any parent/guardian who requests that his/her name, telephone number, or e-mail not be included.

     Recent licensing inspection reports and any substantiated complaint investigation reports for the past two years are posted in a conspicuous place in the facility for review.

     The licensing record, including licensing inspection reports, complaint investigation reports, and evaluation forms from the building and fire departments, is available for review upon written request from the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services.  The center's licensing inspection reports for the past two years are also available for review on the Child Care in Ohio website.  The website is http://jfs.ohio.gov/cdc/childcare.stm

     It is unlawful for the facility to discriminate in the enrollment of children upon the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or disability in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 104 Stat. 32, 42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.